Wednesday, March 13, 2024

TSW Introduction


A short history of Eric William King and….

The Shepherds Way

Hello and welcome to "The Shepherds Way" and the "Nugget of Truth". This is a Christian ministry which began on October 10th, 2017. My name is Eric William King and I am the founder of this ministry. Let me give a brief, simplified, background about me and this ministry.

I was raised in a "conservative" Lutheran church since a child and going into my Junior High years. I was baptized as a child by my parents on October 10th 1968 in a Lutheran church in Pheonix Arizona. When I was 9 years old, I had a spiritual experience which made me ask questions about creation and God. At age twelve I began reading the Bible and Bible stories from Bible story books that my mother had given me.

When I was in High School, I began to privately study many different denominations of Christianity. I did not do very good in public schools and eventually dropped out of High School and received my GED. I also struggled greatly with the "wrong crowd" growing up and experimented with things that I shouldn't have.

Long story short, I started getting involved in churches in my twenties. I was ordained a "Presbyter" [Pastor] in two different "non-denominational" churches in the year 1993. Eventually I went and got accepted to attend San Jose Christian College, California in the late 90's. I did not complete my studies there and eventually left to study the "World Religions". I moved around much during these years. I eventually got married to a friend of my older sister's. This was an intense time in my life, going through a marriage that failed and struggling to just get through each day.

I did work as a Bible youth teacher again for short period. After some years I remarried and was attending with my wife an older church that I had been connected with in the distant past. During this time, I experienced one of my greatest tests. I lost my wife in a tragedy - she died. Shortly thereafter I lost my last grandmother and my 16-year-old dog (sounds like a country song). Sad indeed.

One day on October 10th 2017 I was walking with my smaller dog, Tosha on a favorite trail in the mountains of California when the Holy Spirit told me to start an online ministry and begin to share what the Lord had taught me thus far. I immediately went home and began writing and filming Bible lectures (which are now posted on "YouTube", under "Nugget of Truth -Eric King").

So, these are some of the events which lead up to this ministry. Now, I must say that I began to get very serious about my Christian faith. I believe that in all my years of study I have been led to some important foundations within the Christian faith that have been neglected. One, the true understandings of the history of the Christian faith which includes a greater understanding of the Apostolic period and going into the Patristic period of the early church.

I have arrived at a place called “Ancient Antiochene Christianity”. This is the theology which I now share with all who are interested in studying their Christian faith at a much deeper level. It is my hope that if you have found this online ministry you will book mark it and begin to study your Bible here.

I currently speak and give talks in different churches that I have been blessed to be in contact with and I continue to post new theology lectures on the “Nugget of Truth” site. On this “The Shepherds Way” blog, I write articles and sometimes post interesting articles written by other Christians.

I am now the “Presbyter” of what I call, “The Ancient Antiochene Church of God” here in America. This church has Christians worshiping in several differing “Protestant” denominations across the globe (going into our seventh year as of 2024). The Ancient Antiochene Church consists of all Christians who study here and share what they learn with family, friends and fellow Christians. There are no fines, fees, or forms to become a member. The purpose of this online church is to equip Christians with proper teachings and understandings of true “Orthodox” Christianity.

Thank you for taking time out to visit here, I wish nothing but the best in your Christian life.

~ Presbyter, Eric William King

Thoughts from Eric to contemplate…

“Human technology has grown into a monster. Human minds are not mature enough yet to play with such big toys. What should happen? We must learn from our mistakes faster, become more conscious of God’s natural laws and the fact that it is now time to respect them like never before.” ~ E.W. King (From TSW Divinity Talk – 2018)

“True Christian beliefs are not arbitrary, they have deep and significant purpose. If enough Christians are left to truly heed the counsel of Laodicea, in its fulness, a regeneration of our nation (perhaps the world) would occur. A return to the magnificent childlike Christian faith, which explores the mysteries of life.” ~ E.W. King (From TSW Divinity Talk – 2021)

“Todays Christians must free themselves from the bonds of denominationalism and all of its limits. True Christians will discuss issues through prayer, not by force.” ~ E.W. King (From TSW Divinity Talk – 2022)

“A true Christian feels compassion for all those who suffer regardless of their race, religion or culture. This fallen world has almost forgot that it is spiritual. People have starved their souls from God’s word. The vacuum has become filled with materialism. Only the Living Word can work inside the deepest part of the fallen self – lots of trash to get through.” E.W. King (From TSW Divinity Talk – 2018)

“Material toys have not brought true and proper change within the soul of man. Humans keep doing the same thing over and over again but with new and intense results – continued self-destruction. We can go to the moon, we can land on an asteroid, we can by ‘name-brand’ clothes, but we can’t stop fighting and killing each other. The Christian faith was right the whole time, humans are sinners.” ~ E.W. King (Founder of “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget if Truth”)

“It is my hope that Christians who study here at TSW and Nugget of Truth will not feel constrained by old bad beliefs but instead be willing to change and grow, begin the new thinking process. Become truly free.” E.W. King (Founder of “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget if Truth”)

Visit more of our teachings….

*Freedom in the True Church

Ancient Antiochene Christian Doctrine

This ministry and teachings (TSW - The Shepherds Way) only holds to the earliest church (proper) teachings, before the Great Schism which became the Roman Catholic Church & Greek Orthodox Church. We believe in the Divine Trinity and reject the praying to anybody else, body-spirit, other than God through our Lord Jesus Christ. It wasn’t until the Council of Trent in 1545 that the teaching on saintly intercession was officially laid down. We reject this council.

Most of our history stresses the first 451 years of the Christian Church when many of the early heresies were properly dealt with. We welcome you to study with us here and listen to all of our Nugget of Truth online lectures. We hold to and teach the Ancient Antiochene Christian Doctrine. 
May God richly bless you. ~ E.W.King

By God's good grace on October 10th 2017 the Antiochene School of Theology was reignited (In the United States) through the study of ancient knowledge that God has placed before me throughout the years and all of the people which He has put into my life that have taught me many lessons in life. I am the "elder" or "presbyter" of this ministry which I truly believe is the revival of the Ancient Antiochene Christian School (TSW).

I welcome all who visit here and it is a blessing to be able to reach the entire globe through this ministry. This ministry (TSWis in no way connected with any Greek Orthodox Church or organization. We are a truly independent ministry and welcome all from every Christian Church to study with us and learn the rich history of true Christianity. - E.W.King

Original beardless Jesus

The Shepherds Way - Original Christianity

The Shepherds Way continues to teach the Word of God in Truth. Showing the thread of Truth from the first Church of Antioch. Our first Bishop there being the Apostle Peter. We have the writings of our early teachers and the records of early Church history.

We show that there were no major denominations for the first 400 years of the church, before the Roman Catholic and Greek schism occurred. Hence, the first and most early church, the original church founded by our Saviour, Yzues Christos, still exists today in the modern Antiochene Church.

If you are a Christian and want to truly understand the unpolluted and rich theology of the original church then you are welcome to begin your free studies here by watching all of Eric William King's theological lectures and studies. 

We thank God for the teaching tools that we have been given throughout the centuries and we are blessed to have in our Antiochene Library much information on the most early manuscripts. 

So welcome fellow brother & sister in Christ Jesus our Lord. 


Some Antiochene Christian Church History

The Church was formed and founded on Pentecost in Jerusalem. Followers of Jesus as the Messiah, (Ha Maschiach), trace the origin of becoming known to the world as 'Christians' to the community founded in Antioch."Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul: and when he found him he brought him to Antioch." For a whole year they met with the church and taught large numbers.

 The disciples, whose origins began in the dispersion resulting from persecution in Jerusalem, were "first called Christians at Antioch." Known by a variety of names, including "Followers of the Way." Later recognized by the Apostles in Jerusalem, one of its leading members was Barnabas, who was sent to organize the new church (see Acts 11:19-26) (see Early centers of Christianity). 

 Read More Wikipedia


Welcome to "The Shepherds Way". This is an online Christian ministry to help all Christians get grounded in the Truth which means learning and understanding PROPER DOCTRINE. Doctrine is extremely important, especially now when the confusion about God and the Truth has become outrageous!

My name is Eric William King and I have studied God's Word since I was 12 years old (and even younger I was directly involved in the Lutheran Church). I was raised in a Christian Church and attended well into my twenties. I lived with and worked with many pastors from numerous denominations throughout the years.

In my twenties I decided to attend a Christian college and was accepted to attend San Jose Christian College in San Jose California (now "William Jessup University"), which I did for a very short time. At that time I worked in a Baptist Church and learned a lot regarding dealing with families and people. While in my thirties I got caught up in studying the "world religions" and allowed myself to become sidetracked into pagan religions.


To make an extremely long and complicated life story short, I was eventually married and divorced. After that, again, I fell deeper into false religion and even into the occult. After going through a second marriage (I am now widowed) I returned to a deeper relationship with the Lord.

Since all of this - I started this ministry with God's help. I now work in a Christ centered Christian Church and give online theology lectures. My theological studies throughout my life have gone very deep and have enriched my personal relationship with the Lord. I feel it is my God given duty to share what I have learned through the process with my fellow Christian brothers and sisters.

In my years of Christian study and prayer I truly believe that what I teach is the accurate and ancient Greek Antiochene Theology. I will continue to grow and learn into eternity and I invite you to study and learn with me.

My prayer is that many who have not yet accepted the Lord Jesus Christ will find this online ministry and that it will help them come to the Truth as it is in Jesus. I have received many good letters and on going encouragement from others to continue - and so I will.

Thank you for taking time out to search around here. I hope you find the answers that you are looking for. Please share this website with family and friends. Thank you.

~ Eric William King

NOTE:  On this site I occasionally post articles/videos by fellow Christians. I choose articles/videos of interest. Though many of these Christians may have slightly differing views with me on some theological issues I believe it is good to understand each other in our Christian faith. The messages posted here are chosen to encourage and lift up my fellow brothers and sisters in the Faith.

Key Information about TSW- The Shepherds Way:

This ministry and teachings (TSW - The Shepherds Way) only holds to the earliest church (proper) teachings, before the Great Schism which became the Roman Catholic Church & Greek Orthodox Church. We believe in the Divine Trinity and reject the praying to anybody else, body spirit, other than God through our Lord Jesus Christ. It wasn’t until the Council of Trent in 1545 that the teaching on saintly intercession was officially laid down. We reject this council.

Most of our history stresses the first 451 years of the Christian Church when many of the early heresies were properly dealt with. We welcome you to study with us here and listen to all of our Nugget of Truth online lectures. We hold to and teach the Ancient Antiochene Christian Doctrine. May God richly bless you. ~ E.W.King

Basic Information about the founder of "The Shepherds Way & Nugget of Truth":

Welcome. My name is Eric W. King, I have come through many trials and I have returned to my Lord, Jesus Christ. I have studied many world religions and the Bible since I was 12 years old. Studied at Christian college and worked in several churches teaching Biblical doctrine. After years of deep study of Ancient Antiochene Christianity I teach the earliest of Christian history. I am now doing ministry work and traveling all around. I thank my Lord, Jesus Christ. Please enjoy this website. Thank you.

- Eric William King

Eric W. King with Ed & Judy Connery
Members of "Friends of Zion"

Commemorated on July 14th
Birth Date of Eric W. King

Priscilla and Aquila

Aquila is traditionally listed among the Seventy Disciples. 
They lived, worked, and traveled with the Apostle Paul, 
who described them as his 
"fellow workers in Christ Jesus" (Romans 16:3 NASB).

A TSW  Favored Greek Music

Concert "HOURS", at the ATHENS COCNERT HALL (29/4/2013) VASSILIS TSABROPOULOS & NEKTARIA KARANTZI In this video: 26 Psalm of David

Click the nugget to begin.....

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