Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Fifth Dispensation

The Legal Dispensation
(The Fifth Dispensation)

By Eric William King

A basic outline of the Fifth Dispensation looks something like this;

Legal Responsibility: Exodus 19:3-8

 Legal Failure: 2 Kings 17:7-20; Matthew 27:1-25

 Legal Judgment: Deuteronomy 28:63-66; Luke 21:20-24

*Using Biblical chronology this dispensation lasted 1491 plus years.

The Legal Dispensation starts with God’s people leaving Egypt [the Exodus] all the way until the birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The last verses of the book of Genesis end with the Israelites enjoying their lives in Egypt. The book of Exodus starts out after many years of Israel being in Egypt and by this time things had changed for the worse. 

*This dispensation involves the longest “conditional covenant” for Israel

The Patriarchal dispensation (the 4th) ends with a bad king of Egypt who starts to deny the blessings to the descendants of Joseph’s family (Israel).  God will now introduce the Fifth Dispensation by calling Moses. Moses will become the key “messianic” figure of the Torah

When Israel first entered Egypt its “kings” were the friendly Hyksos or “Shepherds Kings” who were actually rulers from Semitic origin. By the time we get to Moses the Egyptian Pharaoh wanted to stop the population of the Israelite people from growing. He feared their moral and physical strength.  We read from Scripture; 

“Then, eventually, a new king came to the throne of Egypt who felt no obligation to the descendants of Joseph. He told his people, “The Israelis are becoming dangerous to us because there are so many of them. Let’s figure out a way to put an end to this. If we don’t, and war breaks out, they will join our enemies and fight against us and escape out the country.” (Exodus 1:8-10) 

Today we see the pagan liberal leaders making the same claim against true Christians. Under the coming Antichrist they will kill all who profess Jesus Christ. The demonic spirits that posses the Christian Haters (mostly the Kenites) are here and spreading their hatred already. 

God Protects Moses

To kill off the Israelites the evil Pharaoh informed his soldiers to kill all male Israelite children (Exodus 1:15-17). This is similar to Herod killing all male babies to try and stop the birth of Jesus Christ (Matthew 2:16). There are 27 strong parallels between the life of Moses and Jesus Christ. The life of Jesus follows many of the same problems and issues as that of Moses’ life. 

The writings of Moses [the Torah] even predicted the coming of Jesus Christ, speaking of one who would come like Moses, being a Great Prophet (Deuteronomy 18:15).  

So while the evil Pharaoh was killing the children Moses was placed in a basket and put into the Nile River in the hopes that he would be found and taken care of (Exodus 2:2-4). Moses was found - just an unknown baby in a basket floating down the Nile and he was brought by women to the Pharaohs daughter and became her son (Exodus 2:10). 

As Moses grew he became highly educated in the Osirian mysteries of Egypt. He was also trained by the Keri Hebs (Egyptian mystery priests – Acts 7:22). In other words he was highly educated in ancient Egyptian Wisdom. Today some of this ancient pagan Egyptian wisdom is still found being taught in the Rosicrucian Order, a modern Mystery School which has connections to the ancient Osirian occult wisdom. 

As Moses grew older he began to notice how the Egyptian rulers and Egyptian people hated his people. Many modern occult followers and mystery school students hate Christians today just the same. Eventually Moses refused to be called “the son of Pharaoh”. One day Moses struck and killed an Egyptian who was abusing a fellow Hebrew. He thus fled to Median which is just east of the Red Sea. Moses stayed there 40 years until the Lord called him at age 80

God Calls Moses

God appears in Median and calls Moses into action. He promises Moses that He will be with him (Exodus 3:10). Moses is called to be a deliverer and a redeemer thus Moses becomes the first strongest messianic figure of the Old Testament. The life of Moses is full of types and portraits of Jesus Christ. Moses goes back to Egypt and through many conversations with the Pharaoh - and his magicians - tries to convince Pharaoh to “let God’s people go.” 

Pharaohs heart becomes hardened so God through Moses sends “ten plagues” upon the Pharaoh and his people. These were terrible plagues. You can read about these in Exodus 7:14 through ch.11. These plagues were literal just as the coming judgments of the New Testament book of Revelation will be literal. 

God protects the Israelites from the last of these plagues which inaugurates the Feast of Passover (Read about this in Exodus chs11 through 14). Under the New Testament this feast ‘dissolves’ (is completely fulfilled) into the practice of the “Lord’s Supper” or the “Eucharist”. 

Eventually Pharaoh lets Moses and his people go so they leave. After leaving Pharaoh changes his mind and takes hundreds of his troops to chase down Moses but God swallows up Pharaoh and his Egyptian army in the Red Sea (Read this whole event in Exodus chs.14&15

The Giving of the Law

Through many trials too long here to list Moses and the rest of God’s people arrive at Mt. Sinai (Exodus ch.19). God will now give the Holy Ten Commandants to Moses and it is this act of God giving the Law that officially starts the Fifth Dispensation, the Dispensation of Law. So the ancient people of Abraham now get into a relationship with “law” but still will not fully learn true relationship with God. 

Three laws will now govern the people of God. The “moral law”, the “ceremonial law” and finally the “civil law”. Israel was not to be “saved” or “made perfect” by keeping these laws. It was to show how they were to live. For the first time specific laws were given to govern the conscience of God’s people, before the law was given they had only their fallen instinct to guide them. 

Note: Abraham also obeyed “laws”, “commandments” and “statutes” given personally to him, such as offering his only son, but these instructions were not the Law of Moses which was given way after Abraham (Genesis 26:5).

This “Mosaic Law” given by God was a Conditional Covenant, and not one of the four Eternal Covenants (aka Unconditional Covenants).  The earlier covenant given to Abraham was given with no conditions and is the first of the four Eternal Covenants. The law given to Moses does not change the Abrahamic covenant in any way. The Law of Moses was given based on conditions. If the people disobeyed the Law they were to go into captivity…which they did

Even though the entire Law given to Moses was conditional a Second Eternal Covenant (a covenant without conditions) was given to Moses during this Legal Dispensation and is called the Palestinian Covenant (which means that it too will come to pass no matter what). The Palestinian Covenant is found mentioned in Deuteronomy 30:1-10. This covenant is prophetic in that it explains what will happen to Israel. It says that eventually they would be restored to their land and provides an expansion of the original land granted in the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12:1-3). 

A Third Eternal Covenant is given under this fifth dispensation and is called the Davidic Covenant. This covenant is the foundation on which the coming Millennial Kingdom is to be founded. It promises that King David’s line will be protected, that a future King (Jesus Christ) will come, and a Kingdom Rule on Earth

The life of David is a whole other story. We could say that the Bible goes from fragmented stories to recorded history at this point in the Old Testament. All of these fabulous stories occur under the Legal Dispensation. We have prophets, priests and kings all appearing during this dispensation along with a “parenthetical-dispensation” of Judges right before God lets Israel have a king. 

Finally under the time of the post-exilic prophets we have mention of the final and Fourth Eternal Covenant, the New Covenant. This covenant is somewhat explained in Jeremiah 31:31-37 and portions of the promises are mentioned throughout the whole of prophetic Scripture. The preceding three eternal covenants fully “blossom” under the complete fulfillment of this New Covenant. Jesus Christ instituted the beginning of the New Covenant at His death on the cross and gave His blood stating that this was the “blood of the New Covenant” (Matthew 26:28). 

This New Covenant provides the forgiveness of sins so that a person can even enter into the Kingdom of God. The Atonement is key in this covenant. Though the Church is still in this “fallen world” its members are “sealed” under the New Covenant…and already considered “Kingdom Members”. The Christian Church is already in the New Covenant.  

The fullness of the New Covenant is yet to come when the true remnant of literal Israel enters it by accepting the true Messiah at the end of the Great Tribulation. These will comprise the “tribulation saints” (Zechariah 12:10). 

The Legal Dispensation Ends

The Law given to Moses was to be temporary until the coming of Jesus Christ. Israel’s failure to keep the Law, though numerous chances were given, is what ultimately ended this dispensation. Ultimately the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD is what finished the Law of Moses. All of this proved that mankind can never be saved by a “rule list”. Man is sinful and is born into sin thus only God Himself can save us and He did this through and in the person of Jesus Christ

Apostle Paul states that the Mosaic Law was our “school master” pointing us to Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:24). 

God proved through this 5th dispensation the realization of the seriousness of sin. Today all the so called “self-help” groups still comprise rule lists that they think will remove all the sin from their lives…they continue to fail. Only the person of Jesus Christ can truly save. 

The 5th dispensation is full of wonderful stories of God’s miraculous intervention and supernatural direct acts. Even when the “promised seed” (Jesus Christ) came to end this dispensation and usher in the New Covenant mankind rejected Him showing just how spiritually blind and ungrateful fallen humanity is. Even today the majority just don’t get it

So we will next look at our current Dispensation of Time…the one you and I are actually living in which is the 6th, the Church Dispensation - also called “The Ecclesiastical Dispensation”. You are finally beginning to understand just where YOU stand today in regards to God’s prophetic time

Stay with us as we next meet our Savior….Jesus the Christ! 

Hoping you find the rest I’ve found in the person of Jesus Christ,

Eric William King (June 20th 2020)

Watch Talk about the Covenants

Above: Eric touches on the Davidic Covenant and the Millennial Kingdom.
Eric states that the Mosaic or 5th dispensation is the longest dispensation in the
sense that the modern Jews believe that they are still under this covenant.


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