Thursday, May 21, 2020

Our Future Kingdom

Our Future Kingdom
By Eric William King

What you are about to read is a basic chronological order of events which help unfold and explain the Kingdom of God. This paper is based on research from the earliest manuscripts and the Ancient Antiochene Church. This is a part of our awesome message to planet Earth. Read, share!

As true Christians (regenerated children of God) we are already in God’s Kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord. Figuratively we are “seated at His right hand” in the Heavenly Realms. (Ephesians 2:6; Colossians 1:13-14) While here (on Earth) we are ambassadors of the “coming kingdom”…this includes the “Millennial Kingdom”. 

The famous “Lord’s prayer” has that petition; “Thy kingdom come.” (Matthew 6:9-13) What kingdom are we as Christians praying for? This ultimately is the final phase of God’s “coming kingdom” that we are praying for but it includes the Church and the Millennial Kingdom. We could say that praying for God’s “kingdom to come” also means allowing His kingdom to affect us now. 

St Martin Luther explains this in his “short catechism” as such; 

“To be sure, the kingdom of God comes of itself, without our prayer, but we pray in this petition that it may also come to us. How is this done? When the heavenly Father gives us his Holy Spirit so that by his grace we may believe his holy Word and live a godly life, both here in time and hereafter forever.” 

The Kingdom & Kingdom Members

When Jesus Christ came here He legitimately offered the Messianic Kingdom to literal Israel (Matthew 11:1-6; Luke 17:20-21). They rejected their King and Jesus went to the cross for all of us (Matthew 27:23; Luke 23:38). Jesus built His church which is the “kingdom in mystery” (Matthew 16:18; Mark 4:11), it is a time when the Kingdom Members (Christians) are still living on fallen planet earth yet they remain “one body” (Ephesians 4:4-6) of believers, the Kingdom as the Church (Ephesians 3:4-5, 10). We serve a God of relationship. Through the Church we are also experiencing God in relationship. 

The Christian Church is calling all to come into the Kingdom of God (John 3:16). When you become a true Christian you become a kingdom member (John 1:12-13). If you die your spirit/soul goes to heaven where our King is, Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:23-24). If you (as a Christian) are still here on planet Earth when Jesus returns for His church you will be “caught up” to meet Him in the “air” in your new resurrected body (1 Thessalonians 4:17-18). 

So as Christians we now are blessed by being legitimate Kingdom Members, family members of God (Ephesians 1:3; Philippians 3:20). Jesus is already our King and is seated at the “right hand” of God the Father on the Eternal Throne [in Heaven] and from this throne He rules His church (Luke 22:69). When He leaves this throne He will descend to sit on the Davidic Throne and from there He will literally rule literal Israel from a renewed planet Earth for 1000 years (Acts 3:19-23; Matthew 19:28). 

Christians are ambassadors of this Awesome Kingdom (2 Corinthians 5:20-21). 

The Kingdom in Phases

We as Christians understand that there are different phases of God’s Kingdom active in space and time (John 14:3). Most think of God’s Kingdom as being distant or future but to us (Christians) it has really already arrived. We begin to take the message of the Gospel in…and through the power of the Holy Spirit we begin to somewhat process and receive the blessing

Our first parents (Adam & Eve) lost Paradise because of their sins. Mankind has longed to return to Paradise. Through Jesus Christ our relationship with God is restored and eventually so is Paradise. First, Jesus came and offered the promised Messianic Kingdom. It was rejected and Jesus died for our sins. Next, Jesus built His church and empowered it with the Holy Spirit to proclaim the coming Kingdom and invite people into God’s kingdom (now inviting all people not just literal Israel). The Christian Church is what we call “the kingdom in mystery”, not yet complete but on a mission. 

Jesus will come back to get the last part (remnant) of His church right before the last and Great Tribulational period of our current system (1 Corinthians 15:51-53; 1 Thessalonians 4:17-18). Once this planet is judged Jesus and His church will return to help renew the earth (Psalm 104:30; Isaiah 55:17-25). Those who have survived the Great Tribulation will enter a new dispensation of time and a New Age called the Millennial Earth Period (Revelation 20:6; Matthew 25:34). 

The main thrust of the Gospel Message centers on the Kingship of Jesus and His coming Kingdom. We serve a covenantial God and God has continued to prove the reality of His existence through prophecy (which involves relationship). The entire Bible testifies to the Kingdom of God which will include the Millennial Kingdom and fulfill all the Davidian prophecies (Isaiah 55:11; Psalm 89:34-37; Amos 9:11-12). 

A Renewed Planet Earth

At the end of the Great Tribulation all the true saints will be gathered in heaven. Jesus Christ and all the saints will return to planet Earth and “renew it” (Zech. 14:5; Isaiah 66:22-24; Acts 3:19-23). Those left on earth after the tribulation will enter the Millennial Kingdom of God (Matthew 25:31-34; Revelation 20:6). This kingdom phase will fulfill all of the Davidic promises that God made with literal Israel throughout the Old Testament (2 Samuel 7:4-17; 1 Chronicles 17:3-15). This kingdom will last exactly 1000 years (Revelation 20:6; 5:9-10). 

The Modern Followers of Jesus Christ are proclaiming this Kingdom even now (Acts 19:8) and they are also praying for it to come (Luke 11:2; 21:31). Jesus empowered His church to go into the entire world with this redeeming message (Acts 1:6-8; Matthew 28:18-20). 

Many resurrected and glorified Christians since Jesus first built His church will assist those human families that will be left after the Great Tribulation (Isaiah 65:21; Revelation 5:10; Matthew 19:28). The Christian Church will participate in training humans during the Millennial Kingdom. (Revelation 2:26-29; 1 Corinthians 6:2-3; Obadiah 21; Jeremiah 23:4; Isaiah 65:17-25) 

Think about how awesome our God is! First He saves us and trains us, raises us up. Then He allows us to participate, during the Millennium and throughout eternity, in helping others by using the knowledge that He has shown us. 

At the end of the 1000 year kingdom there will come a conclusion called the “Great White Throne Judgment” (Revelation 20:7; 11-15). All evil will be destroyed and a complete NEW CREATION of all dimensions will occur – space and time as we know it shall end. This is called the “Age of the Ages” (Revelation 21:1; 1 Corinthians 15:26-28). A complete new spiritual planet and universe. This will be our eternal abode beyond any comprehension (Revelation 21:3-4; Isaiah 55:8-9).

The Coming War & Strife

It is true that the Bible teaches that there is a conflict coming before the second coming of Jesus Christ and perhaps before the “rapture” of the Christian Church. There are “signs in the heavens” which means that even the church may be here to witness some major heavenly signs or something hitting the earth. Demonic UFO activity will increase. Also, there is the Middle Eastern war prophesied called the “War of Gog and Magog”. Christians may witness this war start before the rapture of the church

We know that Satan [the Supreme Enemy] has a “seed” that is fighting against true Christianity. The “tares” will continue to try and destroy God’s true people. They follow “the way of Cain” (false religion or no religion) and are thus Kenites

There are many terrible things that could happen between now and the rapture of the church but we are not to focus on these things. There have been “Blood Moon” signs and major weather changes coupled with mega storms. We should expect major earthquakes also. Again, we are not to be overly concerned. We will continue to witness the truthfulness of God’s word. 

Having a Happy Future

God promises all of His true children lasting happiness within the best of all that is or ever shall be – this is no mere dream. God has provided His creation with instructions – the Word of God. God’s word contains the Truth and the message of Everlasting Life

Jesus prayed to God the Father; “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17:3) God wants to give you a relationship that will last into eternity. God has helped lead humanity throughout all the dispensations of time. Just as a child may go through different grades in school so has God lead humanity. From our first human parents we count Seven Major Dispensation Periods given to us in Scripture; we are in the sixth. 

God has left so much beauty on this planet. We have taken advantage of most all the things we have. While here as Christians we are to enjoy this planet with God’s love. We are to help take care of this planet but we also realize that this planet will soon come to an end as we know it. This makes us take nothing for granted. 

The most important message that this planet has is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A true Christian in God’s hands has nothing to be anxious or fearful about. The message of the Gospel will save the most utterly lost soul. All you are asked to do is believe. 

It is my wish that you would continue to gain the accurate knowledge of God through His word and His church. God’s word gives us guidance through our daily lives and into eternity. 

As God’s people we embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are “born again” citizens of Christ’s Kingdom here on earth. We have a job to do. We are to serve our King. We are ambassadors of God’s kingdom. Jesus instructs us to “seek his kingdom”. My prayer is that you would truly begin to seek for that kingdom.        

Resting in the finished work of my Savior and King, Jesus the Christ.

By Eric William King (May 20th 2020)

*Visit here: Begin to understand the Dispensations!

Also read: Know Church History

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