Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Insight on Genesis 1:1

Insight on Genesis 1:1

By Eric William King

The First Earth is introduced to us in Genesis chapter one and verse one which reads; “In the beginning God CREATED the heaven and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) In the original Hebrew the word “heaven” is singular and in this case is specifically referring to our planet (Earth) and not to the entire universe and its multiple systems. So we can understand that it refers to only earth’s atmosphere and our local solar system of space. 

This First Earth begins with the creation of our beautiful planet that we call Earth. We note that Genesis 1:1 states that this planet and it’s atmosphere were simply created - no six day creation mentioned in this first verse so contextually (using the “near” and “far” 2nd Antiochene Hermeneutic Rule) we find that the first earth was created perfect and ready to be inhabited

We read about the angels that “shouted for joy” when God made the first perfect earth (Job 38:4-7). So what happened to it that made it become “void” and “chaotic” [without form]? 

In the “far context” regarding this subject we read; “For this is what the Lord says – he who CREATED the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty (Hebrew: “without form and void”), but formed it to be inhabited.” (Isaiah 45:18) 

It is also interesting to note that Genesis 1:1 is made up of exactly seven Hebrew words and the number seven throughout Scripture represents “completion” - it was completed. These seven Hebrew words collectively use 28 letters and 4x7 equals 28. Four is a number which represents “foundation” throughout Scripture. 

In the Hebrew the alphabet has 22 letters; the first ten are also 1-10 of the Hebrew numbers. Together they were known in Jewish mysticism as “the 32 Marvelous Paths of Wisdom”. Yeshua Messiah is the “incarnate Word”. God “spoke” and it was. Thus Jesus Christ is the Living Word (Alphabet)

So the original “planet Earth” was made complete and inhabitable. The very second verse of the Bible properly reads in the Hebrew; “Now the earth BECAME (Hebrew: Haw Yaw) formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.” (Genesis 1:2) So the original translation tells us that something happened in-between verses one and two of Genesis….something that brought desolation to planet Earth

It is interesting to note that the Jewish Rabbis state that each Hebrew letter has a special meaning in-and-of itself and that also the first ten letters of the Hebrew alphabet are also the first 10 numbers of Hebrew, they are written the same way so the letter “B” equals the number 2. To start out a story with the letter 2 (beth) means that the story will heavily involve a sequel

“B” may assume a “realm of separation”. Genesis 1:1 starts out with the Hebrew word; Bereshit 

This could also point to the idea that our Solar System was made secondary to the rest of what we would call “outer space”. 

I encourage you to study our TSW articles regarding the “Three Earth Ages” and “The First Earth”. 

Resting in the finished work of my Savior, Jesus the Christ,

Eric William King (May 23rd 2018)


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