Wednesday, February 24, 2021

TSW: Christian World News Source!


Why God cannot “Bless America”


(A Christian Perspective & Opinion)

By Eric William King

Deuteronomy 7:13 –

God says that He will bless “Your Grain and your New Wine and your Oil.”

God blessed ancient Israel and protected them so much. Today all over the world and in America, the country greatly blessed of God, people are lost. In America families that had a history of worshiping the ONE TRUE GOD have turned away. Children are no longer being taught strong static-morals.

We live in a world of thrill seekers. We live in a world where truth is perceived as “relative”. Just because humans do not understand ultimate truth does not mean that ONE ULTIMATE TRUTH does not exist. The arrogance of mans fallen nature is deep, corrupt, and evil.

Politicians Lost Touch

“Justice? You high and mighty politicians don’t even know the meaning of the word! Fairness? Which of you has any left? Not one! All your dealings are crooked: you give “justice” in exchange for bribes. These men are born sinners, lying from their earliest words! They are poisonous as deadly snakes, cobras that close their ears to the most expert of charmers.”

Psalm 58: 1-5 (The Living Bible)

Doesn’t that just about sum it all up? Yikes! American people today do not have to really ever grow up. We are a nation of TOYS. Material and electronic devices have become the means of almost all social behavior. In the distant past Americans didn’t have refrigerators, computers, or television. Nope. They had to go outside to FIND their food. They had to make their own homes. They had to make their own clothes. In other words, they had to truly work and they cherished the fruits of their labor.

Everything is deeply distorted in today’s society. The modern psychologists inform us that we should “follow the science”. At the same time they ask us to ignore that science when it comes to biological realties regarding male and female humans.  They want us to accept their “BIG LIE”.

Their Big Lie

The real big lie is telling children that some human males are actually girls and that some biological guys are not really what science says they are. No, no, no! “And if you do not believe that perhaps we (the fallen government) will demand that you do believe that and penalties will follow if you accept the TRUE SCIENCE REGARDING THE ISSUE.”

Another dreadful lie is the idea that a growing human baby in a mother’s womb is not really a growing human baby but simply a “globe of flesh” that you can just flush down the toilet. It amazes me that some people are so concerned about saving a “cookoobocky flea” yet have no problem killing human children.

These same “TRUE BIG LIE PEOPLE” are now running our country. Hang on brothers and sisters. Watch how they begin to pass restriction laws regarding worship. Coming to your town soon!

Distorted Thinking

A person walking by me said; “That cross you’re wearing is an idol.” He told me that his pastor told him that. Well, an idol is something much more than a 2000 year old symbol of Christianity. Cell phones….let’s talk about idols. People sleep, eat, drink, drive and everything else with their cell phones. I haven’t had a cell phone for five years. Feels great.

Our country has lost true adulthood, we have children raised around thousands of “toys” telling past generations (who know what it really means to work) how to live, eat, drink, and sleep. We have congress members who have been “out of it” for a long time experiencing “second childhoods” – out of touch with everyday Americans.

Sadly, we Americans are experiencing things that Jesus warned about. Fighting in the streets, violence, political division and Marxist God-hating groups are coming to light. The extreme liberals are engaged in breaking our patriotic and national backbone. With their constant lying and exaggerations they proceed.

What did the demarcate-governors do about the violence in their states? Absolutely nothing. It has also been brought to our attention that some families are supporting some of the violent Marxist groups in our country. They should be exposed and properly dealt with as enemies of the United States of America.

These are just some of the problems which are in fact fixable. However, the Scriptures inform us that this is just the beginning of all the craziness. As Christians we try our best to vote for the “moral” politicians and get involved where and when we can but we certainly realize that our ultimate Kingdom is not of this “fallen” world.

Time to Get Busy & Pray

In this fallen world (with evil and sin) we can easily loose “balance” without the proper compass. We are not to be deceived by material things. (Philippians 3:19; Romans 8:5-7) To us Christians Jesus Christ is our guide and compass, not our fallen human natures. (Proverbs 3:5-6; John 16:13-15) We have learned not to put trust in our sinful-self but instead to surrender to the “mind of Christ” within. (Colossians 3:2) This isn’t always easy but we grow through the process.

The Bible tells us that “God can be seen in the things of creation. (Romans 1:20) There are laws, natural laws in our cosmos that must be respected. As Christians we understand that even the physical laws have become distorted because of sin, things don’t always work the way that they were originally intended to. (Romans 8:21-22) So God’s word instructs us to stay balanced in diet, health, rest, relationship with others and to maintain equilibrium of facts. This all happens through how we think and act. (Philippians 4:8)

As Christians we also understand that our psyche (soul) must be fed proper things. We “eat” from the Word of God daily. We pray to Heavenly Father and maintain an honest relationship with God through Jesus Christ our Lord. We should not disturb the conscience of others purposely. Some people are vegetarians, many Christians are vegetarians yet it is not a sin to eat meat moderately. We should never impose food laws or try and force some “food law” on another, the Bible states that all food is good that God has blessed. (Romans 14:1-4; 1st Timothy 4:3-5)

Respect Others

We should not talk about certain things or eat a certain way in front of those we know that it might disturb. (1st Corinthians 10:31-33) Being responsible and respectful in our relationship with others as Christians is extremely important. As Christians we listen to music, read books, eat and associate with others of like mind. The Bible instructs us not to be “unevenly yoked”. (2nd Corinthians 6:14)

Watch how you Think

As far as emotions go we recognize the danger of certain feelings such as anger, pride, jealousy, spitefulness, revenge, etc. We become conscious of our sinful nature and we stop feeding it. This is only possible through the supernatural help of the Holy Spirit which dwells in every true “born again” Christian. In this sense we try and maintain our harmony with others. Living in this sinful world can place the non-Christian in a state of constant conflict. The Bible explains what sin is and how to overcome it. Jesus Christ becomes our constant trust and peace. We have faith and hope. We know that God is in control. This is our peace, a peace that the world does not have. (1st John 2:15-17)

Proper relationship with Divine Intelligence

True Christians also seek proper relationship with nature. We do not want to destroy our planet and this starts first with respecting life, human life included. If humans do not understand that the creation of another human is most sacred and not just something to take lightly then they have an extreme distortion of priorities.

So first, one must meet God and learn from His word. The most important relationship you can develop is your relationship with God and that means that you have to deal with the fact that you are a sinner. Pride keeps many away from the Almighty God. You were created by Divine Intelligence and you must be guided by Divine Intelligence to be properly restored to true harmony now and into eternity.

Turbulent Times

God has saved us through His grace, through our faith in Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 2”8-9; 1st Timothy 6:12). Without true faith it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11:6) We catch ourselves putting faith in things that do not last and thus we become depressed and upset. In these turbulent times I urge you to remain in God’s word and prayer. Trust God.

I invite you to study the Gospel of Jesus Christ and truly get to know God. Your Creator loves you and is awaiting your response.

Thank you for studying with us here at “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget of Truth”.

Resting in the finished work of Jesus Christ for my salvation and yours,

Eric William King (Compiled February 23rd 2021)

Prayer for God’s True Church in America

Our Father who art in heaven, hollowed be thy name. Yes, Lord God, dear Father, hollowed be Your name, both in us and throughout the whole world.

Destroy and root out the abominations, idolatry, and heresy of those who war against the Church: all false teachers and the divisive spirits who wrongly use Your name and in shameful ways take it in vain.

They horribly blaspheme and insistently boast that in Your name they teach Your Word, when in reality it is the devil’s deceit and trickery in the guise of Your name by which they seduce many poor souls throughout the world, even killing and shedding much blood, and in such persecution they believe that they render You a divine service.

Dear Lord God, convert and restrain them, that together we may hallow and praise Your name both with true and pure doctrine and with a good and holy life.

Restrain those who are unwilling to be converted so that they are forced to cease from misusing, defiling, and dishonoring Your holy name and from misleading the poor people. Amen.

ALSO READ NOW: What's happening America?


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