Monday, January 25, 2021

What is happening to America!


What is happening to America!

A Christian Perspective & Opinion

By Eric William King (Founder of “The Shepherds Way”)

Here is what is happening in the United States of America:

1-The reinterpretation of the Constitution of the United States to allow immoral behavior and deceit to prosper and spread. Allowing abortion (killing a growing human baby) to simply be seen as a “choice” even going so far to allow a woman to kill her baby after it has been born.

2-Out of control monopolizing by huge corporations and government. Companies allowed to immorally destroy its competition thus destroying private businesses, family businesses. Our Constitution was not written to say what the Government can do to us but what the government CAN’T do to the FREE PEOPLE.

3-The making of laws arbitrary. Allowing all of the corrupt politicians to get away with murder while going after the little guy for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his family. Politicians telling Americans to “do this, obey this” while they are seen on camera disobeying everything they told us to obey.

4-The allowance of violence to occur without prosecution if those violent parties support the agendas of the “big wig” politicians.

5-Not having term limits in Congress has allowed “grandpa’s and grandma’s” to lead and literally rule our country. They feel that they are untouchable and only get their positions in congress due to payoffs of big corporations. Congress members become too comfortable and while they live like “kings and queens” the common folk struggle to keep their bills paid.

6-Overpopulation problems on top of illegal immigrant problems continue because the politicians can use the uneducated and poor as an excuse to print more money for Government control.

7-Not letting individual States to deal with their own unique problems but instead making all programs “Federalized”. Thus giving the Government more power over individual freedom and practicality.

8-Allowing American companies to milk the system through numerous loopholes in regards to national trade and employment. Not allowing the American people to participate properly in the international decisions/discussions that OUR country makes.

9-Presidential voting laws should be the same for every State. The obvious reason why they do not want this is because they can manipulate the voting system if there is no static truth regarding how to operate it.

10-Allowing crime to progress and literally control certain States is sad but this allows them to get Federal kickbacks and “free money” to further their insanity.

11-One of the reasons why our Government is moving toward Marxism is because their “Super Computer” has informed them that because the population is increasing, and people are living longer on top of that, they must control the coming masses. A form of communism is their answer. In this sense they believe that they are more “enlightened” than us.

12-The allowance for somebody in our Democratic-Republic to run for President as a Socialist/Marxist is certainly unconstitutional. Why would this not be a threat to the Republic? A Republic government accepting the choice of communism?

These are just some of the problems which are in fact fixable. However, the Scriptures inform us that this is just the beginning of all the craziness. As Christians we try our best to vote for the “moral” politicians and get involved where and when we can but we certainly realize that our ultimate Kingdom is not of this “fallen” world.

I believe that we will watch even crazier incidents occur having to do with America’s politicians as we enter the year 2021. I would urge you to watch “The Babylonian Cup” prophecy, popularly known amongst us as, “The Whirlwind Prophecy” [click here to readit!]. In this prophecy God clearly outlines what is happening before our very eyes. It is a prophecy which concerns the entire planet and her rulers.

Predictions as we go into 2021

I believe that we will see a huge increase of unemployed and homelessness as we approach the end of this New Year (2021). We will see many large companies collapse or move completely out of the United States. This will take the so called “middle class”, those who actually pay for all of your Government programs, and relocate them. Some of the stronger conservative States will become filled with conservative Christians.

The current Anti-Christ spirit is trying to separate people into larger groups. This will allow them to manipulate the population, money, and politics. They will pass new laws for “this group” and “that group”. Hollywood will continue to become more and more unpopular. Actors and Actresses from Hollywood will no longer get the attention that they once had.

The jet-stream of our planet will continue to change the weather - as it resettles’ the North and South Pole will relocate. We will see much more snow storms in the upper eastern States. Increase in sizable earthquakes and extreme “signs in the heavens” will dominate the news.

So hold on dear fellow Christian. We are on track prophetically. God has warned and proved His Word more than once. Continue to study with us here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth” to keep up to date with what is happening on our planet.

Stay Awake, Aware, & Alert!

It is my hope that you, as a true Christian, become aware of what is happening. As Christians we maintain the individual identity that God gave us. The only thing we renounce is the “fallen world” with its fake reality and synthetic morals. We give up the Fallen Matrix. We give up our fallen nature and surrender to the Divine Will. We experiment with God’s Truth and leave “mans truth” behind.

True individuality is not accomplished until the person discovers who they truly are in Christ. This fallen world is without true worship and contact with Divine Intelligence, instead it follows the denizens of Darkness. The world lives in the Fallen Matrix. The masses are for the most part, controlled by the tactics of fallen psychology. The politicians manipulate individuals and society.

True Christians have received the “New Birth” and are awake to what is really going on. As Christians we have the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ….download it into your soul now! Though we live in this fallen world there is still much beauty here for us to take in and enjoy. We are careful who we befriend but at the same time we show compassion on the lost and hurting. Though we live in this fallen world we are not consumed by it.

Keep with Jesus every day,

Eric William King (January 24th 2021)

Pre-Rapture Trouble

*Pre-Rapture Trouble for the Church

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