Ancient Antiochene
By presbyter Eric William King (August 7th
In this Fallen Matrix people are attracted to material things. The fallen
Archons are Demonic Beings that lead and guide the fallen Human mind. People
care what other fallen Humans think rather than what God thinks. They think;
“What will people think if I wear those kinds of clothes?”,” What will people
think if I listen to that kind of music or drive that kind of car?”, “What kind
of food must I eat to be accepted by the fallen masses?” etc.
Materialism is the food of the arrogant and senseless. The materialist
boasts; “You are merely jealous of me.” This kind of nonsense is what caused
the fall of Lucifer. To conceal his followers, Satan clothes them with a false
sense of “light”. They believe that having the latest and updated knowledge of
the Fallen World is their ticket to heaven. They have become the true Gnostics
– the “all knowers”.
Barbelo did not produce such garbage. According to the Foreknowledge of God
these unrepentant people will be cast out – they are of the Left
(Materialists). Only those of the true Right Hand shall stand in the true
Light. For God is present in all of the Pleroma. He sees and knows all; He
dwells in the Fullness.
Satan is the craftsman of this Fallen Matrix - these lower heavens in which
ye dwell. The world has become blinded by the senses. Most all seek short term
pleasure in the feelings and the senses. The material world feeds the fallen
senses as if throwing vomit forth to feed pigs. The material world has but mere
shadows of the pristine realities awaiting the saints. It is through the true
Christian knowledge which comes out of the Ancient Antiochene Church of God
that gives articulation and explanation of the true human condition.
It is Jesus the Christ that gives
lives meaningful use in this Fallen World. There are some people who do not know the will of God because they do not read
the Holy Scriptures nor talk to fellow Christians. They live their lives
seeming to know what is right and wrong but never ask for the forgiveness of their sins on a daily bases, thus they have
no true relationship with the True Christian God - Yahweh.
They may say
that they “believe” in Jesus but to
them that just means that they believe that He was once a real person, they
believe that they have their own fallen conscience to direct them. This is
sadly the state of most people who call themselves Christian. From its earliest
days Christianity has had to contend with false teachers and heretical dogma.
Apostle Paul warned about apostasy in almost all of his letters. It is very
important for today’s Christians to understand the times of the early apostles
and how the early Church dealt with specific heresies.
Apostate propaganda is spread all over the
place. It is up to each Christian to truly test the Truth’s presented to him or
her. When one reads the counsels given to the seven churches in the Book of Revelation one must understand
the cultural issues of these troubles and the early beliefs. And in this Church Age (Ecclesiastical Dispensation) the Holy
Spirit opens for us all that we need to know. Through the guidance of the Holy
Spirit the Christian gains understanding of all these important Truths. “The man without the Spirit
does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are
foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.” (1st Corinthians 2:14)
Spiritual food comes first, not material food.
As a Christian
you are to become a living copy of the title-deed or testament (will) of God. “You show that you are a letter from
Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of
the Living God, not on tables of stone but on tables of human hearts.” (2nd
Corinthians 3:3) You are to become “sealed” with the TRUTH…with the WORD of
God. The gospel was sealed by “the blood of Jesus Christ” and He becomes our LIVING TESTIMONY that the title deed
transaction was complete. We now have a written copy of the WILL OF GOD, a title deed containing
the complete history of our planet and the entire Pleroma. This title-deed is
the Holy Scriptures.
We rebuke
This is most
certainly true.
By Eric William
King (August 7th 2024)

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