Ancient Antiochene
Mystery of Christian Trance.”
By presbyter Eric William King (November 24th
How could we ever
know an Almighty God? Perfect in all His ways. Without sin. Before all things.
Can do all things. Contains and created all things. Controls all things. He
does this in the past, present, and future. All in all.
The Bible
informs us that “God can be seen in the things of creation”. We see
order and beauty in creation. God’s intention is to make known His qualities
which included justice and mercy, the science of our world. In our Human
experience we understand that not all is right. We see things and witness
things occur that we know are wrong. This is the reality of sin.
The overwhelmed
Human mind is unable to take everything in with complete or even satisfactory
understanding. The true reality is concealed unto most on this fallen planet.
So, man searches to find answers about himself and this planet. Man wants at
least some kind of control, some kind of steadiness. There is Good News!
God is not in existence
to not be known, but to be known. We cannot limit God to “attributes”
but we can begin to understand God by them. We could say that God’s “divine
substance” is in His attributes. This is an eternal and personal uncreated
energy. God has given us points of reference found within His word so that
we can begin to better understand a proper relationship with Him. In our
created space-time continuum and our dimensional experience as Humans, we have
instructions given to us by a loving Creator – by God.
As we hear His
word and meditate on His ways, we may experience what Apostle Peter experienced
along with the other Apostles. Apostle Peter was sometimes allowed by God to
enter “trance” (Acts 10:10; Acts 11:5; Acts 22:17). The Greek word for “trance”
used here is “ekstasis”, we get the word “ecstatic” from it. It has different
levels of experience but we could say that one of these is to be in communion
with God while in prayer or in thought - and the mind becomes less aware of the
person's physical presence and a sort of deep “day-dreaming” occurs in a
rapturous experience of God’s existence.
It is during
these experiences that God may reveal a new-truth or understanding of His word
to you. These moments may include memories, visions, ideas or revelations. Epiphanies
and enlightenment happen during such episodes. These experiences are sometimes
less “deep” than at other times but they are none-the-less very important steps
in our relationship with God. Even during the day while standing someplace or
sitting we may encounter a small “God episode”. He is always there to talk to
and to listen to.
When we lay down at night to sleep and begin to thank God
and talk to God, we may suspend the use of our external senses and enter
peaceful rest in God. It is important to find quiet time with our Heavenly
Father. We believe that God has revealed a multi-dimensional space that we live
in. Our God cannot be known save by he whom He wishes to
be known. This knowledge takes spiritual revelation, not rational, philosophic
knowledge - though God gives thinking. God is transcendent. God sits upon the
Sea of Glass which resides above the Pleroma. The lower Aeon’s of the Great
Pleroma have inherited sin.
In the person of Jesus Christ, we have God visiting His own creation. He
enters our space and shows us the Way. He brings the “program” which
annihilates sin and ultimately restores all creation. All of this a part of the
plan of Divine Intelligence. God gives His children a space of experience that
they may become eternal individuals – reflecting the attributes of Divine
Intelligence and thus becoming true children of God. Christianity is a journey
through space and time. It is a gift from God. What are you doing with your
“space” and your “time”?
The next time you feel harassed by feelings of insecurity and anxiety,
enter prayer, enter Christian trance and proclaim the True Promises of
God. He has you in His arms. Through the Holy Spirit we may gain comfort and
inspiration. We gain a supernatural power to heal, to forgive, to grow. As
Christians we should gain a clearer understanding of our theology, our goals
and our purpose.
As Born-Again Christians our theoria (contemplation) is on the things of
the True God, we are the true logikoi – knowledgeable spirit beings. This truth
is extremely important for the Novices of the True Faith. Before you can move
out of Novice and let your roots grow into deeper soil you must understand the
basics – they must never be forgotten. Christians must grow up; this means
learning to become mortified to the enticements of this world. The way to Jesus
Christ is narrow. True love is not lust or perversion. The Fallen World defines
love based on fallen and distorted emotions not knowing the evil power of sin.
My prayer for you is that you remain in God’s word. If you have accepted
Jesus the Christ as your Lord, God, and Savior you have been delivered from
the Fallen Matrix. Continue to share the Gospel in all that you do and stay
with us here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth”. Keep learning and
We are learning about true communication with God.
This is most certainly true.
Eric William King (November 14th 2024)

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