Ancient Antiochene
who rejects Trinity, rejects God.”
By presbyter Eric William King (August 10th 2024)
All Christians who have grown in their faith understand that there are
layers of growth and new understandings. Looking back, we have had to change
bad patterns and even incorrect ways of thinking and believing. Now is the time
to go to the next Aeon in your Christian faith if you hear the Chief Shepherd
We adhere to two Sacraments, Baptism and the Eucharist. Both must happen in
the true Christians life. As under the Old Covenant given to Moses, children
were circumcised on the eighth day after birth so under the New Covenant
children may come to Christ. Even St John the Baptist leaped in the womb of his
mother at the hearing of the Word. Woe unto those who forsake the children to
come unto Him. True faith comes through hearing the Word of God and Baptism is
done with the water and the Word. It is the Word over the Sacraments which
makes them Sacraments - and it is the sacraments which confirm the child of God.
Christian Baptism does not replace circumcision, it fulfills it.
We reject the Arian conflict. Arius was a heretic. This conflict gathered
in Alexandria while Emperor Constantine 1st ruled. Then, a council
was convened. At this council the Holy Trinity was honored. The School of
Alexandria tried to destroy the true God but failed. The remnants of Alexandria
today, the Roman Catholics are still trying to destroy the True God. They too
will fail.
There is another great persecution coming against Christians. It is this
second Diocletian attack – from Rome the Beast - that will be great. If you as
a Christian are not able to stand it will be because you have not stayed in
deep communication with God – it will be because you have rejected this His
counsel. May you never reject His bride – The Ancient Antiochene Church of God.
Just as the Melitian and Donatist sects were exposed so must we today
continue to expose that which is in the dark. True Christians are the Light of
the world. We are ambassadors of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are calling
God’s elect through the preaching and teaching of the Word. The elect will hear
His voice and awaken to their election. To this world we are seen as nothing
but a group of odd fellows and fellas, so mote it be. We can’t help but speak
of the things that we have seen and heard.
The blessed consubstantial Trinity is our God. We worship Trinity. He who
rejects the Trinity rejects the only True God – Elohim. Holy, Holy, Holy is the
Lord God Almighty. We are the first catholic – universal church – as the third
Bishop of Antioch proclaimed, St Ignatius. The true Church is made up of men,
women, and children. The Godly men and women are able to preach and teach as
they might be called to do so. We are all kings and priests under the
Melchizedek ordination of the Spirit. We are a Kingdom within the fallen kingdom
– we are the Church in Mystery.
God’s people are going through the Dispensations together. We are in the
sixth, Ecclesiastical Dispensation – the dispensation of Grace. We are
experiencing the Seventh and final church Epoch. We are in the Laodicean Epoch.
The majority of God’s people have fallen asleep and the world has become very
dark. The Son of God alone has perfect knowledge of the Father. He has given it
to us through His Word and we are to study his word and receive the counsel to
the Seven Churches. He has sent the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, direct and
protect us through these times. May we hear Him now.
The Fallen World has tried to abort God and His children. Jesus informs us
that the gates of Hades will not overcome His church, his bride. So, we stand
fast and tall in this darkness as lights shinning in a dark place. Be not
ashamed of who you are in Christ Jesus. We are not ashamed of the Gospel for it
is the Power of God.
He who rejects Trinity, rejects God.
This is most certainly true.
By Eric William King (August 10th 2024)
All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.
*True Ancient Antiochene Christianity
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