Riots and Pillaging spreading...TSW Warns! (2022 +)
(Originally posted August 13th 2022)
We had warned about extreme riots in the cities and elsewhere. What have we witnessed this month? A “flash mob” of looters ransacked a 7-Eleven in Los Angeles earlier this week taking cigarettes, snacks and other goods.
So where are we headed dear America? Here are some thoughts from older articles of mine for contemplation:
"Sadly, we Americans are experiencing things that Jesus warned about. Fighting in the streets, violence, political division and Marxist God-hating groups are coming to light. The extreme liberals are engaged in breaking our patriotic and national backbone. With their constant lying and exaggerations they proceed."
"What did the demarcate-governors do about the violence in their states? Absolutely nothing. It has also been brought to our attention that some families are supporting some of the violent Marxist groups in our country. They should be exposed and properly dealt with as enemies of the United States of America." (click to read the original entire post)
"Most of the younger extreme crowds join in riots not knowing or even caring about what they are rioting for. The schools in America cheer their fallen students on. They have no true concept of Communism and Marxism because they have never experienced it and they refuse to learn from those who have truly survived it. They are immature agitators and are a danger to the United States of America." (click to read the original entire post)
"The Bible teaches that when a nation forgets it’s God it has chosen a downward course. Today we see less and less Christians in America. There is so much disrespect for others amongst her people. God has warned over and over in His word what happens to a nation that once trusted Him but now chooses to ignore and forget Him."
"In Judges 3:5-8 we find God’s people starting to marry pagans and trust in pagan gods. God warned His people not to intermingle with Godless people and or pagans who corrupt the moral stability of the nation. Instead of trusting in the True God the people form committees and make their own rules based on feeling and emotion, no static morality."
“Peace Committee” after peace committee and “can’t we just forget our moral differences and just do what we feel?” God’s people have no longer trained their children in the Word of God and have stopped fighting the spiritual battle, all guards are down." (click to read the original entire post)
"First we will be taught that all the old religions must go. In fact the antichrist-spirit is teaching that Christianity has ruined this planet and that it must (at least in its current form) be removed. The fallen ones claim that Christianity “keeps one enslaved”, as a matter of fact Karl Marx taught this. Communism also teaches this lie. Today everybody is being taught that they are a “victim” and then they are taught to complain and cry about it really loud until they get everything for “free”.
"The fallen ones see true Christianity (Ancient Antiochene Christianity – first called Christians in Ancient Antioch, Acts 11:26) as an obstacle that they must remove. Satan has begun his re-education plans in all of America’s public schools. They are trying to turn children’s minds away from the morality of the Christian Bible. What are they replacing it with? - Immoral trash and sexual perversion." (click to read the original entire post)
"It is true that the Bible teaches that there is a conflict coming before the second coming of Jesus Christ and perhaps before the “rapture” of the Christian Church. There are “signs in the heavens” which means that even the church may be here to witness some major heavenly signs or something hitting the earth. Demonic UFO activity will increase. Also, there is the Middle Eastern war prophesied called the “War of Gog and Magog”. Christians may witness this war start before the rapture of the church."
"We know that Satan [the Supreme Enemy] has a “seed” that is fighting against true Christianity. The “tares” will continue to try and destroy God’s true people. They follow “the way of Cain” (false religion or no religion) and are thus Kenites."
"There are many terrible things that could happen between now and the rapture of the church but we are not to focus on these things. There have been “Blood Moon” signs and major weather changes coupled with mega storms. We should expect major earthquakes also. Again, we are not to be overly concerned. We will continue to witness the truthfulness of God’s word." (click to read the original entire post)
-Eric William King (August 13th 2022)
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