Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Third Dispensation

The Post-Diluvian Dispensation
(The Third Dispensation)

By Eric William King

A basic outline of the Third Dispensation looks something like this;

Post-Diluvian Responsibility: Genesis 8:15-9; ch.7

Post-Diluvian Failure: Genesis 11:1-4

Post-Diluvian Judgment: Genesis 11:5-9

*Using Biblical chronology this dispensation lasted 427 years.

The Post-Diluvian Dispensation really doesn’t pick up until 325 years after the Great Flood. When Peleg arrived (Genesis 10:25) we start to see strong divisions again with the fact that the “earth was divided”. This dispensation is also known as the “Dispensation of Human Government”.  God now begins to let “fallen man” begin to judge himself, God steps further back from humanity and basically would not directly judge man until the Second Coming

After Noah and his family came out of the ark (Noah’s ship) he brought out the animals he had into the new region (remember the Great Flood was regional). God gives Noah a “new covenant” and instructions about how they are to manage themselves to stay in proper relationship with God. 

Only Responsible for the Truth’s of your Dispensation

We serve the God of relationship. It is important for you to understand that the people of God are only held accountable for the Revealed Truths of God given within each dispensation. Each of the Seven Dispensations is introduced by a “covenant” (agreement with a promise) given by God to His people. 

It is important also to understand that “regenerated” Christians can only truly be held accountable for the Truth’s revealed to them, if you do not spiritually “see” it you cannot “know” it (John 15:22; John 9:41). 

The Noahic Covenant

The Noahic Covenant introduces this third dispensation. God adjusts mans relationship with the animals in this dispensation (Genesis 9:2). The Adamic race was no longer “vegetarian” but was given “clean animals” to eat. The blood was to be drained from the animal before eating (Genesis 9:4). 

For God’s people “the life is in the blood”. In our Ancient Antiochene church records we find the early church saints and Patristic Saints understood the proper and “sacred doctrine of blood” (such as stressed by St. Tertullian). God says; “For the life of the creature is in the blood.” (Leviticus 17:11) Jesus Christ gave His life…His perfect blood that we might be saved. 

Under the Noahic covenant (given right after the Great Flood and introducing this third dispensation) God demonstrated that human life is so valuable that He requires the death now of the one who murders. Thus, under this new Noahic Covenant capital punishment was instituted. Each human is always to be responsible for his or her choices (Genesis 9:5-6). 

Noah and his family were given the same commandment of the first humans, they were to be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.” (Genesis 9:1) They did not do this. Instead under this new and third dispensation they united in pagan pride to build a Great Tower to reach into the heavens. 

God had given Noah a sign (the Rainbow) that He would never completely destroy the Adamic race (the line through which the Messiah would be born), ‘save eight’ by a flood ever again. The Noahic Covenant is mentioned in Isaiah 54:9-10. 

                        The Oldest Humans

The current human fossil record shows that some humans lived within the Great Rift Valley of Africa 1 million years ago (the pre-Adamic races) and not all of the remaining ancestors of this group were destroyed by Noah’s flood. We mustn’t think that the Great Flood destroyed all life on our planet because it did not, it destroyed millions of people, and millions of animals too. (Micro life, plant life, animal life, and some pre-Adamic races survived on differing points of the globe.)

Archeologists have noted the universality of the Great Flood story within many ancient civilizations. So again, the story of a flood that wiped out almost all life on earth is not limited to the Noah story. Unlike the false religions, Christianity can archaeologically document the realities of the stories in the Bible along with proof that the characters were real people and the places spoken of actually existed. Other religions cannot do this

Even the story of the Garden of Eden can be documented outside the Biblical records and found in the most ancient civilization, that of Sumeria [according to Scripture the location of ancient Sumer was built on top of the old “Garden of Eden”]. In the 19th century George Barton found what became known as “The Barton Cylinder” which contained portions of the Biblical “creation story” including the Tree of Life and “the serpent”. 

Some ancient records regarding the Great Flood can be found in the historic writings of Hindu, Australian Aborigines, Pacific Islanders, Native Americans and numerous indigenous tribes around the globe. No other religion on the face of this planet has the historical documentation of its proof like the Christian Bible does

Ancient Masons

We could say that all the way up to the Great Flood the ancient “stone masons” from the blood-line of Cain (the Kenites) had built many pyramids and stone temples all over the planet. Jubal was an inventor of musical instruments; Tubal Cain was a worker in metals, both children of Cain (Genesis 4:21-22). The City of Enoch was the contemporary city of its time. The people of this dispensation became great builders. These were the early masons who took many of their secrets with them. 

Many of the secrets of these “Ancient Masons” have been lost in time. Especially after the Great Flood we see a lacking of the “great mason” knowledge in the ancient structures, they could not match the architectural knowledge of the earlier Kenites - the second dispensation Kenites

Some from Cain’s family (the Kenites) survived the Great Flood and many of their occult secrets are secured in the Secret Societies to this day. Because the Kenites have infiltrated all “World Religions” many of the pagan religions contain the so called “occult knowledge” of the Kenites. Today we see the Kenites aggressively spreading their “seed” through preaching the “Ancient Alien” lie (Their response to Ancient Antiochene Christianity). 

They are taught that sin does not exist and they point you to trust “crystals”, “playing cards”, the human body (Yoga) and to worship creation above the Creator (YHVH). Many are demonic Luciferians

Above: Ancient Tower next to modern European Trade Tower

The One World Tower

Instead of spreading out and refilling the planet like they were supposed to, they  gathered together in false religion, materialism, paganism and they tried to form a One World Government. We see the mistakes made in all previous dispensations being made again today but at a much greater scale. 

So now the earth was being filled with pagan and false god religions add-infinite. Many of the older Kenite built structures were trying to be copied and many of them were re-inhabited with the new and distorted religions such as the “”Three Great Pyramids” of Egypt. These ancient pyramids contain no hieroglyphics from the latter Egyptians and were actually built by prier Kenite civilizations in the first dispensation. The Great Sphinx shows water lines on it from the Great Flood

End of the Third Dispensation

The end of this “Third Dispensation” is also the beginning of the Second Earth Age. We make a distinguishing difference between “dispensations” and “ages” here. We say that an “age” stands for a period of time between two great physical changes on the earth’s surface while a “dispensation” stands for a covenantial probationary period between God and His people. 

Because the Great Flood affected the entire ecosystem and relocated the entire human population it marks the beginning of a new Earth Age. 

This third dispensation ended with man failing to properly govern himself. They did not obey the Noahic Covenant. The different races had to be spread out in new ways. New languages developed within each race (now multiple languages) races began to isolate themselves. Ultimately we will find that all of this created greater wars and fighting amongst humans. 

The Fourth Dispensation was now ready to be revealed in God’s great Plan of Salvation. Now that the families of differing races had spread again with new languages all over the face of this planet, God began to focus particularly on one man and his family. God would continue His promise that He gave to Adam and Eve that through her Adamic seed a deliverer would come. 

So God is going to introduce the next dispensation (the 4th) with a “new covenant” given to a special man from the Adamic race. This covenant, we will find, is the first of what are called The Four Eternal Covenants which means they are unconditional covenants. All four of these have specifically to do with the Kingdom of God. 

Eric William King (June 7th 2020)

God's Promise still for us today......
Genesis 9:16 (NIV) “Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth. ” ... God knew they might be fearful, so in His sweet mercy He made a covenant, a promise, to Noah and all the earth.

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Learn More  about the First Earth - Ages & Dispensations


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