Saturday, May 26, 2018

Adam & Eve become ONE

Adam & Eve....ONE

The Garden of Eden was absolutely beautiful. It was watered by beautiful rivers. A pure and clean garden, refreshing and fresh. North was true north; the Earth was surrounded and protected. God created Eth ha  Adam and Adam had no companion for himself. God said “I will make a helpmeet for him” (Genesis 2:18). So God took a “rib” (Hebrew: “curve”) from Eth ha Adam’s side and with it He created Eve (Woman – Genesis 2:20-22). 

Here we read about a mystery. God took a “curve” from Eth ha Adam and with it He created Eve. This curve is the Helix Curve. God literally took the feminine DNA of Eth ha Adam and created Eve (Woman) with it. It would be through this very special woman and her offspring that Jesus Christ (Yeshua Hamashiach) would come. 

Wrong Relationship Creates Failure

The tree of the “Knowledge of Good & Evil” (Satan) and “The Tree of Life” (Christ) were in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were told that they could “eat” (have relationship with) every tree in the garden except the tree of the “Knowledge of Good and Evil”. Through a snake Satan deceived Eve into having a relationship with him. 

Apostle Paul warns the Corinthian Church not to let happen to it what happened to Eve. St Paul writes; 

“I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy. I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him. But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived (Greek word: exapatau – “wholly seduced” or “to cheat”) by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.” (2nd Corinthians 11:2-3) 

So this terrible sin allowed Satan to have a literal “seed” that would be in opposition to the “good seed”. It would be through the “good seed” that the Messiah – Jesus Christ – would come and it will be through the Serpent’s seed that the “Son of Perdition” (the final Antichrist) shall be born. These two seeds, the good and bad, are depicted in Eve’s first sons, Cain and Abel which she gives birth to in the next or second dispensation. 

Cain murdered his brother Abel. The literal offspring of Cain became known as the Kenites. They survived the Flood (which ended the first earth age) and during the time of Jesus Christ they persecuted Him. Jesus identifies the religious leaders as being of the offspring of Cain in John 8:44 and in Matthew 23:35-36. 

True Christians identified “false Christians” as those who had “taken the Way of Cain” (Jude 11)

It is important to remember that Satan and his “seed” (the Kenites) cannot ever destroy God’s electGod’s elect children are His and will remain so into eternity

Note: Our Ancient Antiochene records show that the Roman Church early on tried to cover up and hide many important Biblical doctrines. One doctrine that was almost completely destroyed by the Papacy was the fact of the Serpent’s actual “seed” and the truth about the Kenites. It is important to understand the difference in ancient manuscripts when proceeding in the creation story. 

By Eric William King (May 26th 2018)


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1 comment:

  1. There are also false teachers regarding the history of the Kenites:

    Unfortunately many of them are also Judaizers. They are Kenites teaching that Christians must keep the Mosaic Covenant “feast days” and special “Sabbath days”, “food laws” and they teach a legalism that is quite frankly Satanic.

    Having stated that; one group teaches that they invented the ancient doctrine about the Kenites. They state that this is original with them and their group. Wrong! Ancient Hebrew Rabbis and many ancient Christian records show that the doctrine regarding the Kenites is very old and connected to the early Antiochene Church. We have other articles which document these issues.



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