Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Are you ready dear Christian?



by Lewis E. Thomas

The signs of the times are showing us that something "MAJOR" is about to happen on this earth!
Jesus, the KING of kings is about to return to get His Church!
Jesus is about to "Rapture" His Church and take it up off this earth!
If you want to go to Heaven you had better "PREPARE" for that with "ALL" you are worth!
You had better wake up out of your "CARNAL COMA" and "RUN TO THE CROSS"!
Don't put it off any longer or you may become eternally "LOST"!
Violence and Chaos is spreading all around the globe and in our Streets!
You can see the concern over current events on Facebook, Instagram, and in daily "TWEETS"!
How are things with "YOUR" eternal soul today?
When was the last time God heard you call out His name and heard you pray?
Are you "TOO BUSY" or caught up in your daily chores and routines...
To "MAKE TIME" for God and Jesus Christ the mighty "KING of kings?
Most folks think they're "Pretty Good" in their own eyes and worthy of Heaven above!
While they totally "IGNORE" the Cross of Christ and neglect/reject His offer of Love!
Most go on day after day, year after year, never showing God and His Son any devotion at all!
They ignore and neglect the Son of God and they are headed for an "ETERNAL FALL"!
Most live in a "LITTLE BUBBLE" where they feel safe and secure believing that all is "WELL"!
While the "TRUTH" is that they are unprepared to "FACE" God and have one foot firmly planted in Hell!
"REMEMBER" the parable of the ten virgins, five were foolish and five were wise!
The five foolish virgins were unprepared and "NOT READY" when the Bride Groom arrived!
Are you ready for the "RAPTURE"?
Lewis E. Thomas
As given by God on 8/31/2020
Ref: See  Matthew 25-1-13 for details on what happens to those unprepared to meet God!
How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation.
Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

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