Tuesday, September 3, 2024

"Freedom in the True Church." ~ TSW


Ancient Antiochene


Part Twenty-six

“Freedom in the True Church.”

By presbyter Eric William King (September 1st 2024)

In the True Christian Church there is freedom. No Christian is to “worship” the Pastor or Bishop. Also, Christ’s true church allows for His children to have their own views on many issues. We all worship the same Jesus Christ and we understand His message, the true Gospel. The deeper truths of the Church are understood on the surface yet there are many things within the Christian doctrines to contemplate, and think about within our own personal relationship (experience) with Divinity.

There are certain Truths, foundational to Christianity, such as Christian Baptism, the Sacraments, and accepting the reality of the Holy Trinity. Also, it is a must to believe in accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and that He is the only way to heaven. He is our Lord, God, and Savior. This is most certainly true. Following the moral teachings of our Lord is also a must. Living and sharing the Gospel is also very important. Having stated these facts, we must also allow for all brothers and sisters in the Lord to express and share their own personal relationship that they have with Him.

Many Christians in the First Church – The Ancient Antiochene Church of God – have different views regarding anthropology, cosmogenesis, how the creation started and how old the Earth is. Many Christians today are talking about “strange” things and asking new questions such as; “Where do the UFO’s and extraterrestrials fit in to all of this?” These are good questions and certainly okay to ask and contemplate. Of course, we, as Christians, will look into God’s Holy Word to find answers to such questions. God continues to teach, speak, and reveal new things to His children from His Word. He loves us.

The word “Orthodox” can mean “straight thinking”. In this sense we are orthodox. We have a single strong, straight vision of what we believe in. Christianity has substance and structure. Today, many that call themselves “Christian” are not satisfied with what their church has taught them in regards to certain issues. They are not satisfied with most traditional concepts of the Christian God. Why? The world has changed and many new issues have arisen. If you are reading this and struggling with Christianity, I would invite you to study here with us, you may find new ways of looking at things and understanding things as a true Christian.

We teach many things and discuss topics regarding the early church that many Christians have never heard of. We have been told that what we teach seems almost like a new religion compared to their American Christianity. Well, that might be a good thing. People need to realize that the Christian Church, in its early days, had many scholarly and uneducated members that had used their personal philosophies and personal experiences to help understand the Scriptures. There wasn’t as much theological organization as there is today.  In some sense, we are returning to that kind of environment in today’s world because of all the new science and discoveries. It makes us go deeper into the Word of God and to look at things in a new way that we have never looked before.

Truly, Chrsitianity has entered another Renaissance Era. There is also judgment in the true Christian message. In the midst of this fast-changing world we are also experiencing the beginning of the Whirlwind Prophecy – as understood by the Ancient Antiochene Church of God.

True Christianity is in the business of creating a new type of Humanity for sure. Today, people are asking questions about gender and sex - that has never really been a big deal before. The True Church has always taught that marriage is between a biological man and a biological woman. So, if somebody thinks different what should she do? We must remember that God tells us in His Word that ultimately, we are different from this Fallen World. Once a person becomes Born Again into Christ, “behold, all things become new.” You can find answers to these many difficult questions with us in God’s Word. God does and will continue to tell us difficult things but He is honest – He wants the best for us.

As True Christians, we believe in Freedom of Religion – all Humans choose their own path.

My prayer is that you continue your Free Studies with us here.

There is Freedom to grow in True Christianity.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (September 1st 2024)


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