Ancient Antiochene
message revealed.”
By presbyter Eric William King (August 9th 2024)
Wake up! This is the message to the Sleeping Church. The Christian Church
is now in the Seventh Church Epoch, that of the Laodicea. In this time the
Seventh Message has come forth. Many mysteries are being made clear through
God's precious Word. It is truly time for the church to receive these mysteries
that She may be strengthened during this time, right before the harpazo.
Jeremiah the prophet has declared; “In the last-days ye shall understand it
Before, in times past, the Church was not always privy to these mysteries.
Now is the time for their unleashing. We wish not to cast our pearls before
swine – the hylic. These truths are for the psychic and pneumatic who have
received the indwelling of Sophia. The exoteric doctrines have become planted
in the past six Church Epochs. Now it is time to experience, more fully, the
esoteric realms – the Apophatic Reality of God’s Word. Jesus said: “Blessed are
your eyes, for many in the past longed to see the things that you now see.”
These teachings change not.
We do not intend to upset or agitate the literalists – Core Christianity
always remains the same. The meat of God’s word has always outraged those
religious leaders of the numerous sects – because they realize that their
control is not from God. The so called “Pope” is just a mere man, a sad man
having delusions of grandeur. The First Church has always been the true
catholic – universal church – and not the Roman Sect. The Roman church has
become the Harlot – she gets paid for her tricks. The First Church was referred
to as universal (catholic) first by the 3rd Antiochene Bishop, St
Ignatius - and not by the so called “Pope”. The Pope put the title “Roman”
before the word “universal” and then invented his false narrative.
Check this history for yourself – the Church of Antioch has the Truth. We
still use the liturgy of St James, the brother of our Lord.
There is an intellectual and spiritual gulf that separates the true
Antiochene Church of God from the Beast full of false names (Revelation 17:3).
Only those who have accepted the True Messiah have their eyes and ears opened
to Reality and Truth. The true teachings that we give did not originate in
Alexandria, they became deformed in Alexandria. Our teachings come from the
First Christian Church in Antioch, Syria. It was in Antioch that we were first
called Christians (Acts 11:26).
St Irenaeus helped expose the false gnosticism of the Alexandrian school.
It was also the Alexandrian school which brought forth much heresy. Arius did
not get his false teachings from St Lucian; he used that excuse to get attention.
Arius was actually trained in the Alexandrian school, where his heresy took
root and controversy. It was in Nicaea that the true Antiochene Christians [the
Eastern] responded with the Council of Nicaea – though many who attended were
Nicolaitans, they did get the Deity question answered correctly because of the
documents of St Theophilus – a last true Greek Christian (Seventh Bishop of
Antioch). God protects His Bride.
The Seventh Message is being revealed.
This is most certainly true.
By Eric William King (August 9th 2024)

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