Ancient Antiochene
By presbyter Eric William King (August 24th 2024)
The Ancient Antiochene Church records show that the Gospel of John was
written and re-written. Its last version comes to us latter than the other
gospels. St. John' gospel contains the deeper ‘spiritual meat’ regarding the deity
of Jesus Christ and a much deeper understanding of the Sacrament of Communion.
Our records show that the first Christian Church, long before we were
called "Christians", was mostly Jewish in membership. As a matter of
fact, the Apostle John established a close friendship with many synagogue
attending Jews. The early Christian message was shared amongst those who
attended the synagogues. A small Jewish community came to believe that Jesus
was in fact the Messiah.
A deeper understanding of the Prophets began to develop, especially
regarding the death of the Messiah. For the most part, these early Christians
were known as "Followers of the Way", this title based on Scriptures
found in the prophets. They stayed mostly Jewish in their lifestyles up until
the Apostle Paul. It was during the apostle Paul's life that we became known as
“Christian” (Acts 11:26).
We understand that it was St. James, literal brother of our Messiah, who
became the first Bishop of the early Jerusalem Church – predominantly all
Jewish in membership.
Matthew's gospel was used much amongst this early group, the first Matthew
account was written in Aramaic and came from the "Q" documentation
which later on in Church history was protected in Ancient Antioch by Bishop
Evodius. Many of these first believers lived in Palestine and spoke Aramaic.
The earliest version of the Gospel of John also became a favorite book within
Jewish communities. Apostle John became known as "the Beloved
Disciple" within these early communities.
When these converted Jews started to more aggressively proselytize other Jews,
they became marked as dangerous. Persecution slowly began to develop – much more
strongly among the early Jewish Jesus communities. Eventually the Jews who
accepted Jesus as the true Messiah were excluded from the synagogues. Many Jews
continued to worship and study in their synagogues but openly remained silent
about their beliefs, in this sense early Christianity became somewhat of a
Secret Society. They used secret symbols to make themselves known to other
Christians such as the fish symbol – the word “fish” in Greek was an acronym
for Jesus Christ. They also used “the all-seeing eye” to represent the presence
of God. These images are found painted on early caves that some Christians use
to hide in and worship in.
The Ancient Antiochene Church of God has found itself having to do the same
thing in modern times, when it comes to secrecy, due to the rejection of our
ancient truths becoming more public. We have no official "church
building" and we attend many different protestant churches today. We share
with others and where the Holy Spirit guides us to do so. We have Christians
now all over who worship in numerous Protestant denominations. There are no
fines, fees, or forms to fill out and it costs nothing to become a true
Christian - thus, we move forward.
If you have been baptized and believe you are one of us.
These early Jewish Christians became known as a Johannine community due to
their close connection with Apostle John, the Beloved. Non-Christian Jews began
to get angry and called those who "followed the Way" a sort of
"new religion" – a cult. Eventually many Jews who accepted Jesus as Messiah
had to leave their communities. The Jews got very angry over the Christians
regarding their understanding of the Sabbath days. To the true convert of
Jesus, it was understood that Jesus became the true "spiritual rest"
and not a mere day anymore. Many Jewish converts struggled with literal Sabbath
observance and other old Jewish laws as time went on. Apostle Paul had to
rebuke these groups which latter on became known as the Judaizers.
Today, we are experiencing something very similar to that which the
Johannites experienced. We encourage you to not give up, we are ambassadors of
a Greater Kingdom. We are in the Seventh Church Epoch and it is now time to
proclaim the last great call – we have the True Gospel of Jesus Christ. Won’t
you join us?
We are the remnant of the true Johannites.
This is most certainly true.
Eric William King (August 24th 2024)

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