Friday, April 3, 2020

The Nature of Jesus Christ and God’s Essence

The Nature of Jesus Christ and God’s Essence

Who was Jesus Christ? Was He God in the flesh? Yes - He was and is. I will now give to those who study here at “The Shepherds Way” information and hopefully some understanding regarding this most important issue. 

First we must try and explain just who our monotheistic God is. He is ONE yet He is also three persons. We call this the “three persons of the Godhead”. The word “trinity” is not in the original Scriptures but the word Godhead is and it basically means the same thing and that is we worship one God in three persons. The true ancient Christians understood that God is three hypostasis – individuals. 

These three persons of the Godhead are of one substance (ousia). The Greek word for substance is ousia and it can more accurately mean for us essence. As God’s creation we may never become His essence but we may partake of it through His energies. This happens in the person who truly becomes regenerate (“born from above” or “born again”). The Christian is “born again” and has received the gift of the Holy Spirit and thus becomes a “partaker of the Divine Nature”. The Christian begins to grow in his faith through the process of theosis to achieve apotheosis (true oneness with God through Jesus Christ our Lord). 

The regenerate Christian lives in two matrixes, the Fallen Matrix and the Divine Matrix

The Trinity Mystery

The Trinity is a mystery. This means that we can never fully grasp or understand our God in fullness. God is “divided indivisibly”. Though God is of one substance He is particular in the substance of three persons. This indeed is the greatest mystery, understanding God Himself. 

Though God is in fact “three persons” at the same time He is much more, He transcends the idea of person and nature. Simply put, God is Trinity

I have stated before and I here state again that the subject of Trinity is Apophatic…something not grasped by human nature nor able to fully explain within or by any language. 

The Nature of Jesus the Christ

Jesus is a particular distinct and Divine Person – the second person of Deity. Jesus Christ is true God who became true man, He is both man and God at the same time. He is two natured, both Divine and Human. These natures are distinct. These two natures are never separated nor mixed with each other, here again we have mystery. 

Though Christ has two natures this never makes Him two persons. The two natures are united in such a way that they make up ONE PERSON.  These two natures are not confused nor separate in their properties. Now that Jesus has been resurrected His human nature has been exalted, glorified

Jesus received His human nature when He was born in the flesh through Mother Mary (Christotokos).  We stay away from the title “Theotokos” because ultimately God has no mother. Christ’s two natures are not mingled into one essence but remain God the man and God the God. 

Christ’s human nature after the resurrection has been exalted above every other created person or thing and he did not get rid of His human nature but keeps it into eternity. He has two natures but only Himself, one person existing within the two. Jesus is “two willed” only in the sense that His will is in agreement with God the Father’s will. He proceeded from the Father just as the Holy Spirit proceeded from God the Father. (TSW holds to the original Nicene Creed but we also accept and use the "filioque" version– Greek Orthodox)

It has been explained by early Christians that “God the Father is the unbegotten, God the Son the begotten and God the Holy Spirit the proceeding.” As a human Jesus “laid aside” his majesty and became a humble servant, setting the example of proper human-God relationship. (Philippians 2:7) He kept His divinity to Himself and used it only within the will of God the Father while on earth

To begin to understand the “fullness of God” we must look at the Trinity. God the Father loves us so much that He sent His one and only true Son, Jesus Christ who saves us, and then sent the Holy Spirit who abides within us.  

St. Irenaeus pictured God as a Father with both hands stretched out. One arm representing the Son (Jesus) and the other the Holy Spirit. This is a beautiful picture of our personal God who loves you so very much. 

I hope that this short article helps you to begin to more fully understand how awesome our God is. Please continue your studies here at “The Shepherds Way”. 

Eric W. King (Founder of TSW & “Nugget of Truth”) – April 2nd 2020

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