Friday, April 1, 2022

Putin will not get what he wants!


Putin will not get what he wants!

By Eric William King (April 1st 2022)

We have been predicting this current war between Russia and the Ukraine for some time now. In Ezekiel ch. 38 we have Russia (also; Moscow, Tobolsk) mentioned by name in the first couple verses. The chapter goes on to describe the fact that the "latter-day" ruler of Russia, Gog (Vladimir Putin) would be "pulled out by hooks" in his jaw.

This was figurative of President Joe Biden basically inviting Putin to go ahead and fight because a "small incursion" wouldn't be a problem (according to Bidden). Putin took the bait and went into Ukraine.

In Ezekiel ch. 38 Ukraine is described as an "un-walled" peaceful land, before Putin invaded. Also, we have documented the fact that the Ukraine is made up of many ancient descendants of literal Israel. They contain bloodlines from many of the so called "lost tribes of Israel". Their current president being Jewish. Many Jewish settlements also are in the Ukraine so this is the "Israel" referred to that Russia would come against in these last days up to verse 16.

I urge you to watch the following lecture on this important topic which I gave a short time ago. Please share it with fellow Christians. It is time to pay attention like never before.




Above: Eric William King gives the biblical reality of just what is
happening with Russia and the Ukraine!

Read our Past TSW Predictions..............................

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