Wednesday, April 3, 2024

ILuminosity of True Christianity - Part Three

ILuminosity of True Christianity

-Part Three-


Above: Eric gives insight regarding Human sensing.

Also watch:

Christian Thoughts for Part Three

As Christians we should use the time that we have left praying and doing the end-time work of God. Most of the church has fallen into the Laodicean state. Prior to the coming Great Tribulation we are to become mature in our faith and understand pure Christian doctrine. In the parable of the “Five Virgins” Christ warns His followers to “be ready”, be ready? Be ready for what? Many Christians think, “Well I am saved and God is in control, why do I have to be ready?” 

Because iniquity abounds the love of many is waxing cold. Today many are caught up on the idea of “What do I get out of it?” Or “What’s in it for me?” Sadly many live by the motto, “as long as you are happy that is all that matters.” Some of the greatest tyrants were happy with what they were doing but that most certainly didn’t make it right. 

Some Christians have sought out fallen human psychology, being told things like, “you need to get in touch with your anger” or “you need to get in touch with your inner peace”. You see, they are being taught to find everything that they need from within their “self”As Christians we are not here to please ourselves but to please God. A divorced Christian explained that his counselor informed him not to worry about what his wife or children thought but instead to simply do what he wanted, and then he would find his inner “self-peace”.  

So he divorced his wife and to this day stopped talking to his children. Is this what the Christian God wants for the family? No. Being a true Christian takes growing pains. Everybody wants true peace without pain…or relationship without pain. Well, we live in a world full of sin and true love takes unselfish work that sometimes involves pain. As Christians we find our true joy in serving God first and others second. 

The fallen world is no longer teaching such love. Now everything is about the “self” and finding the true “inner-self”, forget about your Creator. Many say things like; “Well I am glad that ‘Christianity’ works for you but as for me, I don’t like to be told that I have anything wrong with me.” 

Selfishness shall abound in the last days. God warned His true followers to beware of pride and selfish choices. The Laodicean church thinks it has “all that it needs”, its motto has become; “I have need of nothing.” Yet, this fallen church chases after the things of the world. 

Satan’s number one target is the Christian family. He does all that he can to trap people with false psychology and whatever the new found “scientific” knowledge is. He is a liar and all who follow him are bound for Hell. Many admit that heaven is a real place but have decided that hell is make-believe. So sad that many must learn the hard way. 

We have a choice; God isn’t forcing anything on us. We have to decide who is right. Is God right and man wrong? Many have decided that most humans are smarter than God. This world is in great trouble. Jesus said that not everybody will be going to heaven. Why? Because they placed their time in pleasing the “self” and taking care of the “self”, they had no room or time for God. 

My hope is that if you have read this that you begin to make time for God. Begin to read His word and study here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth”. God has room for you.

Remaining always in God’s Word,

Eric William King (Originally posted August 15th 2020)

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