Tuesday, September 3, 2024

"Whirlwind coming to America." ~ TSW


Ancient Antiochene


Part Twenty-five

“Whirlwind coming to America.”

By presbyter Eric William King (September 1st 2024)

We have talked about the Seventh Message. It is given to us in short by Jesus Christ in Revelation 3:14-21. Part of this message is for the World, and not just for the Christian Church as it currently stands. The part for the world is the warning from Holy Scripture called; “The Whirlwind Prophecy”. This message includes two main populated land masses which have been given the Gospel of Jesus Christ - the message of Christianity. Today we speak specifically to America and Great Briton. To whom much is given, much will be held accountable.

This prophetic understanding is specific to the Ancient Antiochene Church of God. We hope to share it with our fellow Christians. We are living in the time of this prophecy.

Jesus is coming soon to take up his church - harpotzo. Right now, the Christian Church is to heed the counsel to the Seven Churches, especially the counsel to the Seventh Church – that of Laodicea. In regards to the Fallen World, it is our belief that the Northern Tribes of Ancient Israel are typified by America, which to us is Manasseh, and Great Briton typifies ancient Ephriam. Israel certainly had its Prophets – messengers sent by God. The prophet Jeremiah has a prophecy for the entire world today. God’s prophets warned Israel that if they turned away from God’s Morality they would be judged, and go into pagan captivity.

Things that happened to ancient Israel are our examples, object lessons (1st Corinthians 10:6-12). God is warning us through His Word – showing us lessons of ancient history.

America has been given many warnings regarding its moral state. We watch the news and see “peaceful” protestors acting violently. They destroy people’s property and hurt people to promote peace? We watch the current wars going on all over the planet. We see disrespect for the sacredness of life through abortion. We see extreme weather changes, sent by God, to wake Humanity up. Is anybody listening? Most are not. What I am about to reveal is extremely important for America, and the rest of the planet if it wishes God to delay judgment upon the great nations. As True Christians we believe in Freedom of Speech, thus, we share.

We have nearly destroyed our world by the follies of sin. Sin needs to be realized and exposed for what it truly is again. Today’s churches are afraid of the topic of “sin”. Pointing this out will cause a shaking and sifting. Parents must again return to the responsibility of teaching the Eternal Truth that the Matriarchs and Patriarchs of old held to - and teach their children intelligent morality and decency.  Technology mixed with Human ignorance is deadly. The way of Divine Intelligence needs to be lived, not just talked about. Because modern families lack moral intelligence and curtesy there is a great cloud of discontent covering the planet.

The Constitution of the United States needs to be put into modern language. It needs to be rewritten. Every hundred years it needs to be evaluated. We give new translations of the Bible to help new generations understand, but the Constitution? Well, it seems to be placed above the Word of God. How many times do we update and upgrade computer technology in a week? God is letting us know, either gain humility and grow up, or die in stupidity and pride. The voting laws for the President should be the same standard in every State – instead of the multiple programs of confusion which are held to. They want this confusion for one reason only, that people may cheat.

Illegal drugs and abuse of drugs is the effort of the Wicked One we see being accomplished everywhere. I cannot change this planet by myself, I can only offer you the tool that can, the awareness of the Whirlwind Prophecy – it’s here, it will get worse. The Devil is not omnipotent or omniscient. He is a liar and the father of lies yet he controls most all the world. He is a murderer and he wishes nothing but eternal evil and mass depression.

Instead of heeding these warnings most all will fight over what color the carpet should be. We are watching World War Three begin with eyes wide shut.

Finally, all humans must give an honest effort to clean up the Earth – starting with the water and the air. The world is filled with sorrow and dishonesty, darkness where there should be light, starvation where we have more than enough food. Humans are not as intelligent as they think they are, just look at the condition of the planet. What will be the seed to start the needed change? True Christianity must spread like wild-fire. True change will start when the Children of Light heed the Seventh Message. Will we be given just one more generational chance?

If you love your children you, the Parent, will teach them about Divine Intelligence, Godly Love, and Good Manners. You won’t wait for the Fallen Government to do that. The government is not God nor is it the Parent. Having a child is sacred and must be guided by the counsel of God. Parents who are just now awakening to this revelation can repent, turn to God. God loves you. Get your Bible and begin to study with us – the God Family.

As Christians we realize that the world will not save itself. Only those who truly accept Jesus Christ will gain complete and perfect Salvation. However, out of love we do warn this world - if it does not wake up it will soon destroy itself. The collective balance of “world consciousness” will be responsible for everything that follows this warning.

Jesus stands at “THE DOOR” and knocks. If you do not know what the “door” is, stay tuned.

May you find the True God, may you find Him now.

It is never too late to turn to God.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (September 1st 2024)


All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

READ: True Israel - Ephraim & Manasseh 

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