Friday, April 12, 2019

Exposing Monophysitism

Exposing Monophysitism

What is "monophysitism"? Christians should understand
this issue regarding the person of Jesus Christ. Watch and share!

Statements on the Nature of Christ

By Eric William King

We believe that Holy Mother Mary did give birth to Jesus Christ who became fully man and was at the same time fully God. So we accept that Mary is “the mother of God”. St Martin Luther also affirms this. Having stated that fact we must be careful with the term, Theotokos (meaning “mother of God” or “God bearer”) because of what the Roman Church has done to Mary. They state that Mary is now a co-midiatrix with Christ meaning that Mary has the mediation attributes of the Son of God. This is blasphemy. 

The Roman Cult insinuates by “Mary Mother of God” to transform her into a “goddess” or what they refer to as “the Queen of Heaven”. Again, blasphemy

Upon further review of the early church we actually agree with St Nestorius regarding this issue who stated that it was more Biblically correct to call Mother Mary “Christotokos”, meaning “bearer of the Christ” or Kyriou (Lord). This agrees with Sola Scriptura (Luke 1:43) However we - like St Luther - reject St Nestorius’ views on the separate natures of Christ. 

We also know from Scripture that Jesus is ultimately “without father or mother”. (Hebrews 7:3) Seeing what the Roman Cult has done to Mother Mary we believe that St Luther would most certainly agree with us on the current use of Theotokos. 

Also, we agree with St Martin Luther that Jesus (fully God, fully man) used His majesty while on earth “as it pleased Him” but we clarify always in agreement with God the Father’s will. In this sense we have stated that Jesus worked within the Father’s will completely while incarnate. This also agrees with Sola Scriptura

We fully agree with “The Formula of Concord”, Article 8, “The Person Christ”-18 which states: 

“Christ is and remains to all eternity God and man in one undivided person. Next to the Holy Trinity, this is the highest mystery, upon which our only consolation, life, and salvation depends, as the apostle testifies in 1st Timothy 3:16.”

We hope to continue to clarify these most important issues here at “The Shepherds Way” and the “Nugget of Truth”.

Eric William King (April 9th 2020)

Also read; "The Nature of Christ and God's Essence"

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