Ancient Antiochene
to Divine Intelligence.”
By presbyter Eric William King (August 16th 2024)
Most all Humans accept things that they hear that are simply not
true. When we look at Christians today in all of the numerous denominations,
some were raised from a child in this or that denomination, we see many who
really do not understand their own faith, let alone the true history of
Christianity. Many carelessly accept the things that are taught to them.
Many Christians go along with the other members of their church without
question. Whenever they hear something that may differ from their group, they
quickly reject it, without listening or studying the facts. The Bible states:
"He who answers a matter before hearing it, it is folly and shame unto
him." (Proverbs 18:13) The truth is, one cannot go through life with a proper
understanding of anything until he or she recognizes God. A spiritual
experience must take place for the eyes to be open.
There are many religions. All of the world religions are man trying to
create God in their own image. It is easy to agree with a God that ignores sin.
One mustn't do anything but what “feels good”. This is an easy way to ignore
the facts. However, God’s true Word, the Holy Bible will make you change. There
is some spiritual work that must be done in order to change into the person
that the Creator intended you to be. Nobody likes to be told that they are wrong
about anything.
When Humanity was young it was normal to fear the mysterious energies of
creation that were not understood. Superstitious traditions and beliefs
resulted. This was part of our maturity process. As mankind matured, man still
recognized the fact of supernatural morals and realities - that what he wished
to become. Humans have always had the sense of morality; God has placed His
ways in the heart of man.
Because our true Creator loves us, He has spoken to us through dispensations
and ages of time. The Bible reveals this. Man has always had a partial insight
of God. As Humanity became more intelligent God was able, and is able, to
reveal more of Himself to us. By His grace and mercy, we have His revealed Word
– we have the Holy Scriptures. A loving creator gave us His Word. There is
effort, conflict and many struggles in the Christian life. God is maturing us –
He is our Heavenly Father.
A person may be
learned in psychology and philosophy
but truly unlearned in God’s word. Many place the word of men and women above the word of Divine Intelligence. This is sad. Our
God is the Almighty Intelligence. The Bible gives seven basic time periods,
each different in length which are introduced by a covenant or “agreement”
given by God to His people.
These time
phases are called “dispensations”. The Greek word for dispensation
is oikonomia. It comes
from a verb which basically means “to manage” or “regulate” time. God has
“dispensed” these portions of time as programs, like school classes for His
In a
dispensation God tests man in respect to a specific revelation of His will. Each dispensation is showing
how God is working out His purpose through differing economies. Theologically
we also talk about “ages”. We
make a distinguishing difference between “dispensations” and “ages” here. We say that an “age”, for the
most part, stands for a period of time between two great physical changes on
the earth’s surface while a “dispensation” stands for a covenantial probationary
period between God and His people.
The Bible
clearly outlines “Seven Major
Dispensations” and “Three Earth
Ages”. It is my hope that if you are reading this that you will continue
your Biblical studies with us here at “The Shepherds Way” and the “Nugget of
Truth” and continue to gain a better understanding of God and yourself. These
are the two ministries of “The Ancient Antiochene Church of God”. Keep the
We are
listening to Divine Intelligence.
This is most
certainly true.
Eric William
King (August 16th 2024)

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