Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Christians and “free will”

Christians and “free will”

By Eric William King

Just what is “free will”? It is the ability for you as an individual to make personal choices in your life, in everything that you do. Has God given all humans a “free will”? Yes but within limits. The Bible teaches that all humans are responsible for the decisions that they make in life and the Bible teaches that one “reaps what he sows” [Galatians 6:7]. 

That is what is important for all of us to understand. You have the capability to make choices in your life. We make choices everyday in our lives, some more important than others. As a matter of fact, God has a place called Hell where all those who make the ultimate bad decision of not accepting Him will go. 

In one sense, if there is no Hell there is no free will. If there is no heaven there is no free will.  Aren’t these the two choices? So this is the simple child-like view that we all must maintain when talking about free will.

Theological Complexities

The famous reformer John Calvin changed many minds regarding the idea of Biblical free will.  John Calvin was part of the second generation of Protestant reformers. Most all so called “Reformed” churches are based on his theology.  His basic argument was summed up in the acronym TULIP meaning; total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and the perseverance of the saints. 

All of his points basically summed up teach that God only elected a certain number of people to be saved and then made sure that they became saved no matter what - and these people make up the “predestined” or “elected” class of saints. The conclusion is that everybody that then goes to Hell was created to go there. In Calvin’s theology there is no free will…God already made the decision before you were born so live and let live.

Theological Response

God is in fact sovereign and the Bible teaches that He does know the beginning through the end. He knows the future and is in complete control from beginning to end. If we just look at the prophecies of the Bible and how over 300 plus of them have happened exactly the way God said that they would happen we can testify of His omniscience. 

God made sure that we all understand that He is sovereign. So God does things outside of mere human understanding. The Bible does teach that we must choose Jesus Christ in order to have true salvation and right fellowship with God. There are numerous New Testament and Old Testament texts which inform us to choose life or death. We are also responsible for the decisions that we make according to God’s word. 

It is true that only the Holy Spirit can bring about true conversion. The Bible states that all humans are born spiritually dead in their trespasses and sins. Spiritually speaking, we can’t move thus God Himself must make the move to make us alive again. God does not bring about conversion without means. 

God uses the Scriptures, the hearing of His word to the dead soul in order to bring this gift of salvation. It is the Gospel message that must be proclaimed and heard for true salvation to occur. The Gospel “is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.” (Romans 1:6) Also, “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” (Romans 10:17) 

God’s word must be heard in order for true salvation to occur. Only the Holy Spirit can open ones ears in order to even hear the message. The Bible does not teach that there is any other means through which a person can be saved. Some people teach that a person can hear other things and be saved such as psychological books, New Age books, spiritual teachers from other faiths etc. but this is not Biblically true. 

Jesus Christ came to earth with the one message that can save and no other message can. The group known as “Enthusiasts” claim that God can call a person without hearing the Word of God, and without becoming a “born again” believer, and without the sacraments but again this is false. The only way for true enlightenment and justification is through hearing the true Gospel message. 

The ancient Pelagians taught that a person could come to Jesus Christ through his or her own power, without the Holy Spirit. This is false. The so called Semi-Pelagians taught that a person could begin his own conversion but only the Holy Spirit could complete it. This is also false. 

Actually, the fallen human will cannot and does not participate in true conversion at all. True conversion is in fact a COMPLETE WORK OF GOD.  There are only two efficient causes of a person’s conversion and these are the Holy Spirit and God’s Word

Those who become truly regenerated, “born from above” or “born again”, comprise the elect and predestined children of God. As humans we cannot understand this rule of sovereignty but because God is sovereign He is in control and understands the depth of eternity where as mere man cannot and never will. As Christians we are to preach the simplicity of the Gospel and not become sidetracked with “Calvinism” or any other “ism”. We are to simply share the love of Jesus Christ through the message of the Gospel. We are to live the Gospel every day

In ending this article on how this ministry (“The Shepherds Way”) understands true salvation we look at what Christ says; “apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) so truly the Holy Spirit denies free will its powers and ascribes everything to God’s grace, in order that no one can boast before God. (Ephesians 2:8-9) 

Eric William King (April 4th 2020) – “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget of Truth”

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1 comment:

  1. Note: Even though our salvation is secure we prove it by a living faith..we are also always to be spiritually growing and awake. We are to be ready for the Second Coming of our Lord. - E.W.King



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