Friday, January 14, 2022

What Are Probiotics?

What Are Probiotics?

by Tonja Taylor 

"Proboiotics" are not medicine, but they are needed by everyone to help digest food properly, and to strengthen immunity.  God meant for our bodies to be in divine health, and probitiocs were created by Him to help us with that. 

Probiotics are the "good bugs"--the positive bacteria--that we need in our digestive systems to help break down what we put in our bodies. They also help conquer the bad bugs, and thus strengthen our immunity.

Probiotics can be found in many foods: fermented foods such as yogurt, kefir, kombucha (a delicious tea), and saurkrout.  

There are also supplements of probiotics in capsule form that can be ingested. 

I am not a doctor, nor a nutirtionist. I do not diagnose or treat or heal (The LORD Jehovah Rapha is the Healer! Isaiah 53:5John 10:10Galatians 3:13-14, and I Peter 2:24, among others!).

However, from my studies and experience, I know that probiotics are the opposite of antibiotics--which is huge in the medical world. There are times when antibiotics are needed. However, from my experience and studies, antibiotics often destroy the good probiotics, leaving the body even more vulnerable to attack.

In my opinion, we must replenish the probiotics--now more than ever--because it is wisdom to strengthen our immunity systems, for so many reasons! 

If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him.--James 1:5, AMPC

I take both a daily supplement, and ingest fermented foods. 

Opinions vary (of course) on whether probiotics are more stable or effective if they are kept refrigerated, as opposed to non-refrigerated. Ask the LORD for wisdom on what is best for your body, which He created in your mother's womb. 

Upon You have I leaned and relied from birth; You are He Who took me from my mother's womb and You have been my benefactor from that day. My praise is continually of You.--Psalm 71:6, AMPC

For You did form my inward parts; You did knit me together in my mother’s womb.--Psalm 139:13, AMPC

From what I've learned, there are a few points to consider in choosing a probiotic, whether it's refrigerated or not: (1) choose one with at least nine strains of bacteria; (2) choose one from a company that is well-known for the quality of its products; (3) choose one that says "shelf-stable" if you use one that is not refrigerated; (4) choose to keep them in a cool place--away from heat--which will destroy them, and render them ineffective.

Although most supplements need to be taken with at least a bit of food, so they'll have something to attach to in order to be activated, robiotics work whether you take them with food or not. 

If you don't think you want to invest in probiotic supplements right now, remember that saurkraut, kim chi, yogurt, kefir, and kombucha (among other fermented foods) will supply you with a fair amount of probiotics. (Kefir has dairy in it, so avoid it if you don't do dairy.). The key word here is "fermented."

Adding or increasing fermented foods into your diet will increase the probiotics. You can, of course, eat fermented foods and also take probiotic supplements. 

A note of caution: If your digestive system is not used to fermented foods/probiotics, there may be a day or two of being uncomfortable, as the probiotics ("good bugs/bacteria") conquer the bad bugs (toxins, harmful bacteria, and more). In other words, there will be a "fight" as the good overtakes the bad. 

No worries, though! Sometimes being uncomfortable is necessary to get to a higher level, whether it's in health or anything else.

Here's to your stronger immunity and better life! 


Tonja K. Taylor is a joyful, free worshiper, teacher, author, wife, and mother who adores helping others know the sweet faithfulness of God. Through her YouTube channel, "River Rain Creative Arts" and other platforms, she tutors globally in faith, worship, writing, holistic health, & ESL.

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