Saturday, May 19, 2018

True Israel – Ephraim & Manasseh

Jacob blessing Ephraim & Manasseh with the name of Israel

True Israel – Ephraim & Manasseh

By Eric William King

It was on Joseph’s two sons [Ephraim & Manasseh] that the name Israel was given. Jacob when blessing them stated; “Let my name [Israel] be on them.” (Genesis 48:16) He did not give this name to Judah or any other tribe – This name was to be upon them in the last days (Genesis 49:1). 

Part of Ephraim’s blessing was to develop a “multitude of nations” or we could say “group of nations”. Where is this fulfillment today? Ephraim was the younger of the two sons of Joseph. Manasseh’s descendants were to become a “great people” or a “great nation”. Where is this Great Nation today? 

Together they both comprise true Israel. These promises have never been fulfilled in the Jews. Joseph gave these promises to his grandchildren who were the two sons of Joseph. We are to look for the fulfillment of these promises in the “House of Joseph” and not the “House of Judah”. Each tribe was given a special blessing by Jacob and we are not to blend or confuse each one of these blessings. 

The tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh never fulfilled these blessings in Bible times. Due to Israel’s rebellion and falling into pagan worship caused the delay of these blessings. Israel’s sin caused Judah to separate from Israel and become a separate nation that at one time wanted to war with Israel. As a matter of fact Israel and Judah have been separated since this ancient split. To read from your own Bible about the split of Israel and Judah (Jews) read all of 1st Kings chapter twelve. 

We read the fact that Israel and Judah stayed separate and had their own kings. The capitol of Judea was the city of Jerusalem and the capital of Israel was Samaria. When we read about Samaria in prophecy it is always a reference to Israel and not Judah. Even though geographical Israel became again a legitimate nation (old Israel which included Jerusalem) on May 14th 1948 the fact is literal Israel (originally headed by Ephraim & Manasseh’s descendents) remains separate from Judah and will until the great ingathering at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

When Israel of old separated from Judah we find that Jeroboam became the head of Israel. Jeroboam was in fact an Ephraimite. This fulfilled part of the blessing which Jacob gave to Ephraim when he told him that his name [Israel] would be upon him (Genesis 48:16). 

Eventually Israel was carried away out of their own land. They completely separated from the Jews. The “House of Israel” and the “House of Judah” are still two separate “houses” today. In the last days, at the second coming God promises to join them back together again (Ezekiel 37:11-27). The “two sticks” will again be joined and become one

The Ten Tribes of Israel Migrated

When we say Israel sometimes we include all twelve tribes because Israel (Jacob) is the father of all twelve tribes. In this sense of course all twelve tribes make up literal Israel. If you look in the back of your Bible you might find a map that shows that Judea (Jews) and Israel were once completely different nations. 

Some from the other tribes went back to Jerusalem but the main portion of the other ten tribes eventually migrated over the Caucus Mountains and spread throughout Europe. So much of literal Israel lost its identity through captivity. The ancient ten tribes have become lost to the secular historians but not to God. God says through Amos the prophet; 

“Behold, the eyes of the Lord God are on the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from the face of the earth; yet I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob,’ says the Lord. ‘For surely I will command, and will sift the house of Israel among all nations, as grain is sifted in a sieve; yet not the smallest grain shall fall to the ground.” (Amos 9:8-9) 

Not all twelve tribes come from the same mother so DNA would be different amongst the tribes. All of this is fascinating to think about. Most Christians don’t contemplate such things. To me and most Christians we realize that ALL Scripture is important so understanding what happened to ancient Israel contains moral lessons for us as well as historical facts about who we are today as Christians.

Where is Israel of Old Today?

Joseph’s sons [Ephraim & Manasseh] have the title to the “birth right”. Wherever they are today there you will find true Israel and the promises which were bestowed upon them greatly fulfilled. We find in greater prophecy studies that the blessings were somewhat delayed from Ephraim & Manasseh until 2,520 “prophetic days” (day = year; Numbers 14:34) were fulfilled. This lands us in around A.D. 1800 through 1803. This 2,520 year time started at their captivity sometime around 721-718 B.C. 

We find through earlier studies traces of Israel’s migration. They left land markers for historians to find. The Lord through Jeremiah the prophet informed them; “Set up road signs: put up guideposts” which they did and there are many (Jeremiah 31:21; Proverbs 22:28). 

Latter-day Ephraim has indeed become a “group of nations”, which is Great  Briton or the “United Kingdom”. And latter-day Manasseh has become a “Great Nation”, the United States of America. Great Briton is the fulfilled “commonwealth of nations” and the United States the greatest nation in history. Only here do we find the fulfillment of these blessings and not with the Jews - though the Jews have a great blessing along with the other tribes. 

People have asked; “Why didn’t God mention America and Great Briton in the Bible?” Now you can see that He did include them in His promises. We now understand that the United States and the United Kingdom are the descendants of Israel and have received the blessings of Abraham. “Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him.” (Genesis 18:18

Only the tribe of Israel - Ephraim & Manasseh were to become a “great nation” and a “company of nations”. This has never been fulfilled in Judah or any other tribe. Together they were to receive these national blessings and indeed they have. It was promised that these “sons of Isaac” [Saxons] were to “grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.” (Genesis 48:14-16). Look around you and behold the promises of God fulfilled. 

Continue your Bible studies here at “The Shepherds Way”. Much more details regarding this subject can be found here. 

Eric W. King (May 19th 2018)

Understanding Modern Israel

*Anglo-Saxons from Israel


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1 comment:

  1. Documented Facts

    The true Anglo-Israel doctrine teaches that the ten tribes of Israel who were caught by the Assyrian King, Sargon, are the Saxae people, or Scythians. These people migrated westward through Northern Europe and are the Saxon ancestors of England.

    To the ten tribes were bequeathed the blessings of Joseph’s two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. As the result of Jacob’s blessings over Ephraim and Manasseh they became the tribal heads of literal Israel. The blessings given to these two can never be summed up in or applied to the Jews because the Jews come from Jacob’s son Judah who received different blessings.

    Jews are not the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh. The blessing given to Joseph (Ephraim & Manasseh) comprises a completely different race of people; even from different mothers. It is Biblically incorrect to look for the fulfillment of these promises of a “nation” and “company of nations” in the descendants of Judah. The blessings given to Ephraim and Manasseh are completely different and are for a different group of people all together.

    So these blessings are not to be found outside the “House of Joseph”. This doctrine is right in front of Bible readers’ eyes and should not be twisted to fit anybodies bias or distorted ideas.

    Jacob gave these blessings over Ephraim and Manasseh which were to blossom in the “latter-days”, which means our days (Genesis 49:1).



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