Tuesday, August 20, 2024

"One true doctrine." ~ TSW

Ancient Antiochene


Part Thirteen

“One true doctrine.”

By presbyter Eric William King (August 20th 2024)

The Christian message is not an amalgamation of ideas barrowed from Plato, Philo or the Send-avesta. Jesus the Christ states; “All who ever came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them.” (John 10:8) It is not that God did not reveal sound theological ideas to and through others, because He did. At one point God gave (implanted) truth regarding monotheism to those pagans living in foreign lands such as pharaoh Akhenaton – Son of the Sun.

The Bible teaches that we are created spirits. When God placed our spirits into flesh, He gave us our souls. The souls are breathed into us; hence the soul is likened to breath. The soul in the Greek is psyche. It is your God given individuality, your person – personality. This includes gifts. All humans have been given gifts. The Greek word psyche is where we get the word psychology – the study of the soul. Everybody has an individual and different soul.

We are not emanations from God in the sense of a spirit (our gift of eternal life) that travels down through layers of progressive degeneration. We are given one gift of life; we are not reincarnated souls. The idea of reincarnation teaches that you earn your salvation (proper relationship) with Divine Intelligence, on your own through your own effort. This would mean that without God, on your own, you could become God. This would mean that each time you are reborn into a body of matter, you are automatically infected with sin again – doing the same thing over and over again yet expecting different results. This is a fallen pagan idea – heresy.

We do mature through a personal relationship with God but we earn nothing. We are the created – creature – we are not the Creator. God is Almighty, this is something that the fallen Human nature fights against. Pride is the root of most all false doctrine. Everybody wants to be God. We live in the Fallen Matrix. The virus of sin, which is terminal, can only be cured through perfection, only God is perfect. Perfection cannot be earned by something that is spiritually dead. All Humans are dead in their trespasses and sin.

Thus, true salvation is gifted to us through God the Son. Aristobulus and Philo introduced much fallen doctrine into Alexandria. The Alexandrian Christian school, early on, became infected with false doctrine that had been planted there from early years. The true Christians started in Ancient Antioch (Syria), where we were first called Christian (Acts 11:26). To understand the true teachings of Christianity one must accept Jesus Christ as his or her personal Savior and become part of the First Church – His bride.

As true Christians we understand that pure doctrine, correct Christian teaching, does not derive from the intermingling of oriental and occidental religions and philosophies. It is true that Satan has mixed Truth with error, he has done that since the beginning. It is very important to read the Word of God and study it with the true church. You truly must be born of the Spirit to gain proper understanding – you must become a true child of God. The true faith is found in the teachings of the early church and it is also a fact that God continues to reveal better understandings of His word throughout time. Drinking from this water we never thirst again.

As true Christians we fulfill the law to “love one another.” We welcome all those who are truly awakening to their election. Please stay with us here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth”. All baptized Christians are welcome. As you grow continue to share what God reveals to you to others. Be the Light in this dark world.

We are the True Rose on the Cross.

We are receiving the One true doctrine.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (August 20th 2024)

All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

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