Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Kenites

Beware of the Kenites

By Eric William King

In the first book of the Bible we read about Adam and Eve and we read about how they made bad choices and brought sin upon the planet. God in His mercy still allowed Adam and Eve to produce children. After Adam and Eve had “infected” all of the New Creation by sinning they then produced two sons, Cain and Abel

God had promised Eve that two “seeds” would come through her womb, one at odds with the other. We read in Genesis 3:15 regarding what is called “the Adamic Covenant”

God says; “I will put enmity between you (Satan) and the woman, between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” 

Satan had “fully seduced” (Greek: exapatao) Eve in the Garden and gave her something that she didn’t want or need, a seductive “knowledge of Good and Evil” now planted in her soul and also in her womb through which her first son would come forth - Cain (2nd Corinthians 11:2-3). Eve would give birth to a son named Cain and he would turn out to be the “first murderer” and a curse – an image of Satan

Eve Gives Birth

An interesting fact to think about is that intermarriages among the children of the same family were still permitted before the flood. Also God said to Eve; “I will greatly multiply thy conception.” (Genesis 3:16). This means that births were much more frequent and sometimes multiple children were born at a time. Some scholars even suggest that Cain and Abel were twins because of the way that the Hebrew is worded in Genesis 4:1-2. 

And again, she bore” (Genesis 4:2) indicates that “right after” Cain came out, out came Abel. This along with “my brother, your brother” throughout the narrative indicates the probability of Cain and Abel being twins (fraternal twins - different fathers). 

“Now Adam knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain” (Genesis 4:1). The use of “knew” such as in this case, “Adam knew his wife” is a Hebrew word indicator of “marriage”, an indication of the relation between the knower and the known. To “know” your wife was to be intimate with her and share sexual relationships with her. 

After Cain came out of Eve’s womb she said: “With the help of the Lord I have brought forth a man.” (Genesis 4:1). She thanked the Lord for His mercy. 

 Cain and Abel are representative men, Cain representing the “Serpent’s seed” and Abel the “seed of hope”. 

Cain becomes Satan’s Representative

Thus the descendants of Cain fulfill the prophecy and the promise that Satan would have a literal genetic seed, or offspring (Genesis 3:15). It is believed that one of Noah’s son’s wives was a Kenite and that is how the “seed” of Cain survived the Flood. The Kenites are mentioned after the Great Flood (1st Samuel 15:6; Judges 1:16; 4:11). Some believe that all the races including the Kenites were taken on to Noah’s Ark because God commanded: “You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures (Hebrew: “flesh beings”), male and female, to keep them alive with you.” (Genesis 6:19) 

 Interestingly Jesus accuses the religious leaders of His time as being descendants of Cain (John 8:44; Matthew 23:33-36) 

Long ago Cain and his brother Abel came to offer gifts to the Lord. It was to be a “sin offering” which meant animal blood sacrifice. Abel offered a blood sacrifice but Cain offered a gift of “works” - he offered from the ground God had cursed. God accepted Abel’s offering but rejected Cain’s. He gave Cain another chance but Cain let his anger get the best of him and when he got the chance he killed his brother Abel. 

Cain Marked

After Cain killed Abel God “put a mark” upon Cain (Genesis 4:15). God cursed Cain to make him a “fugitive and wanderer” (Genesis 4:11-15). The “mark” that God placed upon Cain was actually a “mark of protection” so that anybody seeing him would not kill him. God was teaching that “murder” doesn’t justify “murder”. 

“Do not be like CAIN, WHO BELONGED TO THE EVIL ONE and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brothers were righteous.” (1st John 3:12) 

Cain’s false religion of “works” is called; “The Way of Cain” (Jude 11) All false religions are works based and thus are “Kenite religions”. Many believe that it will be through the Kenite bloodline that the final Antichrist is born, “The Son of Perdition”.  

Kenites Then and Now

Later on in Bible history we find that many Kenites accepted Yahwism and were incorporated into the tribe of Judah. By the time of Jesus Christ some of the Jews had ancestry line connections to the Kenites. The Kenites are in many bloodlines today. 

The Kenites are here to disrupt Christians and try to mislead God’s true children. One of the first and obvious signs of a Kenite is an aggressive hatred towards Ancient Antiochene Christianity. Anybody can “turn” Kenite. It is a sad and dark spiritual condition. 

There are some people born who do not have the “gift of faith”, not all have it (2nd Thessalonians 3:2). As Christians we pray for everybody and keep the faith. Our work is to share and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God is ultimately in control. 

Originally Christians were called “Followers of the Way” (Acts 9:2; Acts 22:4; Isaiah 35:8). We were first called “Christians” in Ancient Antioch (Acts 11:26). False Christians and corrupt religious leaders were called; “Followers of the Way of Cain” (Jude 11). 
As Christians we are to love everybody and hate evil (Proverbs 8:13; Matthew 5:44). Only God truly knows who His children are. It is true that some Kenites have infiltrated the Christian Church and would have you not believe that they even exist but unfortunately, they exist. 

The Good News is that God’s true children belong to Him. Nobody can take God’s elect away from Him (John 10:28). The Kenites will never give up attacking a Christian who is going though tuff times. Those who are lost are of this fallen world. We read; “They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world, and the world listens to them. We (Christians) are from God, and whoever knows God listens to us; but whoever is not from God does not listen to us.” (1st John 4:5-6) 

The Adamic Covenant

This whole topic that we have been discussing is based on “The Adamic Covenant”. Basically God initiated the Adamic Covenant after Adam sinned. God here establishes the curses of sin on mankind. The world now is in the status of sin, in fact all of creation is. 

This curse has been lifted for those who truly believe in Jesus Christ but the rest of the world will remain under the curse of sin until the Second Coming. After that this planet will be renewed and enter the Millennial Age – which is the Third Earth Age (Revelation 20:2). 

God has a plan and you are in it whether you realize it or not. It is my hope that you continue your Bible studies with us here at “The Shepherds Way” and the “Nugget of Truth”. 

Resting in the love of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Eric William King (May 29th 2020)

Read About: The First Dispensation


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1 comment:

  1. There are also false teachers regarding the history of the Kenites:

    Unfortunately many of them are also Judaizers. They are Kenites teaching that Christians must keep the Mosaic Covenant “feast days” and special “Sabbath days”, “food laws” and they teach a legalism that is quite frankly Satanic.

    Having stated that; one group teaches that they invented the ancient doctrine about the Kenites. They state that this is original with them and their group. Wrong! Ancient Hebrew Rabbis and many ancient Christian records show that the doctrine regarding the Kenites is very old and connected to the early Antiochene Church. We have other articles which document these issues.



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