Ancient Antiochene
of our faults.”
By presbyter Eric William King (August 27th
As we approach the end of this
current age, there will be great turmoil - social trouble. The planet has
turned away from Divine Intelligence. The world has become materialistic
slaves. Current technology has spoiled humanity like a rotten child. There is no
awe of God - no more belief save in the fallen-self.
The business that will cure this
fallen age, or at least postpone its annihilation would be if it listened to
those who understand its true condition and then heeded the counsel. And who has
the Good Counsel? It is the Church of Christ. Currently we are sharing the
Seventh Laodicean Counsel. The Church has mostly fallen asleep - hypnotized by
material toys and self-centeredness. The Church is being cleansed; it has
always gone through this process. The harpotzo will be the final act of
The true Church of Christ has the only Axiomata. The Seven Angels have
given their messages to the Seven Churches. True Christians are the everburning
lamps with the extra oil. As Born-Again Christians we have learned to recognize
our personal faults and to heed the counsel. We learn to give our troubles to
God, and He will show us through His Word just how to correct them. Thank God
for His strength. The Bible declares that "when we are weak, He is strong".
The fallen Human nature displays a distaste for God’s ways, God’s ways are
so different from the ways of this Fallen World - the Fallen Matrix. The first
step towards healing is recognizing our faults and asking God to forgive us. We
also have learned to promptly admit when we are wrong. This is not always easy.
It is true that new-comers will not gain a full understanding nor a
possession of our mysteries. We are unfolding the wonders of the Sixth
Dispensation. “The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and He will
show them his covenant.” (Psalm 25:14)
No true healing can occur in a prideful soul. It is pride that brought Lucifer
down. Many of us have discovered some of our strange behaviors, these involve
superstitious-phobias and extreme anxiety. Today many express Christian-phobia,
many have a distaste for Christians and the Christian God. These phobias are
brought on by misunderstandings and fear.
We must recognize the power of sin, we find that we continue to struggle
with bad thoughts, and make bad decisions. We sometimes feel like we are
strange and that we are the only ones dealing with such issues and how dare we
admit it, people will call us insane. The fact of the matter is, all of what we
call fallen-human nature is insane. As true Christians we become humbled
through the revelation of Jesus Christ. Progress begins through true honesty
and forgiveness. We must hear the Word of God.
Following God’s will replaces our “independence” and dependence on the
fallen Human-will. God becomes our true Father, the Father who created us and
loves us. True happiness is freedom from guilt and sin. We gain a right
relationship with Divine Intelligence through Jesus Christ our Lord. We also
admit that we have not “arrived” and still have much to learn. Life can be hard
and it certainly doesn’t come peacefully all the time.
My prayer for you today is that you remain in Heavenly Father’s word, keep
growing in self-awareness to your relationship with Divine Intelligence. Make
God’s ways the highest priority of your life and rest in our Lord and savior,
Jesus the Christ.
We have Christians now all over who worship in numerous Protestant
denominations. Join us, the Ancient Antiochene Church of God. There are no
fines, fees, or forms to fill out and it costs nothing to become a true
Christian. If you are baptized and believe, we accept you fellow brother and
sister. Share with others what you learn here.
We are awakening to our faults, and correcting them with God’s love.
This is most certainly true.
Eric William King (August 27th 2024)

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