Saturday, August 31, 2024

"Beware of the Dark Side." ~ TSW


Ancient Antiochene


Part Twenty-four

“Beware of the Dark Side.”

By presbyter Eric William King (August 31st 2024)

Apostle Paul says that “the god of this” fallen world is Satan (2 Corinthians 4:3-5). He states that this false god, the god of this “Aeon” has blinded the minds of most all Humans. The Greek word Aeon can mean three different things. It can mean “a specific space of time”, “a level of Heaven” and “a group of two created beings, both male and female”. In Paul’s use of Aeon here, he means the two fallen spaces, or Heavens – the Earth’s atmosphere and Outer Space. It is also a reference to our current space-time continuum.

What we refer to as the Fullness of God’s creation is the Pleroma - which contains all that has ever been created, and not eternal. So, we call Satan the Demiourgos of the fallen realms which also contain the principalities and powers of the air (Fallen Archons). When we say that Satan is the “god of this Fallen World” we do not mean that he is able to create by ex nihilo (out of Nothing). No. He simply uses Fallen Matter to form things for his purpose. All of the material creation is hence contaminated by Sin.

Satan puts thoughts into the creative mind of Fallen Humans to produce weapons of mass destruction, drugs that kill, sexually perverted things, etc. Satan is truly “the god of this” Fallen World. If you watch the daily news, you can see how he controls his puppets. As Christians, we live in this world, but we are not a part of this world (John 17:14-15: James 4:4).

As Born-Again Christians our theoria (contemplation) is on the things of the True God, we are the true logikoi – knowledgeable spirit beings. This truth is extremely important for the Novices of the True Faith. Before you can move out of Novice and let your roots grow into deeper soil you must understand the basics – they must never be forgotten. Christians must grow up; this means learning to become mortified to the enticements of this world. The way to Jesus Christ is narrow. True love is not lust or perversion. The Fallen World defines love based on fallen and distorted emotions not knowing the evil power of sin.

People truly underestimate the power of the Dark Side. Though it seems to work faster, in that it sets off sparks of uncontrolled Human emotions, it is not more powerful than Sophia who dwells inside of the True Christian.  The Dark Side craves equipage (material), grandeur, and pomp. The Devil is the true adversary of the true God. You have only two choices, choose Heavenly Father, or choose being destined to ultimate suffering and destruction.

Remember, the Devil is not omnipotent or omniscient. He is a liar and the father of lies. He is a murderer and he wishes nothing but eternal evil. Do not be lied to or deceived by the great foe. If you say that you “believe in God” that really is nothing, even the demons “believe” in God (James 2:19). The next step, and the most important one, is to make the decision to turn your fallen Human will over to the complete care of Divine Intelligence – God. Only this decision can bring you into true sanity and health on every level. If you say that you have faith in God then you must fully give it – there are no half-steps.

You are invited to accept Jesus the Christ and move out of the darkness.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (August 31st 2024)


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