TSW 2022 Predictions
Listed here are some of TSW's past predictions for the years 2021 & 2022. (These we have listed in a selected manner) Some of these short articles talk about what will happen going into next year (2023). Please continue to study your Bible with us here as we document the TRUTH of God's Word and also point to the facts regarding Bible Prophecy.
Want to know where we are at in Prophetic History! Read on! (original links posted at end of each article)
TSW Predictions going into 2022
Here at TSW we sometimes make predictions based on many forms of data. We do this for fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to stay awake, aware and alert to what is going on with our planet and what yet may happen to keep us safe and to help prepare.
The Bible speaks of a great war in the Middle East called the war of “Gog and Magog”. We have warned about this for five years. It will come in three phases. The Christian church will probably witness the first phase.
What we see happening in Afghanistan is the shaking up process in the first phase. Meanwhile, the immigration crisis is weakening our (USA) economy ultimately. We also are witnessing the release of ‘hard criminals’ into the cities and now, with the creation of a terrorist country we face greater threats from radical Islam.
All together we have a mixed “soup of terror” right before us. TSW is predicting a radical realignment of Middle Eastern strength. We predict that ultimately China will seize Afghanistan and expand their territory. America has basically handed it over to them.
Also, the purposeful weakening of America is to bring down the upper “middle class” and is modeled after the Chinese government. Russia, China and Mongolia may participate in the radical restructuring of the Middle East.
Other nations which we will witness become much weaker are Canada, Britain, Australia, and New Zealand.
The War Dream (August 24th 2021)
By Eric William King (Founder of TSW)
I wish to share a dream that I had the other night also. I don’t usually share my dreams but this one was extremely frightening. In my dream it was late in the evening and I was walking on a giant runway with very open space around it, houses or structures could be seen many miles away. There were others walking on this runway and driving on it. A large jet came roaring down the runway barely missing some people walking. As it took off a large fuel engine was heard shaking the ground
All of a sudden a large gray-black missile was seen shooting into the air. I watched it along with others as it came down in the far distance. It was a nuclear explosion. This dream was so clear and better than any Hollywood special effects. I watched as the mushroom cloud ascended high into the sky and the plume of smoke on the ground started to spread out from the center of the explosion.
I began running even though I knew it had blown up 100 miles away. I ran and ran, occasionally looking behind me only to notice the plume of smoke on the ground gaining. I finally made it far enough away to stop and observe. I watched as the smoke slowed down and came within a 100 yards from me and stopped. Unfortunately I witnessed three or four people who got caught in the smoke and a large flame came out and swallowed them up. Wow! This dream was extremely disturbing. What does this mean? We pray it doesn’t really happen but it could most certainly be a warning that some major war is soon to happen.
The Political Planet Reshaping
Things to watch for starting now and into 2022;
1-Some severe economic problems in America. (also some major leadership changes)
2-Middle East war and restructuring. (China will move like never before)
3-More severe weather. (which will continue to impact the economy)
4-Strange signs in the heavens. (disturbances along with more UFO activity)
5-Large earthquakes. (along with strange sink holes)
Waves of civil unrest will also be witnessed on much larger scales. We will witness new manifestations of what has become known as “hybrid war”. - The use of computer attacks and the purposeful manufacturing of civil disturbances all for the purpose of making America and other democratic nations become more like communist China – for world control.
In all of this Europe will seek stronger independence for the sake of its own protection. As Europe does this it is preparing to ultimately fulfill the Bible prophecy of a new “super power” – The New Roman Empire.
The Good News is that all true “born again” Christians will be leaving this planet soon and will return with Jesus Christ to set up the true Paradise on Earth! Remember brothers and sisters, Jesus the Christ is our only true King and we are ambassadors of His Kingdom…it is time to get busy sharing the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Stay with us here at TSW & Nugget of Truth,
Eric William King (August 24th 2021) (Visit original link)
The Presidential Dilemma 2020
Given on October 20th 2020
This article is only a personal opinion and not something that has already happened.
By Eric William King
What I am about to share is a possibility based on facts. I am going to say what I believe would happen if President Donald Trump loses the coming re-election. I decided to call this short article, “The Presidential Dilemma 2020” only to get the attention of my readers. I truly believe that it is possible that President Trump could lose to Joe Biden. If he does lose I believe that it will be by a close call. It will look like Trump barely lost in “key states”.
Next we will hear of many police officers leaving their jobs. Many military people will choose not to reenlist. Then there will be much trouble in the streets. Many will leave certain States and want to leave America. Next, the Republicans will win the house. To some this will look like a prearranged agreement….”Let Biden win, keep the house.” (I am sure donors will pay for this.)
The federal government now has dirt on Biden to use him for their purposes…they want him to win and will make sure that he does. The “dirt” that they have on him will be used to control him for the speeded up plan of “Global Government”.
Certain news networks could be attacked and riots will probably break out. It will be a terrible time for many living in certain cities. Militias will act out with extreme anger. Religious groups will protest on large scales and many more Americans will go into poverty (more than 8 million). Freedom of speech & religion will be attacked like never before.
International commotion will break out like never before within one year. Why? Because ruthless leaders do not fear Democrats.
Nancy Pelosi will sign a bill which gives much money to the already falling apart Democrat governed States. The Democrats will start propagating how quickly Covid cases are supposedly dropping. They will “approve” their own cure. There will be revolutionary movements like never seen before. Quite frankly, it could turn out to be hell on Earth.
(If Biden loses, still many who hate Trump will do stupid things and riots will happen. Either way some chaos will break out and new movements will appear.)
Note: Shortly after the Biden win God may send some huge earthquakes to warn of what is yet to come. Even if Trump wins big quakes are coming. We may even experience some “signs in the heavens”.
If all of this does happen I truly believe that the appearance of the final Antichrist is near.
Whoever wins we know by Bible prophecy that the Rapture is imminent and that things will get worse for the world…bad choices will have consequences.
As true Christians we need to pray for a peaceful Presidential transition no matter what happens. We need to truly trust in God [YhVh]. God has a plan and nothing can stop it. God is in control.
Pray without ceasing.
Resting in Jesus the Christ, the King of kings.
Eric William King (October 20th 2020) (Visit original link)
What is happening to America!
A Christian Perspective & Opinion
By Eric William King (Founder of “The Shepherds Way”)
Here is what is happening in the United States of America:
1-The reinterpretation of the Constitution of the United States to allow immoral behavior and deceit to prosper and spread. Allowing abortion (killing a growing human baby) to simply be seen as a “choice” even going so far to allow a woman to kill her baby after it has been born.
2-Out of control monopolizing by huge corporations and government. Companies allowed to immorally destroy its competition thus destroying private businesses, family businesses. Our Constitution was not written to say what the Government can do to us but what the government CAN’T do to the FREE PEOPLE.
3-The making of laws arbitrary. Allowing all of the corrupt politicians to get away with murder while going after the little guy for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his family. Politicians telling Americans to “do this, obey this” while they are seen on camera disobeying everything they told us to obey.
4-The allowance of violence to occur without prosecution if those violent parties support the agendas of the “big wig” politicians.
5-Not having term limits in Congress has allowed “grandpa’s and grandma’s” to lead and literally rule our country. They feel that they are untouchable and only get their positions in congress due to payoffs of big corporations. Congress members become too comfortable and while they live like “kings and queens” the common folk struggle to keep their bills paid.
6-Overpopulation problems on top of illegal immigrant problems continue because the politicians can use the uneducated and poor as an excuse to print more money for Government control.
7-Not letting individual States to deal with their own unique problems but instead making all programs “Federalized”. Thus giving the Government more power over individual freedom and practicality.
8-Allowing American companies to milk the system through numerous loopholes in regards to national trade and employment. Not allowing the American people to participate properly in the international decisions/discussions that OUR country makes.
9-Presidential voting laws should be the same for every State. The obvious reason why they do not want this is because they can manipulate the voting system if there is no static truth regarding how to operate it.
10-Allowing crime to progress and literally control certain States is sad but this allows them to get Federal kickbacks and “free money” to further their insanity.
11-One of the reasons why our Government is moving toward Marxism is because their “Super Computer” has informed them that because the population is increasing, and people are living longer on top of that, they must control the coming masses. A form of communism is their answer. In this sense they believe that they are more “enlightened” than us.
12-The allowance for somebody in our Democratic-Republic to run for President as a Socialist/Marxist is certainly unconstitutional. Why would this not be a threat to the Republic? A Republic government accepting the choice of communism?
These are just some of the problems which are in fact fixable. However, the Scriptures inform us that this is just the beginning of all the craziness. As Christians we try our best to vote for the “moral” politicians and get involved where and when we can but we certainly realize that our ultimate Kingdom is not of this “fallen” world.
I believe that we will watch even crazier incidents occur having to do with America’s politicians as we enter the year 2021. I would urge you to watch “The Babylonian Cup” prophecy, popularly known amongst us as, “The Whirlwind Prophecy” [click here to readit!]. In this prophecy God clearly outlines what is happening before our very eyes. It is a prophecy which concerns the entire planet and her rulers.
Predictions as we go into 2021
I believe that we will see a huge increase of unemployed and homelessness as we approach the end of this New Year (2021). We will see many large companies collapse or move completely out of the United States. This will take the so called “middle class”, those who actually pay for all of your Government programs, and relocate them. Some of the stronger conservative States will become filled with conservative Christians.
The current Anti-Christ spirit is trying to separate people into larger groups. This will allow them to manipulate the population, money, and politics. They will pass new laws for “this group” and “that group”. Hollywood will continue to become more and more unpopular. Actors and Actresses from Hollywood will no longer get the attention that they once had.
The jet-stream of our planet will continue to change the weather - as it resettles’ the North and South Pole will relocate. We will see much more snow storms in the upper eastern States. Increase in sizable earthquakes and extreme “signs in the heavens” will dominate the news.
So hold on dear fellow Christian. We are on track prophetically. God has warned and proved His Word more than once. Continue to study with us here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth” to keep up to date with what is happening on our planet.
Stay Awake, Aware, & Alert!
It is my hope that you, as a true Christian, become aware of what is happening. As Christians we maintain the individual identity that God gave us. The only thing we renounce is the “fallen world” with its fake reality and synthetic morals. We give up the Fallen Matrix. We give up our fallen nature and surrender to the Divine Will. We experiment with God’s Truth and leave “mans truth” behind.
True individuality is not accomplished until the person discovers who they truly are in Christ. This fallen world is without true worship and contact with Divine Intelligence, instead it follows the denizens of Darkness. The world lives in the Fallen Matrix. The masses are for the most part, controlled by the tactics of fallen psychology. The politicians manipulate individuals and society.
True Christians have received the “New Birth” and are awake to what is really going on. As Christians we have the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ….download it into your soul now! Though we live in this fallen world there is still much beauty here for us to take in and enjoy. We are careful who we befriend but at the same time we show compassion on the lost and hurting. Though we live in this fallen world we are not consumed by it.
Keep with Jesus every day,
Eric William King (January 24th 2021) (Visit original link)
TSW July 2021 Predictions Come True!
We [TSW] predicted that July of this year -2021- there would be major weather upheavals, political problems and social issues that would upset many things. Were we correct? Let’s see and you can make up your own decision.
July 2021 Issues Come to Light
1-Record breaking heat worldwide.
2-Record breaking flooding and rain worldwide.
3-Strange earthquakes.
4-Over 600 tons of marine life float up dead on Florida’s shores.
5-The new strain of Corona Virus (Delta) reeks havoc.
6-Haiti president was assassinated.
7-Record illegal immigrants crossing USA boarders raising much havoc.
8-Rare tornado and hail activity.
9-Violent crime raging in the USA.
10-Record severe droughts.
11-Unrest in Cuba and China.
12-Record suicides amongst the youth.
13-Record drug overdoses in all age groups.
14-Economic inflation and fewer people going back to work.
15-Record homelessness problems.
16-Political lawlessness like never witnessed before.
17-Dead birds falling from the sky.
18-Police officers continuing to quit their job.
19-Wild Fires burning out of control.
20-Afghanistan ready for war.
21-Frequent shark attacks along major coastlines.
All of this coming to light and happening in the year 2021 in the month of July!
We could actually add much more but these are some of the problems which have affected everybody. As Christians [Ancient Antiochene Church of America] we have been warning about the “signs of the times” and just where we all stand in prophetic history. What should true Christians be doing?
Through the prophet Haggai God warned His true people that because they have kept their own houses clean but have “neglected the House of God” [the true Church today] that He would send severe drought and withhold crops.
God asked Jonah to go to Nineveh and warn the people of what was truly going on so that they could change their ways. Of course Jonah did not want to go but he ended up, through a process, going to Nineveh and warning the people.
In the last couple of verses of the Book of Jonah God basically says that “you have taken care of your own stuff but not the rest of the people”. In other words, you have been selfish, only concerned about what you need and want and have ignored the greater picture. What can we learn from this? Americans need to start caring about America as a whole! We have a country.
God finally said to Jonah; “But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?” [Jonah 4:11]
So dear Christian, I invite you to wake up! Get busy studying here all of our prophetic warnings and share what you learn but always include the Good News that we have in our beloved Savior, Jesus the Christ.
May you stay strong in God’s word and work,
Eric William King (July 31st 2021) (Visit original link)
Putin will not get what he wants!
By Eric William King (April 1st 2022)
We have been predicting this current war between Russia and the Ukraine for some time now. In Ezekiel ch. 38 we have Russia (also; Moscow, Tobolsk) mentioned by name in the first couple verses. The chapter goes on to describe the fact that the "latter-day" ruler of Russia, Gog (Vladimir Putin) would be "pulled out by hooks" in his jaw.
This was figurative of President Joe Biden basically inviting Putin to go ahead and fight because a "small incursion" wouldn't be a problem (according to Bidden). Putin took the bait and went into Ukraine.
In Ezekiel ch. 38 Ukraine is described as an "un-walled" peaceful land, before Putin invaded. Also, we have documented the fact that the Ukraine is made up of many ancient descendants of literal Israel. They contain bloodlines from many of the so called "lost tribes of Israel". Their current president being Jewish. Many Jewish settlements also are in the Ukraine so this is the "Israel" referred to that Russia would come against in these last days up to verse 16.
I urge you to watch the following lecture on this important topic which I gave a short time ago. Please share it with fellow Christians. It is time to pay attention like never before.
~eric (Visit original link)
Food & Water Shortages....and the Kingdom of God!
As the temperatures rise in many places around our planet we can expect new and greater problems. We have predicted that over 1/3rd of the United States of America will be in severe drought by the end of this summer (2022).
Over 700 million people on this planet are experiencing water shortages. At "The Shepherds Way" and "Nugget of Truth" we have been warning about food and water shortages like never experienced before in countries that have been blessed for many generations.
The United States and Britain are certainly not immune to great food and water shortages. Our current weather patterns along with the misplacing of millions of people due to the Russia/Ukraine war will continue to hurt and harm many. I believe that many parts of the planet will experience the worst water shortages and food shortages in years.
God will continue to allow humanity to experience hardships which are caused because the world has turned away from Him. No form of human government will bring the lasting peace that only God's true Kingdom can usher in. When Jesus Christ returns with "all His saints" He will then begin to set up His Davidic Kingdom which will last 1000 years.
On the New Earth which is to come there will be no more food and water shortages..it will be Paradise on Earth.
Do you know about this Kingdom? Do you have the Good News? Are you a child of God ready to enter this blessed Utopia?
Continue your studies with us here at TSW!
~Behold the Lamb of God is returning soon!
Eric William King (April 2nd 2022) (Visit original link)
Lights in the Sky ~2021
Many Christians wonder what their response should be to all of the UFO phenomenon. We here at TSW have given a solid Biblical response to this issue. You can watch our, "Eric W. King's Response to UFO's" video talk - and you can read our "Enoch Prophecy" which gives interesting insight regarding the extraterrestrial phenomenon.
We have predicted that many more strange "lights" will be spotted in the sky before the end of this year (2021). Strange objects will be filmed and shown on TV and on the internet to amaze the masses. This is all part of the final Antichrist's plan to unite the planet into a ONE WORLD ORDER which will incorporate Marxism.
So stay tuned here to find out what is really going on with this subject and numerous other topics. We will end with a quote from the Enoch Prophecy;
TSW Predictions of extreme riots!
TSW Predictions May 28th..........Insight for your every Saturday!
The Revealing!................................................April 8th 2022
The Revealing.....the Book of Revelation is called in the Greek, Apokalypsis. It literally means "the unveiling" or "the revealing". Today many people read the Book of Revelation and find its content to be extremely unintelligible. Why? Because the language it uses is mostly symbolic, written using a code of language used over 2000 years ago.
Nonetheless, Jesus Christ states that He can and is revealing these sacred codes to us today. The original Church of God (first called Christians in Antioch) is still here and has the code to understand the prophecy (Revelation) in its fullest sense.
It contains the information of what is to occur on "the Lord's day". This is not a literal 24 hour day, it is not a Saturday or Sunday - it is the Day of God's Wrath! The prophet Zephaniah and Isaiah and Joel refer to this time along with many other of the prophets. Apostle John in vision was was transported to what will happen during this time of great judgment. This time involves what has popularly become known as, "The Great Tribulation".
The prophet Daniel was told that many of the visions he was shown were to be "sealed to the time of the end". The Apokalypsis is the unveiling of Daniel's prophecies along with the understanding of the complete Bible. The Bible itself could not fully be understood until the Apokalypsis, the revealing which is the opening of the Seven Seals.
Only on this website (The Shepherds Way & Nugget of Truth) will you truly get what the Seven Seals represent and the contents of them after being opened by "the Lamb of God", Jesus the Christ.
Also, we must understand that our planet is really no longer ruled by individual governments as much as it is ruled by Oligarchies. Even the United States is no longer a republic or democracy but instead it is ruled by a handful of rich families. These families compete with each other and have taken sides. One group is "conservative" and the other "liberal". The United States is divided into two major camps thus we are a nation divided.
Even Vladimir Putin is exposing these realities of oligarchies and the fight they all have for a "One World Order". The Book of Revelation helps us to understand these things in greater detail and proves just how close we are to the end of this current system of things.
Prophecy is extremely important for true Christians. Most of the Bible contains prophecy and "the testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy" (Revelation 19:10).
Christians need to wake up! Jesus told us to "watch" and to "understand". Prophecy is part of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and is the needed spiritual food that we need today.
May you keep studying with us,
Eric William King (April 8th 2022) (Visit original link)
Worldly Conditions................................................April 16th 2022
The condition of the mass population is not good. There is war, there is extreme weather conditions, there is hunger and thirst, there is sickness and death. The degeneration of the Human race has been consistent and growing. There has always been violence but not on the scale it can be reached today.
There has always been sexual sin, but not at the mass level it is proudly being practiced today. Yes...this planet has had sin since the beginning but the percentage of people committing terrible acts has in fact increased. Population is growing and so is sin.
There has always been thievery but not at the fast level of increase as being witnessed now. All of these conditions point to the escalation of Bible prophecy. Drug abuse on the open streets and at the market place is frightening. Homelessness is a growing problem in every city, big and small.
These are all indicators of just where God's Church is standing in Prophetic History. Please continue to study your Bible here with us at "The Shepherds Way" & "Nugget of Truth". Stay awake!
Keep the Faith!
~Eric W. King (April 16th 2022) (Visit original link)
What are you watching for?............................................April 30th 2022
Today many people are feeling anxious, like..."What next?" As true Christians we have been given so much Truth in God's word including "history in advance" because of Bible prophecy. The global events happening now and those ones yet to come are real - and no surprise to the Christian.
The Bible reveals that very soon a great world superpower will rise up as America continues to be weakened. America has turned away from God. Soon a resurgent Europe will become the new world "superpower". It will have a confederacy of ten other countries, a new kind of EU, NATO, UN. This new power will mean business and it will demonstrate it soon.
All of what I have just stated including the first phase of war now being experienced in the Ukraine has been prophesied to occur in your Christian Bible. We have been documenting all of these important things here at "The Shepherds Way" & "Nugget of Truth" finishing up a five year phase of our ministry.
As far as the Middle East is concerned we will begin to watch Iran unite with their own new confederacy which will include Muslim countries. God has been warning His true people about the destiny of our planet for more than 6000 years. Do not be surprised that God Almighty can give prophecies centuries and even 1000 years before they begin to happen. Many scholars have documented over 300 prophecies just about Christ alone which have come to pass.
One example of the accuracy of "time prophecies" is the fact that King Cyrus [Koresh] was prophesied to to appear and free Judah from Babylonian captivity almost two centuries before he was born, even called by name, through the prophet Isaiah.
Koresh then appointed Zerubbabel to help finish the temple which was destroyed under King Nebuchadnezzar. The latter-day Zerubbabel is mentioned in the prophet Zechariah. He typifies the Seventh Messenger to the Church of Laodicea. We are in the seventh-church-epoch and we must now understand the Seventh Message!
This is the last wake-up call to the Christian Church before Jesus returns to take His true Bride home. May you stay here with us and continue to study your Bibles.
Always in the presence of Christ Jesus,
~Eric William King (April 30th 2022) (Visit original link)
Extreme anxiety and change..................
We are living in times of extreme anxiety and change. Jesus warned that things wouldn't really improve much since sin entered our Fallen Matrix. America has lost its true identity and identity as some say "is everything".
This is why so many confused Americans are looking for identity in many things including gender. The perverted teachings of "the god of this world" are being published proudly now throughout our schools. America, like ancient Israel of old, is going into captivity. We are already into captivity through "politically correct speech".
America needs to wake up and realize who she truly is! We are descendants of Ancient Israel and we have a destiny.
Abortion....today the subject of killing babies continues. Most people do not realize that it was Dr. Bernard Nathanson & Dr. Lawrence Lader who started the business of aborting children on a new level. These two men coined the term; "Freedom of Choice" and "Women must have control over their bodies."
So it was two atheistic men that started the whole controversy at a new level. They founded the first human killing organization known as NARAL. Now, the current president and vice president of the United States wants the Federal Government to control and regulate the killing of children.
As true Christians we value the gift of human life as a most sacred and blessed responsibility given to us by our Creator - Divine Intelligence.
I would encourage you to watch a past lecture that I gave on the subject of "Creation" which touches the sacred subject of human life and the topic of abortion. Please watch and share with others.
~Eric W. King May 7th 2022 (Visit original link)
Hostility towards Christians will Increase
By Eric William King
I have been getting letters from fellow Christians on how they are being treated at the work place. If you hold to a moral standard you are picked on a persecuted and even fired from your job sometimes.
To even talk about moral issues upsets most people today. To be moral is to be “ignorant” or even “stupid”. Satan has broadcasted his fake message for so long that the condition of this planet is complete violence, lies, sexual perversion and mental illness.
When the “fallen ones” who, because of pride, refuse to listen to God they feel condemned and guilty. Instead of repenting they get violent and filled with hate. God tells the human race the true condition of its moral state and what must be done to fix it but the world is not interested.
Before God sent “the flood” we read; “Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all people on earth had corrupted their ways.” (Genesis 6:12) We are also told that; “The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.” (Genesis 6:5)
Today’s world is no different. Saint Jude spoke regarding such a bad human condition, he said; “Yet these men speak abusively against whatever they do not understand; and what things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animals – these are the very things that destroy them.” (Jude 10) As a matter of fact, Scripture warns us; “And lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.” (Matthew 24:12)
As Christians we pray for the world and wish that everything was not getting any worse, but the fact is mans sinful nature has and will get the best of him. Things are not going to get better. Unfortunately humans will continue to use their gift of “freewill” to make selfish and sinful choices thinking that they know better than their Creator [Divine Intelligence]. As Christians we are instructed; “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world [the fallen sinful world], the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world – the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does – comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.” (1st John 2:15-17)
The Coming False Religion
The false religion that Satan is constructing for this world is a religio/political system. The Bible informs us that a “world order” is currently being constructed which we see involves Marxism and ultimately totalitarianism. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have been riding even before the final Anti-Christ appears. This First Horse is “the spirit of the False Christ” [Anti-Christ]. (Matthew 24:4-5) He is concerned with the full establishment of the False Religion (Rev. 6:1-2). This false religion is being created now through the false religio/system and those whose pockets support it. It is a system that redefines what sin is and places all of its human “reason” and “logic” in place of Divine Intelligence. It is a selfish and prideful state of mind that thinks it knows better than God or the true message of Christianity.
First we will be taught that all the old religions must go. In fact the antichrist-spirit is teaching that Christianity has ruined this planet and that it must (at least in its current form) be removed. The fallen ones claim that Christianity “keeps one enslaved”, as a matter of fact Karl Marx taught this. Communism also teaches this lie. Today everybody is being taught that they are a “victim” and then they are taught to complain and cry about it really loud until they get everything for “free”.
The fallen ones see true Christianity (Ancient Antiochene Christianity – first called Christians in Ancient Antioch, Acts 11:26) as an obstacle that they must remove. Satan has begun his re-education plans in all of America’s public schools. They are trying to turn children’s minds away from the morality of the Christian Bible. What are they replacing it with? - Immoral trash and sexual perversion.
There is nothing wrong with patriotic prayer. Though we as true Christians are legitimate members of the Kingdom of God we are also on planet earth. While here we have a mission. We are to live, teach and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the only hope for this lost world.
Sadly, we Americans are experiencing things that Jesus warned about. Fighting in the streets, violence, political division and Marxist God-hating groups along with pagan occultists are coming to light.
Our prayer from TSW is if you are a true Christian don’t give in or give up. All is happening just as our loving Heavenly Father informed us. God does not lie, just watch the news and see how accurate His word is.
Soon the true Kingdom of God will be established! Praise God!
Stay with us here beloved brothers & sisters in the Lord.
Eric William King (July 18th 2021) (Visit original link)

May God help us.

The Problem with America
By Eric William King
The problem with America: I will be blunt in this article only because I realize the current and urgent danger in America of completely coming apart. We have lost our Christian roots. We have been infiltrated by the “mobocracy” mind of labelism and bucket dumping. There are many today who like to “label” and divide”. They use the tactic of tribal mind control. They label people who disagree with them and then dump those who disagree with them under certain names and labels – labelism.
Then there are all the new labels found on protest groups. Everybody is being placed in this group or that. As Christians we understand that everybody is human and everybody is dealing with sin in their lives. Sin is the problem. Christianity has the ultimate answer to sin and that is the person of Jesus Christ.
For thousands of years mankind has sought for lasting peace. In today’s globally connected world we all face even more threats than our ancestors. Global catastrophes both natural and manmade are different today than ever before. Have we learned yet that men cannot put a permanent end to any of these issues?
We will all always have to unfortunately deal with bad people. In today’s world of extreme materialism bad people have gotten even more dangerous.
The mental qualities of the extreme God haters have been schooled in many centuries. When we follow their path we find Marxism, communism and God-hating - we find true evil. Their hatred towards true morality is extreme and violent. To the extremely deceived “self-preservation” is the naked instinct. They care not for the whole of our people nor their own nation. They burn the flag and hate God-lovers. All who show any respect for authority are marked by the extremely lost people.
Burning the American flag and yelling “Death to America!” is a sign of youth who have not a clue of how nations are built and the cost of freedom. American younger people have never experienced the horrors of war and what it means to starve.
Sadly, they go along with the mob and have no true individuality. They dance in tribal music chants and stay stoned – they belong to this group or that. They never want the mind too clear…that would expose who they truly are. People are scared today because the so called “adults” have not grown up and lack the maturity it takes to raise children. True moral people, those properly taught and raised, love Divine Intelligence and have the capability to learn amongst diversity.
Most of the younger extreme crowds join in riots not knowing or even caring about what they are rioting for. The schools in America cheer their fallen students on. They have no true concept of Communism and Marxism because they have never experienced it and they refuse to learn from those who have truly survived it. They are immature agitators and are a danger to the United States of America.
As true Christians we have learned that we can never put all of our hopes in human efforts to bring ultimate peace and utopia. Until Jesus Christ returns we will always have sin in this world. War, crime, pollution, poverty, and other issues will always be the challenge to overcome but not without the help of God – Divine Intelligence.
Our hope must be in God. Our love must come from God. All nations, tribes, and tongues have true Christians living in them that can help pave the way for the benefit of others. It is time for all true Christians to stand up and count the cost – get busy.
Only those who truly love God will find the one true vision; join it, support it, fight for it and hold it and win. It is time for the workers in America to stand up when our fallen government refuses to. We have the right to defend ourselves against all the senseless violence.
It is time to truly expose the media and all public liars who are trying to make us their puppets.
It is my prayer that true Christians study here at “The Shepherds Way” and find the vision. Pray to our God to help us in these times of trouble. Perhaps America may receive blessings again and prosper like never before. It is up to the Christians to preserve the true and free America. Now is the time, the last time to choose. The destiny of our country will be shaped on the choices that we make. I pray that we do not fail.
Eric William King (August 24th 2020) (Visit original link)
Return to the Lord
Exposing the Silent Christians
By Eric William King
Undisciplined churches attack ministers who, though imperfect, are teaching the Word of God. They are threatened by the Truth. God’s word exposes them all as hypocrites. It is always easy (sissy la la) to attack the “messengers” instead of listening to the Truth of the message. All practicing sinners(Christians who refuse to grow) look for excuses.
Jesus said that John the Baptist came neither “eating” (glutton) or “drinking” (alcohol) and you felt that he could not understand sinners (“stuck up”). So, Jesus said, “I came both eating and drinking and you claim that I have a devil.” In other words, “you simple minded morons” - you find any excuse to ignore the Truth…you do not understand the seriousness of your own sinful nature. (Matthew 11:18-19)
The so called modern “western intellectuals” think that their fallen human reason and logic supersedes Divine Intelligence. With their “tribal music” and “drugs” they proclaim their sickness as “enlightenment”. The Anglo-Saxons [Isaac’s sons] who started (founded) this country came over here to get away from paganism and false worship, not to “enhance it”. True Christians from every race, nation, tribe and tongue need to now speak out the Truth. A Country that replaces God with drugs is in great trouble. Those modern pagans who think it is “cool” to sell drugs to children will certainly be judged by God.
As True Christians we do not want false gods… false pagan worship. It is time for America and Great Briton to stand up again for the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Restore true morality. Today some Christians say that they do not understand how someone as great as King Solomon could turn to idolatry yet they themselves now accept abortion...the killing of children in the name of “Christianity”.
Will the true Christians now stand up? Occult “mysticism” has now penetrated the news, commercials, school text books, cartoons, video games, movies, etc. The pagan darkness has tried to shut out the bright-light of pure Christianity. False religion is not something to play with. My hope is that the fallen churches of America and Great Briton WAKE UP!
Jesus says to the fallen churches: “Look! I have been standing at the door and I am constantly knocking. If anyone hears me calling him opens the door, I will come in and fellowship with him and he with me.” (Revelation 3:20)
As far as doctrine goes, the fallen churches refuse to go deep into their faith. We are to truly study God’s word. Most Christians are still “drinking milk” - they do not even know the true history of their Christian faith. To these Jesus Christ says;
“My advice to you is to buy pure gold (true doctrine) from me, gold purified by fire – only then will you truly be (spiritually) rich.” (Revelation 3:18)
Professing Christians are running to the latest food craze, the latest virtual video game, and a host of other things rather than to God. The false religions offering health, healing, and wholeness minus true salvation and forgiveness are promoted everywhere. It’s all about “the Self” minus God - self-help programs galore. There is no respect (fear of God) left for those in such traps.
Every Christian should be informed about the true history of his or her faith. Here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth” we offer that strong foundation to help get you started. It is time to take a true journey into what you think you truly believe.
May God richly bless all who study here.
Resting in the finished work of my Lord, Jesus the Christ.
Eric William King (August 12th 2020) (Visit original link)
When the Satellites fall...WW3 Will Commence!
We hope that you have enjoyed this special insight given to us by Eric William King throughout the years. Please continue to study with us here at "The Shepherds Way" & "Nugget of Truth".
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