Ancient Antiochene
Archons revealed.”
By presbyter Eric William King (August 8th 2024)
Today people do not realize that they are swimming in a spiritual world.
Surrounding them are a multitude of beings that they cannot see or perceive.
The fallen Archons are powerful influencers of the flesh. Earth's atmosphere is
a playing field where a spiritual battle is underway. Evil thoughts are fed into
the minds of those who do not fear God and those who do not believe in the True
God. They want to counsel everybody but themselves.
Fallen Humans are completely susceptible to the influence of the demons. In
fact, most people are puppets to them. They pull the strings of materialism –
jealousy and hatred towards Christianity. They make people worry more about
what others think than what God thinks. In fact, most people are embarrassed
about the True God. They are controlled by the sting.
There are Seven Celestial spheres in our solar system which are visible to
the naked eye. There are seven fallen ones who Watch from around these
locations. The First and Second Heavens are corrupted by sin and the Fallen
Watchers. They have dominion as God has allowed.
Jesus the Christ has overcome all of the Archons, He has passed through the
Heavens for our sake. He has ascended and is seated at the Right Hand of God
the Father. His way leads back up through the Heavens into the presence of God. His
is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to God but through and by
Him. He is coming again to judge the living and the dead. All spirits must face
the Reality of the Ruler. As those Born from Above - “Our contest is not
against flesh and blood; rather, the authorities of the world and the spiritual
hosts of wickedness.”
The fallen "archai"
have no more lordship over the Children of God. These
spirits have been here the whole time. In Ephesians (3:10 and 6:12), for
example, we have specified that they dwell in the sky. And Colossians (2:8 and 2:20) refers to them as
“elemental spirits of the universe.” These “elemental spirits” have charge of the
fallen nature as God allows and many Fallen Humans are worshipping these little
“gods of creation”. They have turned to the pagan cluster of idiots.
Lucifer is the Fallen
One, the Demiurge. Satan is the false god of this world. There is only one True
God. We know Sophia – there is not, nor ever was or will be two Sophia’s. The
wicked One has lied through the Kenites about this ancient wisdom. These
Kenites arrived shortly after the passing of St John. St John warned the
ecclesia about this long ago. The false Gnosis has no power over the Ancient
Antiochene Church of God. The person of the Holy Spirit protects the Body of
Christ, the Church. The Holy Spirit proceeds forth from the Father – Sophia
spills forth from the Godhead. This spilling has been named Barbelo. This from
the Coptic verb which is “to boil over”, “overflow”. From this true Mother we
have direction, pointing forever and always to Jesus Christ. This is the
Comforter. From Her comes true orthodoxy – straight thinking.
Humans live in the
Fallen Matrix. It is time for Christ’s Church to truly understand the Pleroma.
The fallen denominations have not the true depth of the true Gospel. It has
been hidden in the depths of the Pleroma. The New Testament texts Colossians
and Ephesians use the word “Pleroma” several times. It
is time for the Christian to use the Seven Hermeneutic Laws of Scripture as
protected and taught by the Ancient Antiochene Church of God. These Seven are
protective guides for the true children of God.
As we proceed in the
Ancient Antiochene Mysteries we shall reveal much more to the student of God’s
precious Word. God’s Word is the Living Word – it is Alive. Continue loved one,
with us through the straight and narrow way. You do not walk alone.
The Archons have been
This is most certainly
By Eric William King
(August 8th 2024)

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