Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Angels given in marriage?

Angels given in marriage?

By Eric William King

In the ancient book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, we read about an event that happened long ago. Angelic celestial beings came down and took human females in marriage. They created a hybrid offspring called the Hans Nephilim

The story goes like this…….

A time came towards the last part of this Antediluvian Dispensation when “…the Sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them that they chose.(Genesis 6:1-2) Who were these “Sons of God” (Hebrew: Bne-Ha-Elohim)? They are not the sons of Seth. Seth’s descendants lived with Cain’s descendants. Though Cain’s offspring had more proclivities to sin, both Cain’s and Seth’s offspring were sinners. They intermingled. 

The phrase “Sons of God” in the Old Testament is a reference to celestial angels. If Cain and Seth’s offspring intermarried and had children there is no reason for this to create “giants” or “Mighty Men”. 

So both Cain and Seth with their descendents are “sons of men” from the Adamic race. The “Sons of God” that “noticed the daughters of men” (Hebrew: Bnoth-Ha-Adam) were angelic beings who came down and took on flesh bodies. They ended up having relationships with human females which created a hybrid offspring called in the Hebrew, “Hans-Nephilim” which means “giants” and “Hog-Gibborim” which means “Mighty Men”. 

Nephilim” comes from the prime root “to fall”, contextually meaning “fallen angels”. 

But angels can’t get married?

The rebellious angels that “took on flesh” to have intercourse with human females did this by force. God did not originally create angels to be in marriage relationships with humans. So clearly these angels were in deep sin

Satan placed a wrong desires in these angels. They were willing to give up their place in heaven to fulfill the sinful desire. These “Sons of God” have been punished for this sin. We have to remember that before God created humans He created angelic beings. These beings (“Sons of God”) were with God when He first created the perfect earth (Job 38:4-7). Since the fall of man angelic beings have been involved with humanity and the plan of God. These angels made a very bad decision that God allowed to happen

These angels that committed this horrendous sin have been punished. According to the New Testament book of Jude they are being held in “chains” in “darkness” (Jude 6-7). While these evil angels are being held Satan’s angels are allowed to “roam the earth” under Satan’s command. Satan and his angels also have access to the “first” and “second” heavens (Earth’s atmosphere & Outer Space). 

So these angels which “left their first estate” (Jude 6) to have intercourse with human women are being held in a spiritual place called Tartaros (2 Peter 2:4-5). Tartaros was known by the Greeks to be a “nether world” comparable to Hades. This angelic sin with human kind was so terrible that God decided to wipe clean the part of the earth that they all lived on so He did. God brought forth his servant Noah to warn the people that a Great Flood was coming and that all the land would be consumed by water. 

True angels in Heaven are not “given in marriage” nor “married”. The pure angels remain within the original plan and will of God. All resurrected saints will have glorified bodies and will not be married like humans are in the flesh.” Jesus said that humans in their resurrected bodies will be like the angels who are in Heavenwho do not need marriage (Matthew 22:29-32). 

Act of Disobedience and Consequence

The Bible states that what these angels did was comparable to the sexual sins of Sodom and Gomorrah (Jude 6,7). Unfortunately Hybrid babies were born from these Hans Nephilim and they became the bullies of the land. This went on until; 

“The Lord saw how great mans wickedness on earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.” (Genesis 6:5-6) 

God called Noah from the Adamic race. Noah was wise, full of experience and close to God. God instructed Noah to build a first class ship, a giant ark. This ship would hold all the animals from the region. God instructed Noah; “I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth (land).” (Genesis 6:13) 

And so it was.

Please continue your studies with us here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth”.

Eric William King (June 2nd 2020)

Read About: The First Dispensation


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