Thursday, August 1, 2024

To All Christians ~ TSW


Looking for a Church?

To All Christians

What is the Ancient Antiochene Church of God

By Eric William King

What is the "Ancient Antiochene Church of God"? It is not a building; it is not a denomination. It is not a "non-profit" organization. Simply put, it is Christians from all over the world who believe in Jesus the Christ and what His church teaches.

We call the name of the "first church" by a specific name. Christians were first called Christians in ancient Antioch (Acts 11:26). It was here that Gentiles started joining the true church and it is from here that the church grew into the enormity that it is today.

Those who study here (online) this ministries teachings - “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget of Truth” - and who believe in what we teach from God’s word are Antiochene Christians. If they have been baptized by the water and the Word and are “born again” they are official members of Christ’s “body”, which is His church.

We accept those who have been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit from all protestant churches and from those who leave the Greek Orthodox church. We have Christian brothers and sisters who prefer to worship at conservative or “moderately” conservative Lutheran Churches. Because of our ancient history, we accept the “Book of Concord” and the “Augsburg Confession” to announce our soteriological beliefs and practices.

(We also accept Roman Catholics who repent and turn to the true Jesus and His true teachings.)

We do not have a place where we all meet together. Many just communicate online through private emails and such. Many gather in groups of two or more in their own homes where they study, receive the communion (sacrament), and worship our Lord. We encourage all of our brothers and sisters to remain in the protestant churches that truly “feed” them the true Word of God and they should share the truth (when possible) as taught through the Ancient Antiochene Church of God with as many as they can.

It is also good to help monetarily the church that you worship at.

God’s true church is not denominated. We are God’s Church and we believe in Sola Scriptura. On October 10th 2017 in the mountains of California I was praying and received the answer to my question regarding this ministry. I started preaching and sharing what God had shown me through many years of prayer and study. One day, shortly after I prayed with fellow elders from other churches, I was called to be the presbyter of what is now known as “The Ancient Antiochene Church of God”. The Elders placed their hands on me and anointed me to this ministry. Since that time, just about seven years ago, I have been blessed to teach, preach and work in other churches to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I currently continue to help teach in other churches as I live at (and sometimes travel from) Mt. Shiloh. Mt. Shiloh is a mountain that I live on and work from. On July 14th 2024 I became the Abbot of Mt. Shiloh and continue to pray and help educate from this location. It is considered my personal “monastery” and is for proper education in Christian theology.

My hope and prayer is that many Christians from all over this Earth continue to study here and to share what God continues to show them. We are growing – all true Christians are members of the true Body of Christ.

There are no fines, fees, or forms to fill out to become a member of “The Ancient Antiochene Church of God”. You do not even have to contact me. Simply accept Jesus Christ as your Lord, God and Savior and study here. Live the gospel and learn how to share and teach it in all that you do. It is also very important to find yourself a local church where the truth is taught and attend with fellow believers.

May you continue to grow closer to the Lord every day.

By presbyter Eric William King (August 1st 2024)

Note: It is also good to help other ministries that God leads you to support and help. We trust that God leads all true Christians to do what is right and in accordance with his word.

Pray that God leads you to make the right decisions in all that you do. We pray that you prosper in whatever you do for the Lord. ~ TSW

Understand Ancient Antiochene



*Todays, Mt. Shiloh

*Some History of this Ministry

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