Friday, August 30, 2019

TSW Testimony: Christianity needs proper history!

TSW Testimony:
Christianity needs proper history!

“I don’t need to understand the history of my Christian faith. Just give me a Bible to read. I’ll get it all figured out.” REALLY?

The problem with the Roman Catholic Church is that it believes that the “church” creates the Word rather than understanding that it is the Word that creates the Christian Church. If you put the church above the Word then the leaders of the church may dictate to - and even change the Word.

The Christian Church does not produce the doctrines of Christianity; the perfect Word of God creates the doctrines and practices of the true church.

In the Roman church you have doctrines which contradict the Bible. If you have studied here at “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget of Truth” you have learned about the importance of understanding proper Christian History and how it affects biblical interpretation. For instance, many Christians are unaware that after the last apostle died the Christian church developed into two main schools of thought, the Alexandrian school & the Antiochene school.

The earliest school of theology being the Antiochene school which was founded by Apostle Peter, Paul and Barnabas. We here at “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget of Truth” hold to the original and earliest Christian teachings which have their roots in Antioch.

Though the Alexandrian school was recognized as the first “Christian Learning School”, it was not as old as the Antiochene Church which began to take the Alexandrian school on regarding Alexandrian heretical doctrines. The Antiochene school became legitimately known as a “Christian School” after its prolonged battle with the Alexandrian school.

The Antiochene theology thus predates Alexandrian theology. Antioch became recognized as the antithetical of Alexandrian theology because of open theological debates between the two.

Understanding what the original Greek words meant to the Apostles of that time, understanding the culture, language and what their world perspective was helps us to grasp a better interpretation of biblical doctrine.

The seventh bishop of Antioch used the Greek word for “trinity” when explaining the Godhead (Deity). This shows that long before the heretic Arius (who came some 250 plus years later), the early apostolic church understood and accepted the Trinity. The early writings also prove that they held to a pre-millennial eschatological view and that they understood the dual nature of Christ.

The Antiochene Christian Church existed long before the two major and first powerful denominations which are the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Churches. We find the true teachings along with the earliest struggles of the church between the apostolic period (first 100 years of the church) and the Council of Chalcedon (451 AD).  We here at TSW (The Shepherds Way) teach the history of the first 451 years of the Christian Church making us true “non-denominationalists”.

Sound Antiochene Rules

It is extremely important to follow proper interpretation rules. We follow the Seven Ancient Antiochene Rules of Interpretation which could be outlined as follows:

1-Pray (Always ask God to show you what He would have you know before study)

2-Consider the Context (This means understanding the near & far context, context controls the meaning of the text)

3-Understand Words (This means the language you are using and the Greek & Hebrew words)

4-Understanding Grammer (Understanding similes, metaphors, allegories and figures of speech – hyperboles)

5-Grasping the Authors Intention (Do not read your personal meaning into the text, let the authors meaning stand)

6-Studying the Background (Understanding the contemporary political, language, art, scientific understandings and other things going on during the time the letter was written.)

7-Interprepting Scripture with Scripture (Letting the Bible interpret itself…so to speak. Understanding typology.)

Proper Christian living comes through proper Christian study. It is the goal of the true Christian to develop the “Mind of Christ”. The true Christian has been given the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Divine Spiritual Implant. This special helper begins to lead, guide, direct and protect the Christian student into Christian Maturity.

Our attitude toward the Scriptures (the Christian Bible) governs our conceptions and conclusions. We hold to Sola Scriptura (the Bible Alone). Our teachings do not allow for additions or subtractions from God’s word. All of our biblical doctrine must be found in Scripture and taught from Scripture.  Having stated that, we also recognize the importance of understanding other things such as the Seven Rules of Biblical Interpretation which help substantiate additional facts.

Our most important evidence is transformed human lives. Those who have studied here and become regenerated children of God are the bright lights of this planet. True Christianity is not a religion; it is a way of life. True Christianity is a healthy relationship with God, Divine Intelligence.

I hope that these thoughts help you gain a deeper respect of God, His Word and the importance of properly understanding it all. May God continue to richly bless you with proper doctrine and proper living.

Always in the presence of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ,

Eric William King (August 30th 2019)
*Watch and listen to Eric William King expose the false Roman Theology!

All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

Ancient Antioch & Christianity

Antioch was called "the cradle of Christianity" as a result of its longevity and the pivotal role that it played in the emergence of both Hellenistic Judaism and early Christianity.[2] The Christian New Testament asserts that the name "Christian" first emerged in Antioch.[3] It was one of the four cities of the Syrian tetrapolis, and its residents were known as Antiochenes. The city was a metropolis of a quarter million people during Augustantimes,[citation needed] but it declined to relative insignificance during the Middle Ages because of warfare, repeated earthquakes, and a change in trade routes, which no longer passed through Antioch from the far east following the Mongol invasions and conquests. (wikipedia)


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