Friday, August 23, 2024

"We the Church." ~ TSW


Ancient Antiochene


Part Seventeen

“We the Church.”

By presbyter Eric William King (August 23rd 2024)

The word “catholic”, amongst the earliest of Christian pastors, simply meant “universal”. The word “catholic” simply means ‘universal’. The word was used to demonstrate that the original church was not denominated…it was universally united.

1500 plus years later, the Romans hijacked the word “catholic” and put “Roman” in front of it thus creating the first and largest schismatic offshoot of true Christianity – the Roman Papacy. The true understanding of a Bishop is explained as such: All Christians must now truly understand that the Bishop is the senior pastor, the one which has the most experience and becomes the overseer of more than one church within a local district.

The true Bishop (Some churches may use the title; “District Pastor”) holds only to Sola Scriptura and the teachings of the original Apostles. Christians were first called Christians in Antioch (Acts 11:26). It was in Antioch that God formed the true church organization. St. Peter was the first Bishop of Antioch. Following him was St. Evodius. Following St. Evodius was St. Ignatius of which we have some of his original writings in our Ancient Antiochene Library.

St. Theophilus was the seventh Bishop of Antioch and was the last true [Greek] bishop before the infiltration of the Latin Church. There were hidden bishops of the true church protected throughout history. Even through the Dark Ages the true church was protected. The Eucharist [the “thanksgiving” Supper of the Lord – 1st Corinthians 10:16] is central in true Christian worship. A bishop must be present in the Church when it is being served or the bishop must appoint someone, an Elder or Pastor to administer it if he is absent. (However, a Christian may administer Holy Communion if he or she cannot attend a local body of believers – all Christians have this authority.)

However, that is only in corporate worship, at home or in private any Christian may administer to him or herself and to the family, Holy Communion. (Under certain circumstances, all Christians may baptize a new believer also.)

Regarding large group Communion, St. Ignatius (3rd Bishop of Antioch) explains this order to us: “Let no one do anything pertaining to the church without the bishop [Senior Pastor]. Let that be considered a valid Eucharist which is celebrated by the bishop, or by the person whom he appoints…Wherever the bishop offers [the Eucharist], let the congregation be present, just as, wherever Jesus [Yeshua] Christ is, there is the catholic [universal] church.”

Today, those Christians who study here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth” have joined the Ancient Antiochene Church of God through their profession of faith. Many attend their own home churches (protestant) and keep the Christian Holidays with their families. Many administer Communion with their families in their own homes. Ancient Antiochene Christians have now spread everywhere. We are the Rose on the Cross.

If you believe that God is calling you into the True Church, welcome. If you are baptized and believe - then you are one of us. We have no membership process other than belief and baptism [including all those baptized in a protestant church]. Many who have been studying here for years have discovered the true Faith once delivered. They have truly become Antiochene Christians. We have infiltrated many assemblies and we share when and where we can. Sly as serpents and innocent as doves.

Today churches ignore the original first apostolic authority of the church especially in the United States and this has led the church into all sorts of apostasy and heterodoxy. St. Irenaeus is an authoritative Bishop recognized by the Antiochene Church and he agrees with St. Ignatius regarding this important issue. Remember, these true saints are not “Roman Catholics”; they existed way before the Great Schism and are saints who were connected to St. John and St. Polycarp. [We have the true Johannite Mysteries]

A true Christian must be recognized by his or her relationship with God and the Truth. Christian maturity must be and will be developed within the True Church. We serve a God of relationship and we demonstrate that amongst ourselves through the Love of Jesus Christ.

True spiritual fellowship will exist amongst the “body of Christ” (His Church). Respect for Church order and authority must be demonstrated in order to grow properly. The true church is recognized by the union of its members who, when it comes to doctrine, “speak the same thing” but maintain their own personal relationship with the Truth (1st Corinthians 1:10).

“Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in darkness.” (1st John 2:9)

There is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ. The true church offers a complete system of teachings found in Holy Scripture alone (Sola Scriptura).

St. Irenaeus informs us that the Four Gospels are the true and only authoritative gospels. They are the “pillar and ground” upon which true faith is built. The true Antiochene Church alone holds to the complete “faith once delivered” (Jude 3). Jesus Christ built His ONE TRUE CHURCH and it is still here. May you seek Jesus Christ out with all your heart, soul and mind – all that you are.

It is truly time for all Christians in America and around the globe to return to the pure church of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Please continue your Bible studies here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth”. Practice and share what you learn.

Our Pope is Jesus the Christ.

We are truly the Church of God.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (August 23rd 2024)

All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.


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