Saturday, May 2, 2020

Trust God the Father

Trust God the Father

By Eric William King

Being a true Christian isn’t easy. Many expect a “good religion” to always “feel right” or “feel good”. It hurts to be shunned by others for choosing what God says is right. I have come through many struggles with acceptance. I think most people have. When a Christian reviews his or her faith in light of how the world lives the inner struggle begins. 

As a Ancient Antiochene Christian I accept things that the world doesn’t care about. As a matter of fact many think I might be crazy to accept a person named Jesus Christ who walked on water and claimed to be God in the flesh. I have been made fun of over my belief of Christ’s actual presence in the Eucharist. To sit around and focus on what the majority thinks about my Lutheran faith can bring on depression. 

Many Christians eventually just “give in” and go with the crowd. It seems so refreshing not to be looked “down upon” as ignorant and or stupid. So what should you do if the world has made fun of you for believing in Jesus Christ and what He actually taught?  

You should praise the Lord! Did you know that Jesus said that the majority of people (the world) would make fun of you for believing in Him? 

Jesus said; “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.” (Matthew 5:11) And why are we blessed? We have a God who doesn’t lie. You see, nobody wants to see themselves as a sinner. God says that all humans are sinners. Most want to believe that everything is “okay” when actually, they know something is wrong. 

Even though a Christian gets made fun of he knows that this world is full of sin and that Jesus Christ is the only person who has fixed the problem. Faith…all you need is true faith. Jesus asks us to believe in Him, that’s all. Being a Christian means we believe in God and what God says above what this world says. Christianity is accepting God as your true Father. Children may not always understand what the parent asks them to do but they trust that the parent is right. 

So we must come to God as a child. The “first article” of the Apostles Creed states: “I believe in God the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth.” Jesus Christ referred to God as “His father”. Jesus taught us to pray, “Our Father who art in heaven…” 

So dear fellow Christian, I encourage you to not be upset or discouraged because of how others might react to your faith. Trust God and truly know Him as your Father. As St. Luther would say; “We should love Him, trust in Him, and cheerfully do what He has commanded.” Amen

Resting in Jesus Christ at all times,

Eric William King (May 2nd 2020)

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