About God Who is Love
by Tonya Taylor
The whole world is looking for Love--true Love. And true Love is only found in Christ. He loves every person so much, and wants to become their Savior and Friend!
But I believe that even many Christians don’t have a true idea of what meaningful love really is. I also believe, especially after analyzing my own motives, that most things almost every human does is to become more potentially lovable. They don’t know what true love really is.
I think most of us have been deceived by the enemy and the world system into thinking that, if we just make more money; if we just look better; if we just accomplish more, etc., we will be loved.
I have several questions about this: How much money is enough? There have been many reports of utlra-wealthy people killing themselves. Obviously, money wasn’t enough. How handsome and beautiful does one have to be, and who sets the standard?
It has been reported by many a beauty queen (I’m sure, by male models and actors too) that there was no peace because the industry is “cut-throat,” and worse. Also,how many home runs or touchdowns or trophies or Olympic gold medals are enough to make one truly loved?
Where is the line? And who sets it? How does one know when one meets it? Then what?
I have had much success in many arenas in my own life. And, once a goal was met,even exceeded, then the bar was raised again, causing me to feel continual pressure, and no rest. There is some merit to success for its own sake, but success must have a purpose.
It is good to succeed, for that is part of the gift of being human--the ability to set goals and work to meet and exceed them, and acquire satisfaction from them. But striving to meet a goal to please another human can often fail in its execution, and in its mission.
Even giving can be done with the wrong motive, if the motive is not love. Once, several employees and I each received a $100 bill at Christmas from a generous supporter of the organization for which we worked. I was able to thank and speak to the donor, whom, when I asked him about why he gave so much, replied, “I’m scared.”
I was so surprised I just shut my mouth and didn’t ask any more questions, but the implication was that, if he didn’t give, God or some other “higher being” in which he perhaps believed would harm him.
The true Love that the world needs and wants is the sacrificial Love of Christ Jesus, Who gave His life for every person to be saved from the curse of evil and to have a wonderful life of freedom and fullness. I John 4:8 says, "God is Love."
The LORD God sent Jesus, His only Son, to live as one of us, so He'd understand everything we'd ever feel or experience, and thus be able to pray with perfect compassion for us. Then He went into full-time ministry for three years and taught the ways of God to all who would listen. He allowed Himself to be crucified on the cross, was truly dead for three days, then was resurrected and taken to Heaven, where He lives forever to pray for us.
He gave us His Holy Spirit to help us know Him while we are still on earth, and to live for Him and help others receive Him and become part of the Royal Family. He is returning to earth very soon to gather His entire Royal Family--all of us who have received Christ Jesus as our Savior and LORD--to take us all back to Heaven to live with Him forever!
If you don't know this God Who is Love, just ask Him to reveal Himself to you, forgive you of all wrongs (for He is Holy), and to come into your heart and help you get to know Him and live for Him. He loves you. He will!
My God is Love!
Tonja K. Taylor is a joyful, free worshiper, teacher, author, wife, and mother who adores helping others know the sweet faithfulness of God. Through her YouTube channel, "River Rain Creative" and other platforms, she tutors people around the world in faith, worship, writing, English, and more.
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