Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Ancient Preachers of Righteousness

Melchizedek (“king of righteousness”)

Ancient Preachers of Righteousness

By Eric William King

We have learned that in the Antediluvian Dispensation certain women had sexual relationships with beings not part of the human creation. Just as Satan was in the Garden of Eden intermingling with Adam and Eve so these bad angelic beings came down, they “did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home (Heaven) – these he [God] has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the Great Day.” (Jude 6) 

Also in ancient past the angelic “Sons of God” presented themselves before the Lord and Satan came with them and accused God of favoritism. Satan stated that the only reason why Job loved Him was because of the gifts given to him (Job 1:6). Of course God proved Satan to be the liar that he is. 

During the time of Noah some of these “Sons of God” noticed the daughters of men (humans) and decided to take some human females as forced wives (Genesis 6:1-2). An ancient Hebraic book known as “The Book of Enoch” also records that some “angels of heaven” noticed the daughters of humans and came down and “married whomsoever they pleased”. This of course was not why God created angels but God allowed this to happen. Angels who are in heaven are not to be given in marriage. The good angels kept their “first estate” and refused this rebellion. 

When this was going on “in the days of Noah” God raised up descendants of Seth as “Preachers of Righteousness” to warn the rebels and the Kenites that this activity was wrong.  Seth was born to replace Abel whom Cain murdered. We read, “And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the Lord [call themselves by God’s name]. (Genesis 4:25-26) 

These were the original “Preachers of Righteousness”. Of course the people did not heed their message so judgment came which was the Great Flood. Many years after the flood in the Patriarchal Dispensation God called Abraham into the office of a “Preacher of Righteousness”.  We could say that Seth, Noah, Jared, Enoch, and Methuselah also held this important office. 

Of course the famous Melchizedek (“king of righteousness”) was a priest of this office. Some scholars claim that he was Shem, son of Noah. Melchizedek brought forth “wine and bread” (Genesis 14:18-20) to serve to the faithful. Jesus the Christ is a High Priest after “The Order” of Melchizedek (Hebrews 7:1-3; 11-12) who also brought forth “wine and bread” to represent the fulfillment of the New Covenant which all “Preachers of Righteousness” taught. 

Today there are still “Preachers of Righteousness”, many who study here at “The Shepherds Way”. We are proclaiming the New Covenant and Jesus Christ is our Lord. We are also warning this planet of the judgments to come. I hope that you get the chance to receive the fullness of the Gospel, especially in these last days

Proclaiming the Kingdom of my Savior, Jesus the Christ.

Eric William King (July 7th 2020)

Also read about: The Second Dispensation


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