Tuesday, August 20, 2024

"The two worlds." ~ TSW


Ancient Antiochene


Part Fourteen

“The two worlds”

By presbyter Eric William King (August 20th 2024)

There are many reasons why the true Gnosis (knowledge) of God started in Ancient Syria (Antioch). Here is where the true apostolic teaching took root and began to grow. It was many converted Hellenistic Jews that started to preserve the teachings in a corrupted Greek form of writing. Though Luke was born and raised in Antioch, he wrote in good educated Greek.

Jesus Christ taught us that our spirits were born into corrupt matter, the Fallen Matrix. Man is a sinner who needs redemption and reconciliation with God. God Himself had to make the journey into His creation to accomplish this. The fall was caused by the Luciferian rebellion. Many angels joined in this uprising and fell with Satan. They are the fallen Archons. They have entered into the Pleroma – the sphere of creation. The true Creator sits above His pleroma. “It is He who sits above the circle of the earth.” (Isaiah 4:22)

God and His beloved Son are enthroned above in the highest of heavens, on the Sea of Glass. “Praise Him, you heavens of heavens, And you waters above the heavens.” (Psalm 148:4) “Before the throne there was a sea of glass...” (Revelation 4:6; 15:2) It is from this location that He shall come again to judge the living and the dead.

In the Godhead, from the Nous of God, comes forth all of his creation. The Son of God, the Logos, using Divine Intelligence - His reason - proceeds to express purpose in and through the things of creation. He made Humanity in His own image, even giving them Phronesis. Though man has inherited sin, spiritual death, God shows his love through His Son and then gifts us with Divine Mother, the Parakletos – Sophia. All those Born from Above are true members of the God Family. Thank God for Pneuma Hagion.

It is through the Divine Person of the Holy Spirit (Sophie) that we receive God’s true will for our lives. God acts and reveals through His Spirit. God empowers His children to live correctly with the Holy Spirit. God’s Spirit – the Mother - also convicts us of sin and directs us into right action. Humans using only their fallen nature to direct them are living in a distorted reality and are slaves to the Fallen Matrix.

God is three persons yet One God. These three persons of the Godhead are of one substance (ousia). The Greek word for substance is ousia and it can more accurately mean for us essence. As God’s creation we may never become His essence but we may partake of it through His energies. This happens in the person who truly becomes regenerate (“born from above” or “born again”). The Christian is “born again” and has received the gift of the Holy Spirit and thus becomes a “partaker of the Divine Nature”. The Christian begins to grow in his faith through the process of theosis to achieve apotheosis (true oneness with God through Jesus Christ our Lord).

Salvation is a complete free gift from God to those who hear and accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ, receive Baptism and partake of the Eucharist. True living faith, which is also a gift, performs these acts in the saved Christian.

I hope that this gnosis has helped you understand the two worlds (matrixes). Continue your studies with us here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth”. We accept all those who have received the sacrament of baptism and are truly Born Again. We now have numerous Christians that have joined us in living and sharing the final message, the Seventh Message. Many attend numerous Christian Churches and share what they can when they can. Don’t give up.

We are understanding the two worlds.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (August 20th 2024)

All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

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