Saturday, April 11, 2020

Not Twisting St Luther’s Words

Not Twisting St Luther’s Words

By Eric William King

St Martin Luther warned before his death to go be with our Lord that people would come after him and twist the meaning of his words and teachings as articulated in the compellation of the “Book of Concordia”. As a matter of fact, certain Baptist groups and others were beginning to do that before his death. 

St Martin Luther wrote: “Hence if anyone should say after my death, “If Luther were living now, he would teach or hold this article differently, for he did not consider it sufficiently,” etc. let me say once and for all that by the grace of God I have most diligently traced all these articles through the Scriptures, have examined them again and again in light thereof, and have wanted to defend them as certainly as I have now defended the sacrament of the altar.” 

St Luther went on to warn that nobody should change, twist or distort his writings. Let me say here that foundationally this ministry (“The Shepherds Way”) fully accepts St Martin Luther’s writings and the entire Augsburg Confession without the slightest of change. We have not changed them nor do we wish to. Even our so called “addendums” do not contradict anything that he taught. 

Having stated that, this ministry has given and continues to give some new insight that agrees with, supports, and includes much more detail to uphold the findings in the “Book of Concordia”. Our mission is not to change the Lutheran Testimony but to continue to uphold and magnify the reality of its truthfulness. 

None of our teachings conflict with the Lutheran Testimony

Admittedly at times I speculate on how St Luther would be responding to some of the outrages heresies in the year 2020 AD…..but these are only speculations. With new archaeological finds and parchments since the life of St Martin Luther our knowledge has indeed increased. 

I was baptized and raised in the Lutheran Church and do not wish to do the church any harm in any way, shape or form. I love the Lutheran Church. 

Also, St Luther was a man saved by Christ. He was not without imperfections nor are any of us. He would most certainly agree that only Scripture is without error. So in ending this short paper I will say that we here do not mean to take anything away from or add anything to our Brother St Luther’s awesome testimony. We only wish to uphold it and perhaps magnify it. We praise God for the work that He accomplished through our brother St Martin Luther. Amen 

Resting in the finished work of my Savior and King, Jesus the Christ,

Eric William King (April 10th 2020)

“The true church is thus not a continuation of the claims of men but is instead the continuation of the TRUE TEACHINGS of Scripture. Also, the Christian Church does not create the Scriptures (Word of God) but instead the Word of God creates the proper Church.” ~E.W.King (“Historical Connections to the original church?” – April 2nd 2020)

All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

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