Ancient Antiochene
of witnesses.”
By presbyter Eric William King (August 28th
Oh, how we
sometimes miss our loved ones who have passed on to the Divine Matrix. Many
have experienced losing a father or mother, or even a child. As Christians we
know that our loved ones who believed in Jesus the Christ are in the Divine
Matrix – they have escaped this Fallen Matrix. Moses and Elijah appeared to our
Lord from the Divine Matrix in their glorified spirit bodies and talked with
Him. At this time Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James, and John.
Though as
Christians we are not to try and contact the dead (We are not to practice
spiritism), it is true that Heavenly Father may allow one of our loved ones to
appear in their glorified spirit bodies before us for a comfort to us. We may
even still hear their voice say; “Hello” or “I am okay and I love you.” Only
Christians with the Holy Spirit can properly discern the truthfulness of such
appearances. We also have a personal angel that is assigned specifically to us,
to help lead, guide, direct, and protect us (Matthew 18:10). This is one of the
greatest privileges of being a True Christian.
As Christians
we are not to conjure the dead nor seek guidance from them. We are not to
participate in any form of spiritism such a seances. We are not to seek after
the dead for anything. We are to always go to God through Jesus Christ our
Lord. At the same time, we recognize the fact of true visions (γνωσις) that come from God when He wishes to
send them.
Within the
Divine Matrix there is truly no time or space as we know it, and this reality
starts in the Third Heaven. Once one passes through the wall of Great Light one
enters into this abode. Those who come to visit from the Third Heaven may come
back through this light but only for a short time, according to the will of God. (They may do this off and on.)
The Third Heaven is the Paradise of God where St. Paul flew, whether in the
body or out, he knew not (1st Corinthians 12:2). It is here that the
resting saints dwell. A wall of Great Light separates this heaven from the two
lower-fallen heavens. All who have become regenerated, born from above, go
here. At the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Paradise Below (Abraham’s Bosom
– Luke 16:22) was transported up to this heaven. Family members who have gone
before us await here in Heavenly Bliss. When Christ appears for His saints, he
will call us up-and-out (harpotzo) to be with Him in this Paradise of God (John
14:3). The Holy Wedding Feast will take place here when Christ marries His
Bride – Ultimate Syzygy. (Revelation 19:7).
In the Higher Heavens the laws are much different. God is truly known as
the Father, the Mother, and the Son in these realms. God is truly the Father of
the Fulness (Pleroma). God is in the Spotless Light that no human eye can see.
Nothing is above or greater than our God. Our God is unfathomable,
immeasurable, and unexplainable – who or what can truly know him? Everything
that is created in time is conditioned. God, who is past, present, and future
needs nothing to exist. He is total majesty, purity, and blessedness.
When a glorified spirit of a child of God appears he (or she) may appear as
being of any age. God Himself appears as a child, a young man, an old man – a
mother, a sister. God is ultimately One in three Ultimate Persons. God is
Trinity. The blessed consubstantial Trinity is our God. We worship Trinity -
Father, Son, Sophia. He who rejects the Trinity rejects the only True God –
Elohim. Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty. We are the First Church as
the third Bishop of Antioch proclaimed, St Ignatius. The true Church is made up
of men, women, and children. We are created in God’s image (icon).
All of God’s children who have gone to Paradise are part of the existing
Church of Christ. We have such a great “cloud of witnesses” standing before us.
Let us be comforted by all the saints that have paved the way before us. If you
belong to God, you are not alone (Hebrews 12:1). God says to you today dear
beloved; “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)
God has certainly blessed His Ancient Antiochene Church.
We are never alone. We walk amongst a Great Cloud of Witnesses.
This is most certainly true.
Eric William King (August 28th 2024)

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