Friday, April 1, 2022




by Eugene Lopatynsky 

God placed a mark, a signature, on EVERY ONE of His messages. There is embroidered into messages at least one of THREE characteristics, preserving every passage. The First Characteristic is a Mathematical Design (previous article).

The Second Characteristic of Gods messages, presented here, is the presence of PROPHECY. It may be presented as an OPEN PREDICTION or the Prophecy may be disguised, found in BIBLE CODES (prediction within equidistant letters), written thousands of years ago.

No message from the God of Abraham has ever been found without the Signature of Almighty God.

Every false church will oppose the information published here. The purpose of every false church is to hinder or block your salvation.

There are tons of information on the internet on Bible codes. Here, as an example for the curious, are a few of the details regarding ONLY TWO BIBLE CODES, the code describing the assassination of Y. Rabin and the code regarding the "Holocaust" during World War 2, just two among the hundreds and thousands of historical TORAH Codes.

This astonishing information emerged from the research of Dr. L. Rips and D. Witztum.

In the early 1980's, Professor Rips began exploring the Torah Code phenomenon with Doron Witztum.

Their studies contributed a systematic computer analysis to what had been previously a curiosity. They put their experimental results through a complete statistical analysis and it was published in Statistical Science in 1994.

A code, exhibiting the assassination of Y. Rabin, was discovered by Dr. Eliyahu Rips, one of the world's leading experts in Group Theory, a field of mathematics which underlies quantum physics.

This work has been confirmed by eminent mathematicians at the prestigious American universities of Harvard and Yale (including David Kazhdan at Harvard and I. Piatetski-Shapiro at Yale), and been replicated by a senior code-breaker (Harold Gans) at the U.S. Department of Defense, who tested it with his own computer-program.

Eliyahu Rips disclosed the emerging information to Yitzhak Rabin, the Prime Minister of Israel, in a letter, from which I quote, "the reason I'm telling you about this is that the only time your full name - Yitzhak Rabin - is encoded in The Bible, the words "assassin that will assassinate" cross your name. That should not be ignored, because the assassinations of both John and Robert Kennedy and Anwar Sadat (the Egyptian leader) are also encoded in The Bible - in the case of Sadat with the first and last names of his killer, the date of the murder, the place, and how it was done. I think you are in real danger".

A year later the Prime Minister was assassinated.

Doron Witztum - Rip's colleague - had done an extensive search for 'the Holocaust' in The Bible, and found it spelled out in astonishing detail: 'In Germany' was encoded with 'Nazis' and 'Berlin'. And the man who actually ran the concentration camps, 'Eichman' was encoded with 'the ovens' and 'extermination'.

In the three years since the Rips-Witztum paper was published, no-one has submitted a rebuttal to the Maths Journal. No scientist who has actually examined The Bible Code challenges it. They all started out as skeptics, and all ended up believers.

(Few examples)

Genesis 1:17, the Word talks about God creating light. Yacov Rambsel, a Messianic Jewish Pastor (reference his book: The Genesis Factor) found, that every 94th character spells out the following phrase: "Lighthouse speed conceived". Also, in that same area of text, the Bible Codes reveal: "186,282", which is the exact speed of light per second.

Did you know that in the Torah (Old Testament) every 666th letter spells out the phrase "Satan the accuser". This happens exactly 7 times.

In the passage of "SUFFERING SERVANT", of Isaiah 53, where we read: "He was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed", --- Yacov Rambsel found encoded by every 12th Equidistant Letter in Hebrew, "JESUS IS MY NAME".


Apart from History, Law and Prophecy, GOD HAS ENCODED THE NAME OF HIS SON, the Messiah, Yeshua, throughout the Hebrew text of the OLD TESTAMENT (in Hebrew), from Genesis to Melachi.
 Can such absolutely ground shaking fact tell something to our Jewish Orthodox friends? The Orthodox passionately deny anything to do with Christ Jesus, or the New Testament and bitterly persecute Messianic Jews.

Orthodox Jews will accept only the Old Testament, and forcibly eject both the New Testament and their own Jewish Messiah. But God inscribed the name of their MESSIAH, YESHUA, all over the text of TORAH, the whole Old Testament. Take a look.

Psalm 41:7-10 predicts the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot : In verse 8, phrase" they plot evil"(yach' shvu rah'ah), beginning with the letter yod, count forward every second letter: it spells the name of Yeshua.

Ruth 1:1 counting every 5th letter from right to left spells the name YESHUA, superimposed upon the beginning of ancestry of King David.

Leviticus 21:10-12, beginning with the first heh in 21:10, counting forward every third letter, you get hain dam Yeshua: "BEHOLD! THE BLOOD OF YESHUA", superimposed upon rules and instructions for blood sacrifice for the sins of the people.

Zechariah 11:12 , beginning with letter yod, counting forward every 24th letter, you get the name YESHUA superimposed over the price of Christ's betrayal (30 pieces of silver) written 500 years before the birth of Jesus!

Daniel 9:26, in the phrase "the city", starting with the letter yod, counting to right every 26th letter you read YESHUA superimposed upon the phrase of "Messiah the Prince" in Daniels prophecy of 70 weeks.

Daniel 61:12 in the phrase "The Spirit of the Lord God" (Ruach Adonai Yehovah), counting every 9 letter from left to right, spells YESHUA. In the second verse, beginning with the letter aleph of the word Oshiyah (I will Save), counting every 36th letter from left to right, you read the word "Yeshua".

God has encoded the Hebrew name of Jesus (Yeshua) in EVERY messianic prophecy of the Old Testament.
 God reveals Jesus in His glory, as Son of God, Adonai, Yahwe.

You can appreciate that if a single letter is missing in the passages, it eliminates the code. Both Testaments are literally embroidered and held together with these codes.

No human mind, with or without computers could have written the Bible. It is the Word of God, our Creator. God proclaims a double curse (
Galatians 1:8-9, King James only. This verse appears already mutilated in Faithwriters) against anyone adding or detracting from it.

All “modern language Bibles” have been and continue being progressively corrupted by disguised Luciferians. Use only the Old King James or original Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic writings of Tx. Receptus. The King James Version also has an enormous advantage, because a CONCORDANCE is available for it, permitting you to examine any word in its original form and meaning.

To understand what is happening, examine "Bible Mutilation" in ( on upper bar, under “More”).

The Bible is a love story; written with blood, upon a wooden cross; the story of God's love for you.

Men are not lost because they are sinners; they are lost because they have rejected Jesus who died for them. The ultimate treasure is not creation, it is the Creator. Any CONCEIVABLE sacrifice in this world is worthwhile just to find Jesus and to belong to Him!  Without Jesus it is impossible to reach the Father.


If you do this, and mean it, with an open heart, this prayer will never fail. It will become the greatest thing you will ever have, and it will last forever. After this, check out the guide in "How to read the Bible and clean up your life" in  (under “Articles”, on upper bar).

It is made for you.

Dear Reader, print this article and use it, all you can, in the defense of God’s Word, for the saving of souls. Let this be your ministry in these ultimate days. Copy it now electronically and keep on sending these messages to all your contacts.

*Continue this study: Mathematical Design in Every Word of God (101) 

*Continue this study: God's Signature 103


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