Monday, April 20, 2020

How to Receive Jesus Christ

How to Receive Jesus Christ

By Eric William King

I have to admit that whenever I share the Gospel I hope that the person that I am sharing it with truly feels the love of God or what I call “the tug” but ultimately true conversion and salvation is God’s complete work minus our feelings. Salvation is a complete and supernatural work of God minus us. 

This is so difficult for us in our fallen human pride to accept let alone try to comprehend. When one truly begins to know that they are saved he or she cannot help but say a thankful prayer in response. So I have offered what I have witnessed as prayers in others who have come to this accurate knowledge of the Truth in order to help explain but I myself must realize that feelings have nothing to do with true conversion

One must hear the message of the true Gospel in order to come to Jesus Christ. Also, the Holy Spirit must call one unto contrition and true repentance. The Bible states that faith comes through hearing the Word of God and the call of the Holy Spirit. These are the two means through which one is called unto salvation, the Word and the Holy Spirit

Actually, ones acceptance of Jesus Christ as his or her Lord, God, and Savior is a secondary act to the call from God Himself. First it is God’s act to call and save…if one has been given the true gift of faith he or she responds with acceptance. This process of salvation in and of itself is a mystery of God. 

For young children, young adults, and adults who are called of God water baptism follows thus sealing the person with the Holy Spirit. The use of water and the Word of God is a supernatural seal, a supernatural act. True baptism is God’s act toward the recipient and not a person’s work to God. 

When infant baptism occurs the Holy Spirit seals and as the child grows the child is discipled in the word of God and confirms his or her salvation at an older age. Jesus actually commanded to “baptize” first and then “teach” (Matt. 28:19-20). The development of true faith comes through the continued study of God’s word. 

God uses His saints (Christians) to call people with the Gospel message and to Baptize. This is one of the main missions of the church. Jesus commanded His church; “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:18, 19) 

When people first come to Christ they say things like; “I accepted Jesus Christ.” And this is true but as the person matures in his or her faith they begin to realize and to understand that their salvation was the complete work of God calling and sealing them. This is the paradox of God’s supernatural work

So we must truly believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord to be saved. “Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.” (John 1:12) 

So our so called “work” is to believe in Him. Jesus confirms this; “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” (John 6:29) From our perspective we do choose God and believe in Him. Again, as we mature in our faith we consider the fact of our own belief to be the ultimate act of God’s grace in our lives. “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us.” (Titus 3:5) 

God has done everything necessary to restore our relationship with Him. He offers us forgiveness and reconciliation. As Christians we proclaim this message to the lost. Some will actually come and truly hear and accept, others will not. This all happens within the sovereign will of God. We in and of ourselves can save nobody, we are just the messengers. 

Five basic steps follow true Christian conversion; 

1-Know you need Him as your savior because of your sins by His grace.

2-Through true contrition turn (repent) from all your sins by His grace.

3- Know that Jesus Christ died on the cross for you by His grace.

4-Receive Jesus Christ through the hearing of the true Gospel into your life &  receive Him as your true Lord, God, and Savior by His grace.

5-Receive water Baptism with the Word to seal you with gift of the Holy Spirit if you have not received the seal as an infant by His grace.

These are the proper steps for true conversion. You may begin the whole process through a simple prayer if you feel the tug from the Holy Spirit and God’s Word. The prayer might go something like this; 

Dear Lord,

I have realized that I am a sinner by your grace. I ask for your forgiveness through the person of Jesus Christ. I believe and accept that Jesus Christ died for my sins and rose again from the dead to give me new life. I pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit and Baptism. I trust that you will now lead, guide, direct, and protect me to follow your will. Please make me a member of your people, your Church. I ask these things in Jesus name, Amen

It is my prayer that you heard the call and have truly received Jesus Christ as your personal savior. 

Resting in the finished work of Jesus the Christ,

Eric William King (April 20th 2020)

The Sacrament of Baptism

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