Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Enoch Prophecy

The Enoch Prophecy

Ancient Antiochene Christian Prophecy

By Eric William King

Who was Enoch? The first two children of Adam and Eve where Cain and Abel. Cain had a son whom he named Enoch and there was a city built in his name, “The City of Enoch”. After the City of Enoch was destroyed by the Great Flood stories of this Kenite civilization morphed into mythical stories of Lemuria and Ancient Atlantis. Seth (who replaced Abel after Cain killed Abel) also had a son named Enoch. It is this special Enoch that we are here referring to. 

This Enoch was from the Adamic line of Seth and the son of Jared. It is said that this Enoch “walked with God”. The phrase “walked with God” goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve “Walked with God”. It denotes one having a “personal relationship” with God. Enoch was close to God. The New Testament book of Hebrews informs us that it was Enoch’s FAITH that held him close to God (Hebrews 11:6-5). 

Enoch had sons and daughters born to him but it did not interfere with his close relationship with God. This Enoch was the father of the famous Methuselah and he “walked with God.” He had a personal relationship with God and one day God “took him” up (Genesis 5:24). God “raptured” Enoch. In this sense Enoch typifies the Christian Church being “raptured” right before The Tribulation. Enoch was raptured before the Great Flood (Hebrews 11:5) 

Enoch thus typifies the “raptured saints”, those saints who will be living in the “last times”. He represents those “translated saints” who will not see death at “the Catching away of Christ’s Church.” (1st Thessalonians 4:16-18; 1st Corinthians 15:51-53) 

The Enoch Prophecy for Today

There is the offspring of Cain which survived the Great Flood that still exists today. The Kenites are still here on planet earth. The Epistle of Jude states; 

“Woe to them! They have taken the way of Cain; they have rushed for profit into Balaam’s error; they have been destroyed in Korah’s rebellion. These men are blemishes at your feasts, eating with you without the slightest qualm – shepherds who feed only themselves.” (v.11) 

Balaam’s desire was for gain and he lead Israel into sin. Today many “preachers” preach for money, they preach for gain. Many modern Kenites do the same. This is a sad “spiritual condition”. Those who have “taken the way of Cain” deceive others with false hope, false promises. We can imagine Enoch warning the people of his time. Telling them to “straighten up” or judgment will come. Sure enough the “Great Flood” came and destroyed all the people who decided to ignore God. Just because one ignores God that does not make God go away. 

What was going on during the times of Enoch? “Then men began to multiply on the face of the earth.” (Genesis 6:1) The godless descendants of Cain had outnumbered the descendants of Seth. Population of the ungodly and moral relativists jumped. Materialism and hopelessness spread. 

The “daughters of men” from both the line of Cain and Seth were living in the first dispensation of sin. Adam and Eve had failed and the parents of all the other civilizations started noticing a huge difference in all activities of planet earth. Animal activity, weather activity, human relationship activity, all had now been contaminated by sin. 

The human disconnect from the True God made them replace God with superstitions. Some decided “just do what you want, there is no God”.

Different civilizations around the globe began to experience fighting and arguing. Sickness, disease and death came upon the entire human race because of sin. The early civilizations though were spoiled in many ways. Early in this dispensation sin had not yet the power it has today in that it had not demonstrated what it was fully capable of yet. Morality was still trying to be clung to much as it is today in some parts. 

A time came towards the last part of this Antediluvian Dispensation when “…the Sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them that they chose.(Genesis 6:1-2) Who were these “Sons of God” (Hebrew: Bne-Ha-Elohim)? They are not the sons of Seth. Seth’s descendants lived with Cain’s descendants. Though Cain’s offspring had more proclivities to sin, both Cain’s and Seth’s offspring were sinners. They intermingled. 

The phrase “Sons of God” in the Old Testament is a reference to celestial angels. If Cain and Seth’s offspring intermarried and had children there is no reason for this to create “giants” or “Mighty Men”. 

So both Cain and Seth with their descendents are “sons of men” from the Adamic race. The “Sons of God” that “noticed the daughters of men” (Hebrew: Bnoth-Ha-Adam) were angelic beings who came down and took on flesh bodies. They ended up having relationships with human females which created a hybrid offspring called in the Hebrew, “Hans-Nephilim” which means “giants” and “Hog-Gibborim” which means “Mighty Men”. 

Nephilim” comes from the prime root “to fall”, contextually meaning “fallen angels”. 

Part of this fallen angel plot was to destroy the Adamic-genetic-bloodline through which Messiah was to come. All throughout Scripture we find Satan trying to destroy this regal bloodline

Enoch’s Warning for Today!

Jesus warned that right before He returned it would be “like in the days of Noah”. 

(Matthew 24:37-42) During this time the “daughters of men” were being “given in marriage” to the Hans-Nephilim (angelic beings not from our planet). We see this happening today through all of the so called “extraterrestrial abduction” cases. This along with other strange demonic activity being witnessed on our planet shows that the “fallen spirits of the air” are already here. These beings along with the Kenites make for an interesting planet. 

Our Ancient Antiochene Christian records show that fallen angels are getting their hands into everything in these last days and “the Day of the Lord” is approaching. We (as True Christians) are to warn this planet that God’s final judgment is coming soon. We are to warn the planet of the “fallen ones” who are coming back and forth from the sky

A major development will be changes in leadership positions worldwide along with UFO and “extraterrestrial” phenomenon which will try and eclipse the reality of God. Part of the false Antichrist’s church will involve lies about extraterrestrials and UFO’s (Zechariah 5:5-11).”  

Please continue your important studies here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth”. 

Eric William King (June 4th 2020)


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