Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Mt. Shiloh ~ TSW


Mt. Shiloh

And the Ancient Antiochene Church of God

"A scepter shall not depart from Judah, Nor a lawgiver from between his feet, Until Shiloh comes; And to Him shall be the obedience of the people." ~ Genesis 49:10

By Eric William King

Before all the different temples were built for our God, there stood a "tent" temple, simple and sweet, to our Lord in the "land of Shiloh". Shiloh is an ancient town in ancient Samaria. The original - humble town of Shiloh stood for 369 years.

It was during the time of God's appointed judges that this simple temple stood and was used by the ancient Israelites. In the first book of our Bible, the book of Genesis, we read a prophecy regarding Shiloh. It reads, "until Shiloh comes". Many older versions of the Bible such as in the Syrian it reads; "until it comes to whose it is". This verse has been held as a prophecy regarding the Messiah.

Though this is a "Messianic" scripture we do not find it anyplace quoted in the New Testament as referring to the Messiah, to Jesus. Yet, this first mention in Genesis is a reference to "a name", in other scriptures which follow it is referred to as a "place". Later, we find that Shiloh is a location in central Palestine where Joshua built the tabernacle after his conquest of Canaan.

Ancient Rabbis believed the place of Shiloh to be as sacred as Jerusalem, because it was the first “house” of the Lord’s presence for His people. Jerusalem and Shiloh are the only two places where God specifically allowed a stationary place for sacrifices. The original Shiloh tabernacle had stones built around it, making it the first legitimate “Temple of the Lord”.

In the LXX and the Peshitta the word “Shiloh” is interpreted as a compound word meaning, “whose it is”. We also see this in the Jewish Targums. The Genesis verse still holds to a “Messianic” interpretation if this translation is accepted. But what if Shiloh is actually to be recognized as a name? Who then is Shiloh?

We know that Eli the High Priest served in ancient Shiloh. He was the spiritual leader of the Israelites. People traveled a long way to visit Shiloh to pray and give honor to God’s Holy place.

Much latter in Old Testament times, Samuel received his heavenly call in the land of Shiloh. The Holy Ark was carried from Shiloh when the Israelites went to war with the Philistines. When the Holy Ark was eventually removed permanently, the place of Shiloh lost its first importance. God eventually laid waste the town of Shiloh because of the apostate sin of His people. But even after this God preserved a prophet in Shiloh. This was the prophet of Ahijah whom God spoke through.

Later the prophet Jeremiah lamented when hearing of the destruction of Shiloh. Shiloh has a long and interesting history for sure. Even in later Roman times Shiloh was dwelt in, complete with a villa and bath. In the Church Age a Byzantine Basilica in the fifth century was founded there. Today the Ancient Antiochene Church of God (first church) believes that Shiloh has been relocated. A piece of land today has been blessed through prayer and named Mt. Shiloh. This began on October 10th 2017. It has been declared “a place of rest”. This “new” Mt. Shiloh is located in the United States on private property in the State of California.

The old Shiloh was destroyed by fire, the new Shiloh is filled with the “fire” of the Holy Spirit. The “House of Shiloh” is also now the Chapel of Shiloh. Also, today in the actual ancient town of Shiloh there is a beautiful modern synagogue. Today ancient Shiloh has a population of about 5,000 residents. So, the history of ancient Shiloh still lives on.

Please continue your Christian Bible studies with us here at “The Shepherds Way” and the “Nugget of Truth”.

Walk with Him every day.

By Eric William King (July 17th 2024)


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