Wednesday, August 21, 2024

"The Wonderful God revealed." ~ TSW


Ancient Antiochene


Part Fifteen

“The Wonderful God revealed.”

By presbyter Eric William King (August 21st 2024)

Just because we may be Christian certainly doesn't mean that we do not struggle. Nobody has a problem-free life. We must understand our troubles as opportunities to grow in spiritual maturity. Jesus says that we, Christians, will in fact suffer and struggle. You cannot be a true Christian without experiencing rejection. The fallen world does not like Christians.

True transformation comes through True Faith. The trinity; Faith, Hope, and Love becomes the focus of our energies. Christianity respects those who hold to other faiths and the freedom to do so. At the same time, we Trust our God above all else. We see our Almighty God through and in the mysteries of this universe. All the laws of motion and space. Who can truly know or understand them? Our God.

The laws of Chemistry, the growth of beautiful plants and trees, the smell of lovely flowers, the peaceful white clouds, the rain that waters all life, the differing seasons that bring differing joys to our life experience. We see the love amongst the animals of the air, ground, and sea. We eat delicious food and smell numerous perfumes. The forces of all the stages of growth, the perfect heat of the sun and the beauty of the moon and stars. The sunsets, oceans, and lakes all declare the glory of God. The running streams, creeks, and rivers rejoice. The washing of the rain and the lightening from the dark sky. Who is the voice of Thunder? Our God.

All the laws of the universe work together. Human consciousness, personal identity, invisible powers all in balance. Who is the Grand Designer of all of this? Our God.

The physical and spiritual worlds, who owns them? Our language is not adequate enough to even begin to express all the mysteries. Religions have tried to intellectually dissect them, but continue to fall short. Who is this Supreme Being who is before all things? Can anybody really answer this question? There is a force beyond the physical matter that decides and controls. If there was nothing to contemplate and nothing that we couldn’t explain why need faith?

God would not be God if we had Him in a bag. We do believe and know this - Our God has not left us alone to guess on everything. We have love in our lives, we experience love amongst our families. A father and mother can experience a deep love for their child. A person can experience deep love for his animal. This love is a mere reflection of an even greater parental love, the love that comes from the Creator of all that is or ever shall be - our Christian God.

God has given us instruction through His word. He speaks to us and invites us into a relationship with Him. Our God is not hiding, He desires to make Himself known. We cannot use doubt as an excuse to ignore all the facts. God craves personal contact with His creation. For us as born-again Christians, God’s presence is real. Study with us, the Ancient Antiochene Church of God and begin to know yourself, know God, and know the person of Jesus Christ.

The mortal mind has been given a gift. You have the capacity to understand and love your Creator at a level that you never dreamed of before. In the amazing manifestations of creation God is reflected as a True Person. It is truly time to know Jesus the Christ. He stands at the door and knocks. Will you let Him in Laodicea?

It is time to accept your eternal destiny in Jesus the Christ.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (August 21st 2024)


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