Wednesday, May 16, 2018

To the Queen of England from American Antiochene Patriarch

To the Private Secretary to Her Majesty The Queen
from the
Ancient Antiochene Church
Patriarch of the American Church

Madam, May it Please Your Majesty,

 As a humble and obedient servant of our Lord and Patriarch of the Ancient Antiochene Church in America I wish to greet you in peace and great thanksgiving for your service and love. 

I wish to inform you that our Church honors, respects, and protects the ancient Traditions of Glastonbury and holds in the highest respects the Blessed Church of England. We will continue to teach the true Gospel of our Lord and Savior to the rest of the world and will always be faithful to the Truth once delivered.

We wish continued blessings upon the entire Royal Family,

Resting in the finished work of our savior, Jesus the Christ.

Sir Eric William King

Sir Eric William King

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