Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Fourth Dispensation

The Patriarchal Dispensation
(The Fourth Dispensation)

By Eric William King

A basic outline of the Fourth Dispensation looks something like this;

Patriarchal Responsibility: Genesis 12:1-7

Patriarchal Failure: Genesis 12:10; 46:6

Patriarchal Judgment: Exodus 1:8-14

The Patriarchal Dispensation starts with the call of Abraham and ends with the “Exodus” of God’s people. This was a period lasting 430 years. We know how long this dispensation lasted exactly because Apostle Paul told us in Galatians 3:17

We found that the previous dispensation (the 3rd) ended with failure like the others. The descendants of Noah got involved in paganism and idolatry. The fourth dispensation which follows is sometimes referred to as “The Dispensation of Family” and or “The Dispensation of Promise” because it starts with the “mother of all redemptive covenants” (the Abrahamic Covenant). God will choose Abraham. It is interesting to note that God protects a “race” of people. This does not mean that God is a “racist”. God created all the races. Even though the evidence would stand in court, there are many deniers. In today’s world people get all jumpy over the differences of the Human races as if we are all to pretend that we are all the same - as far as genetic mothers we are not

The “Politically Correct” pandemic has now infiltrated all the fallen denominations. Satan is busy trying to make Christians paranoid. People are afraid to look at and accept the Biblical Truth as well as the scientific truth on many issues. Be that as it may, let all True Christians stick to God and God’s WORD….not mans. 

True Christians will be persecuted for believing in and holding to the Truth but that doesn’t change the Truth. True Christians come from all the Human races. 

Racial Promises

God promised Abraham and his race an Unconditional Promise. God told Abraham to leave his homeland of Ur. Through Abraham’s seed (race) God would bless ALL RACES. The name Abraham means “Exalted Father”. His ancestry traces to Noah. He was a descendant of Shem and thus of the Adamic race. He was also the “son of Terah” the founder of the Hebrew race

The entire story of Abraham his extremely interesting and is perhaps the most important Old Testament story of the Bible in regards to planet earth. I encourage you to read about this Great Man of Faith (Genesis 11:10 through chapter 22). God put Abraham through many tests which proved the integrity of Abraham. At age 75 he was commanded to leave all that he had and travel to an unknown destination. He exhibited incredible faith (Hebrews 11: 8-19). 

Abraham was not a “Jew”. He created the Jews. Jews did not appear until Judah and his offspring, one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel

Note: Judah is the pro-generator of all Jews who came a long time after Abraham.

God promised that through Abraham’s “seed” many nations would come forth, great land blessings and blessing for his racethe Israelite people – all would come to pass. (Genesis 12:1-3; 13:14-18; 15:1-21; 17:4-8; 22:15-24; 26:1-5; 28:10-15

Through this Adamic seed (Genesis 3:15) would come Jesus Christ Himself. So Abraham and his family obeyed God and left Ur. God promised Abraham that all the other races (the Gentiles) would be blessed by his faith (Genesis 12:3). This alone proves that all God’s children are not from the same race and thus from different mothers

Abraham's Great Test (Genesis ch.22)

The Unconditional Covenant

There are “Four Unconditional Covenants” given by God in Holy Scripture. The Abrahamic Covenant is the first of the four. This covenant given to Abraham is the basis of all other theocratic covenants. The covenant given to Abraham is based on grace through faith. It shows that God is the true Savior and not and never mankind. 

God would bless Abraham, make his name great, give him many descendants, make him the father of a multitude of nations, and give him the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession. God would bless those who blessed him and curse those who cursed him. 

All races of the earth would be blessed through him because of the Redeemer who would be born through Israel. God protected Abraham and his race all the way up until Jesus Christ was born thousands of years later. Even today God has His elect

Eventually Jacob was produced through Abraham’s offspring and through Jacob (whose name was changed to Israel) twelve sons would be born (from different mothers) which would produce the “Twelve Tribes of Israel”. 

Joseph thrown in well by jealous brothers.

Fourth Dispensation Ends

The sons of Israel rebelled against the youngest son, Joseph. They became jealous of Joseph because God called Joseph, even though he was the youngest, to become the leader and example of all Israel. In many ways Joseph typifies Jesus Christ

Remember, some of the promises given to Abraham apply to literal Israel, his seed, and finally to all other races, the Gentiles

Joseph’s brothers threw him into a well and finally sold him into Egyptian slavery. Because of this Israel and all of his family were lead into Egyptian slavery. What would pull them out of this tragedy? - the coming 5th Dispensation which would involve another new deliverer (Moses) and the giving of the Mosaic Law – another covenant. 

Continue to journey with us through all the Seven Dispensations. Use your Bibles. Trust the Word of God above the fallen denominations and the “paranoid politically correct” cowards. 

Jesus Christ said; “The Truth shall set ye free.” (John 8:31-32

Resting in the finished work of Jesus Christ my Lord (King) and Savior,

Eric William King (June 17th 2020)

Also read: "Not All Israel Is Judean"


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