Saturday, July 31, 2021

TSW July 2021 Predictions Come True!


TSW July 2021 Predictions Come True!

We [TSW] predicted that July of this year -2021- there would be major weather upheavals, political problems and social issues that would upset many things. Were we correct? Let’s see and you can make up your own decision.


July 2021 Issues Come to Light

1-Record breaking heat worldwide.

2-Record breaking flooding and rain worldwide.

3-Strange earthquakes.

4-Over 600 tons of marine life float up dead on Florida’s shores.

5-The new strain of Corona Virus (Delta) reeks havoc.

6-Haiti president was assassinated.

7-Record illegal immigrants crossing USA boarders raising much havoc.

8-Rare tornado and hail activity.

9-Violent crime raging in the USA.

10-Record severe droughts.

11-Unrest in Cuba and China.

12-Record suicides amongst the youth.

13-Record drug overdoses in all age groups.

14-Economic inflation and fewer people going back to work.

15-Record homelessness problems.

16-Political lawlessness like never witnessed before.

17-Dead birds falling from the sky.

18-Police officers continuing to quit their job.

19-Wild Fires burning out of control.

20-Afghanistan ready for war.

21-Frequent shark attacks along major coastlines. 

All of this coming to light and happening in the year 2021 in the month of July!

We could actually add much more but these are some of the problems which have affected everybody. As Christians [Ancient Antiochene Church of America] we have been warning about the “signs of the times” and just where we all stand in prophetic history. What should true Christians be doing?

Through the prophet Haggai God warned His true people that because they have kept their own houses clean but have “neglected the House of God” [the true Church today] that He would send severe drought and withhold crops.

God asked Jonah to go to Nineveh and warn the people of what was truly going on so that they could change their ways. Of course Jonah did not want to go but he ended up, through a process, going to Nineveh and warning the people.

In the last couple of verses of the Book of Jonah God basically says that “you have taken care of your own stuff but not the rest of the people”. In other words, you have been selfish, only concerned about what you need and want and have ignored the greater picture. What can we learn from this? Americans need to start caring about America as a whole! We have a country.

God finally said to Jonah; “But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?” [Jonah 4:11]

So dear Christian, I invite you to wake up! Get busy studying here all of our prophetic warnings and share what you learn but always include the Good News that we have in our beloved Savior, Jesus the Christ.

May you stay strong in God’s word and work,

Eric William King (July 31st 2021)

All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

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