Thursday, August 29, 2024

"Shadows of the Reality." ~ TSW


Ancient Antiochene


Part Twenty-two

“Shadows of the Reality.”

By presbyter Eric William King (August 29th 2024)

God has shared the mysteries of His being with Human civilizations in the past. Great civilizations have been given soil to help prepare the way of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. The topic of resurrection was a very important doctrine for the ancient Egyptians. Their god Osiris and his wife gave a virgin birth to Horus – the son of god. Horus avenged his “heavenly father”.

In the past, many Christian schools and colleges have neglected to show the connection of numerous mythologies of the ancient civilizations that were in fact forerunners to Christianity. Why has Christianity, as a whole, ignored its supposed connections with the ancient mysteries of the past? It has been said that; “Truth is not afraid of questions.” Jesus stated that He is the “way”, “the truth”, and “the life”. Do you believe Him? Yes? Then let us proceed.

As Ancient Antiochene Christians we truly believe, and many of us have experienced, the fact that what makes things truly work are what we could call “invisible forces”. We see many consequences of invisible forces while watching the universe. The true forces behind us are not truly visible to the Human eye. Religions have helped create moral order in all civilizations. Humans have a sense of moral standards. Humans have a sense of the sacredness of life.

God has allowed man throughout the early dispensations to gain a basic order of civilization. God has reflected the true Gospel message in these ancient civilizations by allowing them to have shadows and types of a much greater reality. All civilizations have come to a determination and a conclusion regarding order, both material and spiritual, they concluded that their way was the only right way. Without having this foundation, chaos could erupt at any moment. The belief in “one right way” brought (brings) static order in the midst of a 1000 plus humans – how else could they come to live together in peace? They needed a focus, a destiny that they could all agree on.

All of these types and shadows reflected the reality of a true Oneness – a true Wholeness. We even read in the book of Hebrews regarding the dispensations of the Old Covenant; “For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come…” (Hebrews 10:1) God has used images and “shadows” which reflect a greater reality creating in us revelation and even epiphany. Apostle Paul calls Jesus Christ Himself a “perfect image (Greek: icon) of God.” (Colossians 1:15)

Though even now, with the Revelation of Jesus Christ we still do not have full comprehension or spiritual vision, we are promised that greater comprehensions will come. Apostle Paul states for us; “For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then (after resurrection) face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I am also known.” (1st Corinthians 13:12) This truth certainly strengthens our faith to press on. We are all growing as true Children of God. We are to heed Divine Intelligence as our Parent. As born-again Christians we are promised a much fuller vision of God to come.

The myths and mysteries of ancient past carried the theme of a greater reality. These ancient stories foreshadowed the coming of Jesus Christ – Final Mashiach. Apostle Paul stated that he had been “entrusted” with these mysteries (1st Corinthians 4:1). The ancient visionaries of every civilization were given premonitions and prophecies all pointing forward to a much Greater Revelation, the revelation of Jesus Christ. Jesus will continue to reveal more to us as we grow in our relationship with Him.

We are beginning to come out of the shadows and into the Light.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (August 29th 2024)


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